My garden in June
By geranium_gem
I’m sorry if this isn’t a very interesting blog, but I wanted to keep a record of what happens in my garden over the first year that I’m here, and thought this would be a good way. Plus, I always think I’ll remember these sorts of things … and then don’t!
So, this is what’s happened in June.
It’s mainly been a month of growing, not many flowers so far, although these ones have popped up:
An azalea has been and gone and a fushia is on its way:
The two clematis ‘Hagley Hybrid’ that are growing against the greenhouse have flowered, which I was surprised about as they’re in really shallow, poorly drained, south facing containers, so they’ve had one extreme to the other with the rain and sun (when it’s actually come out that is), the leaves had gone brown and what was left had been attacked by aphids! I decided to put some other containers in front of them to try to shade the roots a bit, but I think I’ll eventually either re-pot or re-locate them:
The bottlebrushes have had a bit of a chop, and I met the son of the man who grew the larger one from seed, many years ago. The son has one in his own garden that was grown from a cutting taken from this one. I also found some seedlings growing in the path so gently pulled them up, and have potted them up in the hope that I might be able to grow some baby bottlebrushes…
My neighbour gave me a hanging basket with lobelia and some tomato seedlings:
I divided my heuchera Lime Rickey and heucherella Sweet Tea a little while ago, and had an “oh no, I’ve killed my plant” moment with each of them … but they’ve all perked up and are now looking better than ever in my shady corner:
I’ve had several little (but very welcome) visitors:
The dunnocks have built a second nest (I think their first brood succumbed to the bad weather, but a second flurry of nest-building activity happened around 13th/15th June so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a second brood):
And several shrubs have come into flower, but I don’t know what they are, any suggestions?!
Mystery shrub number 1:
Mystery shrub number 2:
Mystery shrub number 3:
And now June is almost over so I’m hoping for some better weather in July and a few more nice summer evenings so I can sit out and enjoy my garden :o)
26 Jun, 2012
Previous post: My new garden
Next post: Bee Rescue
Hi GG. your garden is lovely and you seem to have plenty there to be getting on with. It must be strange taking on a new garden, not knowing what is growing there but equally exciting finding out!.
Mystery shrub no 2 is a Pyracantha, those white flowers will turn to red berries in the autumn, great for that blackbird, they love them. You can prune of the longish branches if you need to tidy it up, mind though they are very prickly!
No 1 is Escallonia, great for bees, they love these flowers.
Cannot put my finger on the 3rd one, but I know it!
26 Jun, 2012
Well I thought that was an interesting blog GG. Some beauts there:-))
26 Jun, 2012
That's a very interesting blog GG....lovely pictures. A good idea to keep track year to year. I meant to do a monthly blog when I first joined but never got round to it, so well done you. I should take a leaf out of your book and start now - luckily there are very little flowers so maybe July would be a great time to start.
I'm no good at id's, I won't embarass myself by having a guess because there will be others who will know for!
Thanks for sharing :)
26 Jun, 2012
Knew I should have guessed I would have got 1 & 3 right!!! about Cotoneaster for No 3? :)))))
26 Jun, 2012
TT – I wish the sky looked like that now, today it’s back to being grey...
G – Yes there’s a lot to learn and do, but I’m liking that, especially finding out the history of some of the older plants. Thanks for the ID’s, the blackbirds will be pleased! They’ve been enjoying the mahonia berries so far, plus some apples and fat balls I put out for them. The Pyracantha does need a bit of a tidy up but it’s where the dunnocks are nesting so that job will have to wait a bit longer :o)
The bees are going mad for shrub no. 3 so maybe that is a Cotoneaster, Scottish?
26 Jun, 2012
It is an interesting blog, I like to look back over my blogs and then I can compare as I know others do, you will be able to do the same.
I`m pleased you are enjoying your new garden, my daughter moved house 18 mths ago and last year was really good seeing the various bulbs, plants and shrubs coming up in her new garden,you have some lovely ones popping up in yours and already are making it your own, lovely to have the birds nesting as well, I get sidetracked watching them and like you I often have to leave certain areas alone during the nesting weeks, lol...
Lovely photo`s....
26 Jun, 2012
not a boring blog at all. your shrubs have been identified correctly. 1 escallonia, 2 pyracanth and 3 cotoneaster. 2&3 will have wonderful berries too.
26 Jun, 2012
Why would you think it was boring? I love those shrubs and all your little visitors and what a lovely sunset and silhouettes final photo.
26 Jun, 2012
Thank you all, I thought it might be boring as it didn't have much of a 'story' other than I watched my garden grow for a month! Lol :o)))
26 Jun, 2012
But that's what we've all got in common on here - we all love our gardens!!! ;-))
26 Jun, 2012
Well that wasn't boring at all !
I like the way you put your photos, two together like that. It looks nice :o)
I think Seaburngirl is right with your shrubs.
26 Jun, 2012
Thanks Sheilar and Hywel :-)
I'd wanted to make my garden wildlife-friendly so I'm really pleased that the mature shrubs I've got already are good for that! I'd like to get more flowers in next year, and Hywel after seeing your comment on Magnadoodle's blog I think I'll try growing some seeds soon in the greenhouse so I'll have something ready for Spring :o)
27 Jun, 2012
Lovely garden and fantastic pictures..
27 Jun, 2012
I echo whats already been said you have a lovely garden.
27 Jun, 2012
lovely blog and likewise a lovely garden :o))
27 Jun, 2012
Thanks Marion, Drc and Niverdeen, I can't take much of the credit for what's there at the moment, but hopefully I'll be able to enjoy making it even more lovely as the months go by :)
28 Jun, 2012
Interesting to see what else is growing in your garden as the year progresses, lots there already to enjoy and make your own - happy gardening :o)
28 Jun, 2012
Isn't it exciting having a new garden and not knowing what may be under the soil, waiting to burst into life?
Great blog GG :-))
9 Jul, 2012
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That's a very interesting blog. Your June garden has some wonderful shrubs and flowers :o) Pretty sky, too !
26 Jun, 2012