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peaceful retreat
By Badgerboygaz

5 May, 2010
a view down the bottom half of my back garden after about four years of turning an area that you couldnt even walk down for overgrown brambles and rubbish
Comments on this photo
Well done you!! Welcome to GOY, can't wait to seeing more pictures.
6 May, 2010
Welcome !
All your hard work has paid off.
6 May, 2010
welcome to GOY beautiful garden you have there
6 May, 2010
It gives me hope for my overgrown, brambly area out back. Even the thought of clearing it wears me out.
7 May, 2010
Lots of energy has gone into the transformation of this lovely area. Well done!
10 May, 2010
Well done you !!!!!!! Lovely
23 May, 2010
Excellent makeover
28 May, 2010
it is amazing view ,amazing work,well done
2 Aug, 2010
Inspiring! I've added it to my favourites, in hope of trying something similar . . . SUCH an optimist.
31 Dec, 2010
This is truely a peaceful retreat,hope you get time to sit in it and enjoy it,must be so relaxing ! loving it
20 May, 2011
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Wow!! I love your garden!!
6 May, 2010