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Yellow watering can (for OB)
By Gee19
- 25 Apr, 2010
My little bargain watering can but it hasn't such an exclusive home as your lovely new potting shed :)
Comments on this photo
You wont lose that one in a hurry.......
25 Apr, 2010
LOL very nice.
26 Apr, 2010
Gee19. Where did you get the watering can? I love it!!
29 Apr, 2010
I bought mine from a local (fairly!) garden centre but it is a Haws so should be available anywhere. It is small but ideal for watering seedlings.
29 Apr, 2010
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Very fetching Gee and it doesn't need an exclusive home as it was a pound cheaper than mine so exclusive enough!!!
Nice bright colour....can't lose that one:0))
I'm glad you're as pleased with yours as I am with mine, as well.
25 Apr, 2010