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Snakes Head Fritillary
By Amy

7 Apr, 2009
Fritillaria F.meleagris
Comments on this photo
Thanks Jaque , I have quite a nice clump of these in my grassy area where the fruit trees grow , i,m pleased with the way they are spreading :o)
7 Apr, 2009
They sound Lovely :)
7 Apr, 2009
Wonderful, like the pattern on the petals quite funky!
7 Apr, 2009
Ooh lucky you Amy, these are so interesting to see....have you seen the white ones too?
7 Apr, 2009
Lovely little plant.
7 Apr, 2009
I love fritillaries. The white ones are nice if you can get them.
13 Apr, 2009
I didn't realise the white ones were a different plant! I bought the normal purpley ones and white ones have sprung up in the tub alongside it. I thought they were mutations or something :)
13 Apr, 2009
Me to Gee.... Janey .. Lindak.... I have a group growing in the grass ..they are all purple except one which is white ....... I had convinced myself that I had a something rare untill I saw that you all have them ..... LOL ..
13 Apr, 2009
Gorgeous arent they Amy, thanks for directing me to your photos :-)
28 Feb, 2010
Thanks Dawn .. :-)
28 Feb, 2010
Hi Amy, I've just read a comment on Spritz's recent photo of F.meleagris and apparently they seed freely and can be collected. Just thought I'd mention. I hope mine flower :-)
19 Mar, 2010
Thanks Dawn , I missed that , I will have a look , I hope yours will flower for you to :o)
19 Mar, 2010
Well when I dug them up they were shooting Amy, so there's hope.
20 Mar, 2010
Photo 11 of 298
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Featured on: fritillaries
This photo is of species Fritillaria F. meleagris.
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This photo is of "Snakes Head Fritillary" in Amy's garden
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Great Photo Amy :)
7 Apr, 2009