Singing hedgehog, part two.
By gattina
Working out in the garden this afternoon, planting up the winter tubs, I could hear tremulous warbling coming from behind the locked cellar door, and assumed it was our hedgehog mum rounding up her babies. Cats went through the cat door, only to emerge very swiftly with panic-stricken looks. I went and found the key and opened the door. The moment I stepped into the cellar the sound stopped. I looked all around but could see nothing, and could hear no rustling under the logpile they call home. I went back outside, and up it started again. I went back in a second and third time, and eventually, by following the nervous gaze of a couple of our cats found a baby hedgehog who had obviously tumbled down into the concrete basin which houses the drain under the indoor tap, and couldn’t climb out again. He was almost invisible and standing in about a centimetre of cold water, which when you are a very small hedgehog is DEEP. We donned gardening gloves and lifted him out, and he promptly rolled into a tiny, shaking, very wet ball of prickles. We left him in peace and checked on him 5 minutes later, but he had gone – shuffling away under the logs. We have no way of knowing how long he had been down there. Luckily the weather is still very warm, but not so much down under the house. So, not Mum calling her babies this time, but a cry for help from one of them. Let’s hope they are reunited and that he isn’t too chilled to survive. We’ve up-ended the snowshovel blade and put it over the drain now. We’d never have found him until it was too late if he hadn’t sung so loudly.
5 Oct, 2011
Previous post: Stuck in the kitchen......
Next post: singing hedgehog, part three
Did you hear Gattina, that Hedgehogs are now officially on the endangered list in the UK ?
5 Oct, 2011
A lovely little story , Gattina , well saved !
5 Oct, 2011
oh gattina, so glad you found the little chap, hope he just went back to mum and is ok, what a lovely story..
5 Oct, 2011
Oh I do love happy endings;o)
5 Oct, 2011
Yes, Pimpernel - I remember it was one of the first comments I read just after I joined GoY, and it really shocked me. I love them, and they are such friends to the gardener, so they are always welcome. (Even when they come into our hallway and we find them curled up under the telephone table) I do know that lots of people, thinking to be kind, leave bread and milk out for them. BIG mistake - they are insectivores/carnivores, and milk will not only make them ill, it can kill them. Just keep slug pellets out of your garden, provide safe shelter, and every now and then, if you are sure it won't attract vermin, a little cat or dog food and clean water will make sure any who DO find your garden will want to make it home. Oh, and turn over any burnable garden rubbish BEFORE you make it it into a bonfire. Hey, do you think it could go viral? I shall have to go out and buy a tape recorder.
Seriously, I must try to be more careful to make our property safer for animals, wild or otherwise. The first year we were here, we used to leave water out for stray cats, and our neighbours' ducks used to come into our garden to drink it & bathe in it. We, at the same time, had fixed up a downpipe from the balcony guttering, into a big bucket beneath, to conserve what little rain we were getting. I was wandering up the garden one day and out of the corner of my eye noticed the head of a duck peering over the rim of the bucket. It had obviously fallen in and was quacking plaintively. I pulled it out and off it waddled. What REALLY shocked me was the second duck that the first duck had been balancing on top of, up to it's neck in cold water, and looking half dead. We pulled it out and I thought it was going to die, but we spread it out in the hot sunshine, and eventually it did recover and stagger off, but it did give us a shock. We have a nasty feeling that the poor thing had possibly been in that predicament for well over 24 hours. There are no uncovered buckets or drains any more in the garden, and we thought the sump the hedgehog fell into would never be a problem for any animal to climb out of. We were wrong. I still feel guilty.
5 Oct, 2011
Thats a lovely story Gattina, I remember years ago having that feeling when I found one in our pond, it had fallen out of the waterfall during the night and I didn`t find it in time, at least you got to yours and was able to rescue it, hopefully it has survived its ordeal..
5 Oct, 2011
I wasn't aware that hedgehogs are on the endangered list, that is a shock. Always a lovely story when someone saves wildlife.
5 Oct, 2011
So glad you found it, Gattina. Hope it recovers fully. As for the poor duck! At least you're an animal lover and do your best for them.
5 Oct, 2011
Lovely story about the hedgehog and the ducks! We had a similar problem here - We had a narrow strip of ground at the base of the wall holding the meadow back from sliding into our garden which, naturally, was a home for weeds and grass seeding from the meadow plants. Fed up with constantly weeding it, I covered the area with old folded compost bags - black side out - and stood three empty (for the moment!) pots on the bags to keep them in place. Working near there one day I heard a 'scrabbling' sound and traced it to one of the pots which had two 4" wall lizards and a large toad lurking in its depths, obviously drawn in by small snails judging by the amount of crushed and empty shells I also found! Pots now removed and any other empty pots in the garden are laid on their sides!
6 Oct, 2011
It seems to me that in general, gardeners tend to be compassionate, gentle people and closer to nature than others might be. Or perhaps we're just a bunch of soppy softies. Pimpernel, I was thinking of uploading the song onto my 'phone as a ringtone. Just thinking, mind you - not sure how to do it. :o)))
Lincslass, don't feel guilty - my little brother had a swimming pool in his garden (much posher than me), neglected to cover it one night and a sheep wandered in and drowned. It was found floating, feet stuck up in the air, the next morning. :-(((((
6 Oct, 2011
Poor little baby hedgehog. I'm glad he sang at you for you to find him/her.
7 Oct, 2011
So am I, Hywel, so am I.
7 Oct, 2011
Oh thats awful, I bet your brother was shocked to find that. We have always given our 2 cats dried food and they have their own little place where they spend most of their time and i often used to see a hedgehog in there eating their food.
7 Oct, 2011
Awww, Gattina, I love your stories about the little singing hedgehogs, they're so magical, in contrast, those poor ducks! It's like something from Aesop's Fables, the fox and the goat! Lol! You must have a very peaceful aura around you to have gained the trust of all these animals!
7 Oct, 2011
Rose, we have so many semi-feral cats we couldn't afford to feed them anything else, and it seems to make quite a good diet for spikeys as well. The cellar where any of our cats can shelter has high-up shelves which the cats like to sleep on, and piles of firewood and kindling down below where all our spikeys drag shredded plastic bags and cat-food bags to make nests. It couldn't be called cosy, exactly, but it's a lot better than being out in the open fields when it's -17° . All the cats are fattening up for winter now - they just eat and eat. Our surveyor came by the other day, and spying one that during the summer had been slight and lean, but was now getting very heavy, he chortled "Dio mio, che buon arrosto!" (My goodness, what a lovely roast!") Said roast left very fast.
Naah, Libet, we're softies and they know a good thing when they see it
7 Oct, 2011
Is there nothing they won't eat!! Lol! I think we're all softies at heart Gattina!!
7 Oct, 2011
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It is going to have to be taped Gattina...It could go viral.
5 Oct, 2011