Another little jolt!
By gattina
I am sitting here at the computer catching up with my Goy correspondence, and have to report that at 9.03 we felt another little earthquake. So you see, they are really not that unusual in this part of the world. It was probably an aftershock from the main one over a week ago. I just hope there has been nothing too serious elsewhere. I’m still in my dressing gown and don’t feel like running outside. I expect my drama queen neighbour will be snatching up his little prepared bag and rushing out into the fields at this very moment!
29 May, 2012
Previous post: I'm going to buy a gun!
Next post: Aquilegia Seeds, anyone?
Hope you're ok! Sorry was laughing at your neighbour!! :)
29 May, 2012
Oh dear if its not one thing....its another.......:0((
29 May, 2012
There have been three earthquakes in Wellingborough over the last twenty years, the more recent two were in the quiet of the evening and sounded like a juggernaut approaching then passing through the house. These would be minor compared to many but still very frightening. My neighbours slept through the last one and Oh was in the shower so had no idea Lol!
29 May, 2012
LOL, Annella! Are women more attuned to these things? This latest was nothing out of the ordinary, but is memorable because OH actually felt it this time. I think he thinks I've been imagining it!
Just 'phoned Daughter who was in the supermarket at the time, and said it was quite scary, because all the massive overhead air conditioning ducts started jiggling around and bottles were clinking on shelves and one or two things fell: there was a lot of squealing from customers who abandoned baskets and trolleys and fled for the doors. As she commented, very phegmatically - it reduced the queues at the checkout dramatically, which was a bonus, so she paid for her shopping and got out in record time. That's my girl!
29 May, 2012
Gattina it's just reported eight people died..You be a bit watchful for those after shocks..Take care.
29 May, 2012
I was sitting in bed at the time and told Oh that the earth had just moved for me.....he looked confused and carried on drying himself.
29 May, 2012
OMG, Pims, I hadn't heard yet. I only joked the other day on here that Milan would be next. This is reported to be a new fault line - not the one that caused the one a week ago. I shouldn't really joke about these things, but I suppose it's a way of coping with it. They may feel minor to us, but they are geographically a bit close for comfort.
29 May, 2012
BBC Radio 4 reported it about 30 mins ago..
29 May, 2012
That's sad news
29 May, 2012
The death count has just been confirmed as ten, with many injured. They have suspended many of the train services, including our own, because of distorted rails. More factories and churches down. Many meetings in public buildings are being suspended for the time being by the State authorities.
Not joking any more.
29 May, 2012
I think I like your daughters reaction Gattina, I think joking is our way of coping with something we cannot change, it does sound as though you are ok where you live but tragic for ohers, hope its calmed down now, you take care...
29 May, 2012
Oh dear, you are having a lot happening round there. I would agree that a bit of taking it lightly helps one cope but when you hear the deaths I guess it brings it all back to reality. Glad you are well.
You did make me laugh about your neighbour though.
And my mum and dad were always same ... mum wakes up saying she felt a tremor ... dad tells her she's imagining it and should go to sleep. next morning its on the news that there was low level seismic activity ... maybe women DO have a 6th sense after all :D
Take care Gattina.
29 May, 2012
I'm absolutely sure of it, GF. One positive point, unlike the majority of Italians, our house insurance covers us against earthquake damage. They may change their minds after this.
29 May, 2012
ooooo take care Gattina. x
29 May, 2012
Sadly, the only way to detect a new fault is when it cuts loose, and then it's too late for the bulldings around it - and, tragically, the people living or working there.
Did you happen to notice any unusual actions in the local wildlife? (apart from porcupines!) Animals are said to be very sensitive to such things. I suppose that the epicentre might have been too far for them to take evasive action.
29 May, 2012
was just talking about you today Gattina when a neighbour stopped and said you had had another shakeup. hope you are o.k.
29 May, 2012
No, Fran, and all the cats seemed to ignore it altogether, the birds stayed where they were, and the ducks and chickens next door didn't comment at all. Before or after.
Yes, thank you, Yorkshire - hardly felt a thing.
29 May, 2012
Thank goodness...I hope Sheila is ok..isn't she near you as well Gattina?
29 May, 2012
I hope all is well with you and your family Gattina - just catching up with blogs. Heard the news reports today and did think 'not again'. Strange about the animals - it is reported that they have some kind of second sense for such things.
29 May, 2012
KS, I thought Sheila was somewhere over in Spain - I know she was going to meet Nariz. She wasn't supposed to be coming on over to Italy, was she? I shall have a few words to say to her if she did and I hadn't been told!
Yes, Scottish, I have heard that theory on numerous occasions - maybe we weren't close enough to the bad bit to qualify!
Apparently there were at least a couple of sharp aftershocks around 1 o'clock, but we felt neither of them. I'm not sure how long they are supposed to go on after the initial shock, but the equivalent of the Civil Protection Authority won't allow evacuated people back into homes, offices and factories. Our friend's little daughter was sent home by her infants' school, and she and her Grandma spent the afternoon in the park, because it was the safest place to be. They live half an hour away from us. We were supposed to be going to see them for lunch tomorrow, and then were going on to do shopping at a big shopping centre, then into Bologna for dinner and a concert. We are thinking very seriously about calling the whole trip off now. In fact we now know that schools, the university (despite finals degree exams being due to be held), public offices, the town hall, etc., and the central station are all going to be closed, and the shop we were going to be visiting, too, because it has developed big cracks. Phone lines have been disrupted, and the death toll now stands at 13, with 12 more still unaccounted for. All this, and Bologna really hasn't been very near the epicentre. Modena and Parma were closer. I do hope this isn't going to repeat itself.
29 May, 2012
Thinking of you, Gattina! Please take care. :o)
30 May, 2012
Will do, Nariz.
30 May, 2012
Was thinking of you last night as I watched the news coverage, Ihope that is the last of it and things are sorted soon for you, how far away is Bologna pam xxx
30 May, 2012
Sorry to hear about your earthquakes. They sound frightening.
I remember two here in Wales in the past. One of them, in the 1980s, was rather big and caused offices and shops to evacuate.
I hope you don't get any more ...
30 May, 2012
amen to that!
30 May, 2012
So sorry you confused with Nariz!! :))))) What a brainless chick I am!
30 May, 2012
Keep safe Gattina xx
30 May, 2012
KS, not at all - have you seen some of the mistakes and bloomers I make?
Pam, we are about 35 kilometers from Bologna as the crow flies, but down slow, twisting mountain roads, it takes an hour to drive there. Not many flying crows round here! We have cancelled our projected journey there tomorrow evening.
Thank you all for your lovely messages. They do help mitigate the fright we are busy denying.
30 May, 2012
My sister experienced the same as you're having now, at the time of the last big one in L'Aquila, Gattina. They are at the coast but the aftershocks, even there, were enough for the town and surroundings to be evacuated to the beach for a time.
I actually lived there for a year and we had several tremours every day. They say that women feel tremours more than men because they have more body-fat and body-water which wobbles more than muscle!!!
I really hope that everything calms down for you and that you stay safe.
30 May, 2012
Well thats probably for the best Gattina, you can always reschedule
30 May, 2012
Just heard that the concert's been cancelled indefinitely anyway. Quite relieved, really.
L'Aquila was a REALLY bad one, Karen - this doesn't compare. Not sure I like the theory behind the wobbly fat making women more sensitive - I'll bet a man made that one up!
30 May, 2012
I daren't comment just yet ;)
30 May, 2012
Very wise, P!
30 May, 2012
30 May, 2012
Hope all is okay with you Gattina
30 May, 2012
Fine, thank you Paul!
30 May, 2012
:))))) good
30 May, 2012
Women have more wobbly fat ? ! What a stupid thing to say lol ...
31 May, 2012
A very DANGEROUS thing to say Hywel
31 May, 2012
lol yes !
31 May, 2012
Maybe all the women jumping up and down causes the aftershocks......;0)
hope all is quiet now Gattina
31 May, 2012
My word you are a funny bunch! I've laughed more in the few months I've been on Goy than I ever have before. Pam, I have this neat mental picture of a bunch of wobbly-fat Italian Mammas, with a leader saying "Now all together ladies, on a count of three.....JUMP!"
I am not tempting providence any more by saying that Yes, everything is back to normal: I have a sneaky feeling that all this continued shaking and collapsing building is down to me saying "Nah - nothing serious, all done and dusted now!"
31 May, 2012
Oh dear now that was some funny mental image LOL!
31 May, 2012
(o) (o) (o)
Bear with me..... Its raining....
31 May, 2012
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16 Dec, 2012
take care Gattina! have there been other reports of aftershocks? will they die down now or how long do they last?
29 May, 2012