My Garden in September
By geranium_gem
It’s obvious we’re in Autumn now with the berries appearing (and in some cases rapidly disappearing with a large flock of starlings). These are my two cotoneasters:
And because it’s been harvest time!
Lots of apples, my tree has half eaters and half cookers, both unknown varieties. The cookers have done well, but the eaters not so well, they’re a bit too sharp for my taste and have rather a lot of maggoty-things in them …
The tomatoes have only just started ripening, but better late than never.
This is how they looked mid-June when they were given to me:
As they were rather late I stopped them after just 3 trusses, and here they were on the 13th Sept, decent fruit but no colour (and yes, those are old banana skins draped on them, it was my neighbour’s idea, has anyone else ever tried it?)
And in the last few days, ready!
The grapes are nearly there now too, I do keep tasting them to check …
There are also a fair few late-flowerers providing some colour.
Verbena bonariensis ‘Lollipop’
Marguerites – These go on forever! I have 15 now, I did have a few more but a couple had to go and live with friends and neighbours as I was running out of space and containers…
I gave some of them a serious haircut a little while back as they’d either been munched by slugs or had got too straggly, but they’re now back full of flowers. This is one of the ‘before’ pictures (July):
And here are some of them ‘after’, with a collection of other things by the greenhouse:
Anemones and persicaria again – Some by the hedge:
And some by the greenhouse:
The fuchsia, which has had to be dug up and put in a pot for the time being.
Heuchera/heucherellas and hostas still cheering up the shady (and now rather wet and mucky) corner
The squashed shrubs and border-to-be
And finally, a rather good-looking mushroom in the lawn.
30 Sep, 2012
Previous post: My Garden in August
Next post: Summer butterflies, Autumn spiders
Wow your tomatoes are impressive, what type are they?
The banana does work after they are picked and stored I got that tip on here, but I do not know about when the are still on the vine? Which if it works would be great, so I hope you let us know?
30 Sep, 2012
Some great stuff there GG, can still use the apples for chutney : )
30 Sep, 2012
Drc I don't know what type they are, the person who gave me them just said they were cherry toms, but they're a bit big for that so who knows! They taste good though :o)
As for the banana skins, I don't know if they would've ripened by now anyway or if the bananas did anything to help them along ... My neighbour says she does it every year and is sure it works ...
Stevie I may well give it a try but I don't think I could come close to your chutney making abilities ;o)
30 Sep, 2012
Loving those Cotoneasters GG - I really must get myself one of those taller growing one, then again, I'll needto find a home for it!
Those grapes look delicious - there wouldn't me as many left if they were mine. That hosta/heuchera corner is still looking very healthy indeed. I like your combination of Persicaria and Anemone - they work well together.
Thanks for sharing and I hope your toms all ripen :)
30 Sep, 2012
I have tried banana skins for the first time this year and they worked like a charm - ripening started within three days after weeks of nothing happening.
30 Sep, 2012
Scottish if you do find a home for a tall cotoneaster I can easily dig you up a baby bit ... the second one (I think it might be a Cotoneaster sternianus) seems to spread so there's lots of new shoots appearing from around the base. It might take a while to get that big though lol :o)
That's interesting to hear it worked for you Steragram, before my neighbour suggested it I'd never heard of actually putting bananas on the growing plants / in the greenhouse, only about doing it once they were picked. I think they need all the help they can get this year!
1 Oct, 2012
We eat such a lot of bananas its nice to find a use for the skins - tried them for black spot on the roses but didn't see much difference.
2 Oct, 2012
I hadn't heard of that use for them either!
2 Oct, 2012
Thanks for the offer GG - If you can get a bit with some root that would be smashing. You can let me know and PM if successful. Thanks again :))
3 Oct, 2012
Your plants are pretty, and you've had a good crop of fruits :o) I'm pleased for you - it's been such awful weather.
4 Oct, 2012
Thanks Hywel :o)
Scottish I can't get to it at the moment as I'm having some work done out there, but once the chance of falling into a big hole has passed I will let you know :o)
5 Oct, 2012
Cheers x
5 Oct, 2012
Your garden looks lovely, and thanks for the photos of the cotoneasters, as I have a few in my garden but never knew what they were called, so one little lesson learned today. :-)
Those grapes look very tasty, don't blame you for checking the taste! ;-) You're doing really well considering you're new to gardening, I have a long way to go to catch up with you!
13 Oct, 2012
Thank you Mazzy, but I can't take much credit for my garden yet, most of it was here when I moved in! ;o)
Those grapes have definitely been a challenge! And they're still not very sweet, I guess it must be the weather we've had this year. I've cut a couple of bunches off now and brought them inside to try and ripen them up a bit more so fingers crossed ...
13 Oct, 2012
Haha, that's what I always say to people as well, as this is a very established garden. Good luck with the grapes, hope they sweeten up for you indoors. :-)
14 Oct, 2012
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Wow... you have lots growing well ...
grapes look tasty ! :o)
30 Sep, 2012