By ginellie
What a lovely day for digging. Spent three hours making new borders along the path and another small one behind the new fence. Sophie slept on the bench in the sun, occasionally barking in her dreams.
So many worms, fat ones, thin ones, short ones, long ones – but no interest from the birds at all. I left all the dug up turf, soil side up, in case any of them
feel like a snack early tomorrow. There were lots of little eggs and ants in there so I hope my feathered friends don’t miss out.
Unfortunately the foxes seem to be attracted to anything new, so who knows what I might find buried tomorrow.
Didn’t think of taking photographs of before and after – I’ll be more organised soon.
21 Jan, 2009
Next post: SNOW AGAIN
Well done on being so energetic !
The birds will appreciate your providing some food from the ground.
Sophie was obviously sun-bathing in the best place :o)
22 Jan, 2009
Wow! sounds like u Dug Loads Ginelle :) I was in Greenhouse most of Yesterday its nice 2 get out there isnt it :)
22 Jan, 2009
It's noticeable now, that the evenings are getting lighter, isn't it! Great! I still have a lack of energy as a reminder of the flu bug, but I am definitely feeling the need to get outside. Soon, soon! Maybe I can handle short bursts as I am doing with the housework?
22 Jan, 2009
Well done with your digging, i keep walking inthe garden planing what i'm going to do, then come back in.
22 Jan, 2009
I am so envious. My garden is waterlogged, the path is flooded again and the front lawn looks like a pond! The back lawn is better but is very squelchy - just hope we have a dry spring and summer this year. Well done on all your hard work.
22 Jan, 2009
Glad you had the weather for working in the garden.
22 Jan, 2009
Ditto Ginellie, we had great weather in Cambs son Sunday so I did not waste a moment and gave my spade a good work out.
22 Jan, 2009
Well done Ginellie, i too have been starting a bit of digging - widening a bed or two, but it really was like a mud bath today, hopefully will be a bit better tomorrow, so much to do. why is it when you have the time to do some work in the garden, it rains, and when you are snowed under with other stuff the gardening conditions are perfect?
22 Jan, 2009
We've been outside for a couple of days digging etc. and the weather has been lovely. Lots of worms here and I was lucky to have the robin nearby waiting for me to throw him a tasty treat. Good luck with your new borders.
22 Jan, 2009
Great to hear so many of us have managed to get out in the garden. Sorry you haven't yet Gee, lets hope weather gets better for you. I'm a bit like Clarice as I go out and plan what to do but in my case often forget the next day and plan again.
Moved the Bird Cherry today and also Leycesteria formosa (thank you Andrew for naming it for me).
22 Jan, 2009
Heavy rain here last two days unfortunately and more to come,but this cheered us up !
22 Jan, 2009
It's strange for me being able to go into the garden whenever I want now that I've retired. Strange for Sophie too, because she came to work with me. She knew the work days because of the clothes/shoes I put on - now every day is a boots and jeans day and it's taking us both a bit of getting used to - love it though, especially since I've met so many friends through GoY.
22 Jan, 2009
I like the sound of retirement Ginellie!
25 Jan, 2009
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Good for you for getting out and getting dirty Ginellie. I'm impressed. I bet it felt good to be out in the garden again.
22 Jan, 2009