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Cushions for new bench
By Poppylover99

1 Apr, 2012
As the weather was so sunny last week, I managed to put out the cushions I made as a winter project.
Comments on this photo
they're very colourful and welcoming - so long as you remember to put them away each time you go in, unless your bench has a waterproof roof!
1 Apr, 2012
The rain is not the problem Fran. Its the birdies, much as I love them they like to perch on the roof of the gazebo and drop little messages down - Like the dove from I cover it over when Im not around with one of those waterproof covers, so the cushions can stay out.
1 Apr, 2012
Thanks Sticki. I like making things, apart from being cheaper they are unique. It gave me something to do too.
1 Apr, 2012
i love crafts, just having a go at something different
1 Apr, 2012
That's really lovely, love the country feel to it.
1 Apr, 2012
Im still very influenced by New England style crafts and I have a love of chickens! We were lucky enough to visit there a few years ago. Id love to go again but am afraid it will spoil the lovely memories. (I dont think its ever as good as the first time) I have great plans for my new shed. They use arty farty flags on their wood lap houses and the white chapels..... love em.
1 Apr, 2012
I went to Switzerland when I was 8, but I dont want to go back in case its not the same!!
1 Apr, 2012
I expect it is Sticki. We went to Switzerland quite a few years ago. I still remember how clean it was and how lovely the cakes and pastries looked in the bakers windows. We abandoned the car and spent loads of time on lake Geneva on boat trips. Went across to very pretty ancient village in France, cant remember the name. Im sure it wont have changed much, maybe a bit pricier?? We were driving/camping, Im too old to do that now, I need a bit of comfort!
1 Apr, 2012
well i cant afford it either so thats another reason!!!
we stayed in a wooden chalet, half way up a mountain, we used to wake up in the clouds!!! or above the clouds sometimes. there was a field of flowers and grass in front of us and they used to rake the long grass with those wooden rakes.
it also had those huge feather duvets on the beds ~ before they were used over here at all ~ shows how long ago it was.
1 Apr, 2012
That could be straight from the pages of 'Heidi' Sounds lovely Sticki, maybe better if you leave it as a nice memory - like me with New England. either that or sell it to a washing powder manufacturer for their next advertising campaign!
1 Apr, 2012
No camera in those days poppy! But a nice dream! Just like Heidi!
1 Apr, 2012
bless :)))))
1 Apr, 2012
1 Apr, 2012
Clever you!! love the colour and the designs
1 Apr, 2012
Yes Meadow, lets hope those days are behind us now. Thank you Sheilar, I cant paint but I can sew! everyone has a talent somewhere I think.
1 Apr, 2012
You're right there Poppylover - everyone has some talent (I'm still looking for mine!!!)
1 Apr, 2012
Love these as well as your new avatar :)
1 Apr, 2012
I can imagine sitting there with a nice cuppa :o)
2 Apr, 2012
Well I can tell you of one talent you have without even thinking Sheilar - You make me laugh- thats a really good talent!
Id love to have you for a cuppa Lil and Hywel. Just updated the avatar Lil to go with the nice weather - thanks :)))
2 Apr, 2012
Well apparently I am destined to meet up with a fellow GoYer in Kent......when I win the lottery.
I'll pick up Hywel and we will definitely have a cuppa then ;)))))
2 Apr, 2012
I love the cushions Poppy , clever girl , I love chickens as well ! sounds like Hywel is in for a treat :o)) ...
2 Apr, 2012
Lol Amy....poor Hywel will be wondering/worried about what he's in store for ;)))
2 Apr, 2012
That's a cracking set of cushions P.lover. You could start up another business! ;))
2 Apr, 2012
Lil Im sure Hywel would love our company - he can hold his own very well Im sure! The kettle will be on for when you arrive. Id love some real chickens Amy. Ty so much Karensusan, I did think about doing home furnishings before I opened my flower shop, but its blooming heavy work. I went for the soft option. Its still nice to do some bits and pieces for yourself though.
3 Apr, 2012
Yes, indeed....good for you! :)
3 Apr, 2012
lovely cushions, there are so many clever people here on Goy, im afraid i cant make anything useful:-(
18 Apr, 2012
Dont believe that Dawn - you just havent found something you want to make badly enough - either that or you have loads of money and you can afford to buy it!! lol
18 Apr, 2012
im no good at making anything:-( but i can look after chickens and cats and horses and thats about it! and no i havent got loads of money cos it goes on the animals!! lol, are you the one that makes moisaics? i want to make them too, but alas im not arty enough:-((
18 Apr, 2012
No not tried my hand at that ...yet. - but you never know until you try! I like the quirky stuff and little signs to add a bit of interest in the garden. I keep thinking I might make a scarecrow to sit on my bench! Im quite at home with chicken wire and moss!
18 Apr, 2012
I love all the same cottagey, vintagey, hand crafted things as you! Lovely photee. x
21 Apr, 2012
Thankyou Jill. Im glad you like cottagey, vintagey. Theres alot of it in the GC's now, whereas when I first started doing it there was nothing to be found. Its alot cheaper if you do it yourself though and you know your neighbours or friends wont have the same! Someone elses junk is my treasure!
24 Apr, 2012
hmmmm if only I could sew a stitch!!!!!
26 Apr, 2012
very smart PL - you still getting your chickens ? :)))))
4 May, 2012
I would definately like to Paul - Its just finding a bit of space that's suitable for a coop in the garden, plus the fact I dont have a clue how to keep them. I need to do a bit of research before I go any further I think.
4 May, 2012
:)))) be nice for you though if you did PL :)))
4 May, 2012
Yeah definately :-))))))))
5 May, 2012
5 May, 2012
Hidden talents shining through the designs.
12 May, 2012
Hello Stroller, I'm following you again:-) I love the cushions Poppy, wish I had the patience to do things properly like you. I like to call things I make or do's my excuse anyway. You should try chickens, I had some years ago, a mother and daughter white silkies. They were so lovely, but it took me a while to eat their eggs...felt a bit like cannibalism lol. A fox got them one night. My fault, took me ages to get over it. All that was left was one headless body:-( Now I've cheered you up...I'll be off:-)
12 May, 2012
I found my ideal chicken in the Gardeners emporium BA. Ill put a photo of her on a bit later. Pimpernel was telling me about silkies. Can you get black ones too? I have a black dog and Im just magnetically attracted to black animals! I stood talking for ages to a lady who is quite new to chickens. She has only had hers for a couple of years. By the end of the conversation she'd convinced me I must get some. I am still a bit worried about the foxes though. I think that experience you had would devastate me too.
13 May, 2012
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I do like those! what a great idea, clever you.
1 Apr, 2012