January 2010
You are invited to come visit my garden.
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5
We have arrived.
Photo 6
Part of the roof of my house is visible covered in snow in the bottom right corner.
Photo 7
This photo shows the same tree as photo 6 in sunshine.
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5
Photo 6
Photo 8
Perhaps if I put some food out I will get some visitors.
Photo 9
Photo 10
This is my new shed I started building in 2009.
Photo 11
This is the view from my shed in the previous photo.
Photo 12
This is a new pond I built in 2009. I invited suggestions for a name in 2009 from GOY members. I decided to call it the Kin Jin pond as suggested by Catfinch. The words are Chinese and Japanese for gold.
Photo 13
This is my design solution to building a pond on a steep slope. The deck surrounding the pond is needed so that weeding can be undertaken on the bank on the left without falling in the pond. Also the deck provides a better view down to the next level on the right.
Photo 14
Photo 15
Photo 16
Photo 17
I built this summer house in 2008 and made the new pond in 2009. As an experiment I put a net over half the pond about 2 to 3 feet above the water to stop leaves falling in. This worked well and the wind even blew the leaves off the net too. As you can see the wieight of snow has half collapsed the net.
Photo 18
The summer house was named the Miyagi house. Mr. Miyagi was the Okinawan instructor of the Karate Kid in the 1984 film of that name.
Photo 19
The weight of the snow collapsed the bamboo in front of the house.
Photo 20
Photo 21
Photo 22
I have had a visitor – can you tell from these footprints on my lawn who it was?
Photo 23
Photo 24
I think it might have been this shy fellow.
Photo 25
Photo 26
Photo 30
Photo 31
Summit of Snowdon as requested by Sid
11 Jan, 2010
Previous post: Roses - do they grow on you?
Next post: March 2010
What a wonderful winter land blog love the scenes and lovely shots of the birds too and a lovely fox and rose towards the end.
11 Jan, 2010
Great pics, thanks for sharing ..:0)
11 Jan, 2010
Great photos the fox is my favourite.
11 Jan, 2010
Loved your Blog & Pics GF :)
11 Jan, 2010
lovely pictures, thanks :)))))
11 Jan, 2010
Great blog...thanks, GF, for sharing...
11 Jan, 2010
Love it, brilliant photos GF
11 Jan, 2010
They certainly are! No end in sight yet, then?
11 Jan, 2010
What wonderful photos gf, they are as good as any professional ones I've seen. That lovely fox looks in remarkably good condition. Thank you for letting us see them.
11 Jan, 2010
They are all lovely photos GF :-))
11 Jan, 2010
Proof as if it were needed that snow can paint a beautiful picture.
11 Jan, 2010
Absolutely wonderful,thanks Gf......
11 Jan, 2010
Beautiful scenary Gf. I think you can either hate the snow and wish it gone, or you can just enjoy its beauty while it lasts. Best to choose the latter me thinks :-) How deep did you get it? And where are the photos from the summit of Snowdon please?
11 Jan, 2010
Super photos particularly of the buzzard.
11 Jan, 2010
Great pics thanks for sharing them
11 Jan, 2010
lovely white stuff pics GF, loved the fox and bird pics to, i know im fed up with it all now but have to say snow paints a real pretty picture :o)
11 Jan, 2010
Some great photos there GF, lovely scenery.
11 Jan, 2010
brilliant photos.
11 Jan, 2010
Beautiful Gf.......looks fabulous there in North Wales, could be Narnia!...Lol Pic 11 my fave with the iced pools and snowy conifers and is that your Karate Kid viewpoint?.....:o)
12 Jan, 2010
12 Jan, 2010
Thank you everyone for your comments. Sorry I didn't put any captions on the photos. I have started to put on a few now.
Spritz - Still have snow on the ground, only a bit of light snow has fallen this week with more forecaste for tomorrow.
Sid - I have been lucky with the snow, I only had about 5 to 6 inches in my garden. I had not thought of going up Snowdon in the snow. It was on the news that somebody was camping 2000 feet up for a week in this weather and had to be rescued by helicopter.
Janey - I have put captions on the building photos now for your information. The view from the Miyagi house is not shown in these photos except of the new pond in photos 16/17.
12 Jan, 2010
Beautiful photos, loved them all. Thanks.
12 Jan, 2010
Wonderful photographs, especially the fox and the buzzard,
12 Jan, 2010
Sid - In response to your comment please see new photo 31 added today.
15 Jan, 2010
I enjoyed seeing your photos, they made me want to move in next door, or maybe you could rent me your summer house!!!
15 Jan, 2010
Dottydaisy2 - Thanks for your comment.If you liked the buzzard photos you might like to see my two photos of a buzzard in flight. I was particularly pleased to capture a photo of the outstretched wings from above. Those photos are in my blog called Winter photos taken Christmas eve.
Valadel & Reem777 - Thank you for your kind comments, I am pleased you enjoyed the photos.
15 Jan, 2010
Wonderful photos...a true winter wonderland.Love the fox,especially on the higher ground.Recognise photo 5 from your Christmas Eve blog....
16 Jan, 2010
Thank you for the pictures Gf, but if you don't mind I would rather not visit your garden at the moment, we have just too much of that white stuff at home. No offence meant :0).
16 Jan, 2010
Gf! You went up Snowdon? In the snow? I hope you wrapped up warm! lol Is the photo of a cairn on the summit? I see there is a benchmark on it. It is a little hobby of mine benchmark-spotting, so thanks for that!!
17 Jan, 2010
Bonkers - The closest I have gotten to the fox was about 10 yards in the autumn but I didn't get a photo. These shots were taken from quite a distance. Both photos were taken from in my garden, the fox was in the next door farmer's field you can see in photo 21.
Bulbaholic - No snow left in my garden now. How are you getting on up north?
Sid - I have been up Snowdon several times but I have not ascended it in the snow. This is the obelisk marking the summit.
17 Jan, 2010
Hi Gf, the snow in our own garden is going nicely but in the neigbours more shaded garden, where we grow the veg, there is still a couple of inches cover.
17 Jan, 2010
Hi, GF. Nice blog. Sorry I missed it when you posted it. What a difference a year makes. Last year we had record snowfall - the most snow fall in local history and this year we have had the least snowfall in local history. Your garden looks beautiful, winter and summer.
8 Mar, 2010
Hi Weeds, Thanks for your comment, glad you liked the blog, nice to have you back. It was certainly a change having your snow this year but I had nothing like as much as you had last year. I am having frosty nights and ice on my ponds but sunshine and blue skies during the day with no snow for well over a week now and so am getting stuck in to gardening.
9 Mar, 2010
Is the pretty golden dog yours? Or is that your granddog?
I'm itching to get outside again, still too muddy up behind the house to do very much but bulbs are pushing up leaves and my columbine and peonies are making themselves known. Makes me feel like smiling.
10 Mar, 2010
Weeds yes you are right that is Nala who is my daughter's dog. She is still a puppy and you can see how she has grown in photo 19 of my March 2010 blog when she was exactly 8 months old and I was dog sitting for a week. I think I like this time of year best for working in the garden. I really appreciate the lovely sunshine before it gets warm.
10 Mar, 2010
Nala has a sweet face.
We've had a few beautiful days here while the rest of the country is having terrible weather, but I don't feel guilty. Last year when they had cherry blossoms we had snow drifts. :-)
I've been out in the yard trimming, raking and enjoying watching things come to life again. It'll be more than a month till I can start planting without fear of frost, though.
17 Mar, 2010
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Oh! .....SO.. gorgeous... I love the fox!...Thank you for this blog!
11 Jan, 2010