Is there a Doctor Doolittle out there? Does anyone speak crow?
By gattina
Sorry, I have tried to take a picture, but they are just too far away to be worth while. You will just have to take my word for it that there is a really daft crow sitting in a tree down the valley, WITH TWIGS IN ITS BEAK! I always thought nesting was triggered by day length, not temperature. Does anyone know differently?
Someone needs to tell it that it is still only January 6th.
Poor, bewildered bird. Surely it can’t have found a similarly idiotic mate?
6 Jan, 2012
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Well the blackbirds are chuckling all day and many birds are singing in the day - it is great!"!!!!!
6 Jan, 2012
I just hope all these birds don't get as far as laying eggs, only to lose them all in the inevitable cold snap. (Optimistic as always) We've been having unseasonably mild weather, but it doesn't mean that winter will run its course in the same way. If there are enough insects around if and when the early fledglings are ready for them, then our gardens are going to be in a bad way this coming spring.
6 Jan, 2012
if not gattina, will you be running round catching insects for them?
6 Jan, 2012
Know what you mean Gattina - I think we're set for a very mild weekend - next weekend for 14th as winds could be from South but becoming breezy too - hope it stays mild - the days getting longer so some hope now
6 Jan, 2012
No, Sticki, I won't. It's bad enough trying feed all these blinking stray cats. I feel no strong emotional ties to crows.
6 Jan, 2012
I don't know anything about birds, but it maybe the mild weather is making the crow think it's spring already.
6 Jan, 2012
I love to hear all the birds twittering in the trees down my garden..I watch them got hours! lol i TRIED OT TAKE PICS THRU THE WINDOW OF SOME BLUETITS AND A FAMILY O CHAFFINCHES..OOPS Lol ans a teeny wee wren ...dorry am trying to type pn laptop and Suki who is sitting onmy jnee beside it keeps blocking waht am writing and stepping on thr keyboard lol
6 Jan, 2012
i can still read it pixi!!!
6 Jan, 2012
Haha shes gone now but i cant type very well on the lapyop anyway much for my NY resolutions lol
6 Jan, 2012
i specially like the lapyop!!!
6 Jan, 2012
We have a similar one here gattina and its collecting big twigs as well.I'm hoping that the winter doesn't arrive now as a few birds in the garden seem to be looking for nests.At least i can say our resident baby squirrel isn't going hungry. I would be amazed if there were any bulbs left in the garden. I was watching it eat one very large bulb this morning , I've given up trying to chase it off. At least its leaving the bird food alone.
6 Jan, 2012
6 Jan, 2012
Our crows are very very noisy but I haven't seen any nesting yet. But Mr Blackbird was making a determined effort to follow Mrs Blackbird around yesterday. She was being very coy and keeping just out of reach.
6 Jan, 2012
I can't say I blame her. Too soon, guys, too soon!
7 Jan, 2012
Maybe they know something we don't ... nest now, cos there's not going to be a chance at the "normal" time?
7 Jan, 2012
You could always try shouting in crow language:
Caw caw its too early for straw!!!???
who knows fran, you could be right.
7 Jan, 2012
What a scary thought.
7 Jan, 2012
lol when I first raed this blog, I had to look twice - the first time I read it as a COW sitting in a tree! gave me some wonderful mental pictures until I looked closer and read the word properly.
7 Jan, 2012
hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle
the crow jumped over the moon???
7 Jan, 2012
Depends what it [or you!] had been smoking, I suppose ...
7 Jan, 2012
Oh Fran, Shame on you!
7 Jan, 2012
I agree, Paul :)
24 Jan, 2012
I saw two "march hares" today in the evening, fully absorbed by each other at the edge of the road :)
24 Jan, 2012
wow, spring seems to be springing early this year
24 Jan, 2012
We are beginning to get the beginnings of a dawn chorus in the darkness before dawn, a chaffinch, I think, and a blackbird, definitely. The big temperature drop is due to start tomorrow, so heaven help the poor creatures.
24 Jan, 2012
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they have been singing outside my window at 4 in the morning ~ perhaps we should teach them to type and go on GoY or I spy a bird!!??
6 Jan, 2012