Tip of the week!!!! Lol.
By grandmage
Someone gave me a tip once about using spent tea bags to fill the hole in a pot, thus stopping the shingle, stones, compost etc, falling through, I am sure you all have your own ways but this is mine, thought I would share it with you, bit like teaching old ‘dogs’ new tricks, no offence meant here either!! Lol. :~)
Pop spent tea bags into holes, this enables water to run through but not the grit or soil.
I use small grit or brocken crocks in the bottom of my pots.
Job done, so easy.
One of the recommendations is, is to have a cuppa first then you can use those tea bags!!
What do you use? Will you share with us?
What an amazing day today here in the SE. 25* they promised!
19 Apr, 2011
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I am so glad to have been of use W.lass, thought you would all think me potty!!! Dont forget, Tea first! Lol.
19 Apr, 2011
good idea ~ long as you dont have anything underneath that matters if it gets tea stains!?
glorious day here too and looks set for the week ~ amazing for a bank holiday.
19 Apr, 2011
Have never noticed that happen Sticki, but good point. Thank you.
19 Apr, 2011
probably ok once you have used it a couple of times ~ could always have cold tea on tap!!!
19 Apr, 2011
Its will be Ok in garden pots and presumably indoor pots would have saucers underneath! Like the cold tea bit, Lol, especially on days like today.
19 Apr, 2011
i cant believe this weather ~ and according to google it will be like it for the next few days!!
19 Apr, 2011
Good tip GG. It is wonderful here too. Can't believe it is still April!! What a tonic after the winter.
19 Apr, 2011
This might be our summer folks!! But I agree Karen, it is a tonic!
19 Apr, 2011
Yes I do this too Grandmage although I always produce far more than I can use in this way! Yes a beautiful day here in Berkshire too, perfect for trellis painting. That does get rather boring after a while so a sit in the garden with a cuppa is even better. Oh there's another teabag......lol :o)
19 Apr, 2011
Lol. Lily, I know what you mean, I simply compost the others as I am sure you do!!! Perfect weather for trellis painting and maybe the fence!! Always something to do.
19 Apr, 2011
good idea.... never heard of this before...
19 Apr, 2011
I don't buy tea bags. I have it so week I just put a few grains of loose tea in a teapot and that's strong enough. I can make about 10 cuppas from one teabag lol
Good idea though :o)
19 Apr, 2011
You could still use it after ten cups Hywel!!!! as my hubbie would say to your tea, 'thats not weak, its helpless!' Lol
Thanks Holly, I love to re-cycle so try not to waste anything.
19 Apr, 2011
I couldn't re-use a teabag - Yugh ! lol so I never buy them
19 Apr, 2011
Brilliant tip I shall bear this in mind next time I plant up thanks for sharing.
19 Apr, 2011
Thanks for the tip, Grandma. Yes, beautiful warm, sunny day . . . I had 15 members of my garden group walking round my garden (paying lovely compliments!), and then we stayed outside for our refreshments for the first time this year. Still warm here at 7.00pm!
19 Apr, 2011
I use last years beech leaves or even vine leaves. they eventualy rot down too.
19 Apr, 2011
Great tip! Love the planters and the pelargoniums, which I must say.. look really healthy! Hope you get masses of blooms from them!
19 Apr, 2011
i love that idea .......... only one prob madge ............... dont drink tea lol , have to wait 4 some frends to pop round !!! anyone for tea ...................
19 Apr, 2011
That's a great tip, Grandmage, I will definitely give it a try, and it would probably stop the water from draining straight through too. Thank you :)
19 Apr, 2011
Good idea.not heard this before..I save Polystyrene packaging to put in the bottom of mine...the nice flat bits go over the holes,and if its only summer bedding going in them,I half fill the pot with it,as they don't need a full pot of compost..I vary the amount I use,depending on what I am planting....
19 Apr, 2011
Thanks 6d, glad you like my tip!
Sheila, how nice to have friends for tea outside in April, who'd have thought it, so early in the year.
SBg. using leaves is a good one too, its all recycling isnt it?
Helen, thanks those Geraniums were so cheap but as you say, good strong, healthy plants. 12 for £2 at Morrisons.
Cristina, I dont drink tea either!!!!!! Neither does hub. we drink decaff. coffee, I have green tea & cranberry, so I use those ones!
Gee, your welcome, it is such an easy solution really!
Bloomer, your tip is a good one, you should blog it!! Thanks everyone. :~)
20 Apr, 2011
20 Apr, 2011
lol ................... blommer i use the polystyrene packing as well cranberry ........... urggg haha coffee every time !!
20 Apr, 2011
Cranberry, very very good for you Cristina mixed with greentea for breakfast, lovely........
20 Apr, 2011
I tried cranberry drink no.. not for me! I'll just stick to the PG Tips! lol! But I have to say I do like lemon & ginger tea!
20 Apr, 2011
I haven't tried any of these teas,,too attached to Tetley's !
Although I know they are good for you..:o)
21 Apr, 2011
Thats why I just have one a day B. hoping it is doing me some good. Helen i too love Lemon & Ginger, the cranberry is so good if you have any bladder probs!! Its cleanses.
21 Apr, 2011
I did try the cranberry Grandmage, as I had heard it was good for you, but I find it's just too.. well.. I don't really know what it tastes like as I've never tasted anything like it before, or since! I like the raspberry & pomegranite drink, that's nice!
The lemon & ginger helps with digestion!
21 Apr, 2011
I love your description Helen, it made me laugh. x
21 Apr, 2011
well i def have the blader prob madge .................. lol.
ermmm green tea on ur weaterbix haha ................ gv that a miss lol !!!
23 Apr, 2011
Cristina, GT is soooooooo good for you, and believe me I have had two ops. on the old water works, so i know what good properties there are in both GT and Cranberry! Really. :~)
23 Apr, 2011
haha madge .............. maybe i will give it a go !!!
i am such a wimp tho lol i do like cranberry juice ;0)))
24 Apr, 2011
The trick is not to make it too strong, just dangle the bag in the cup until a light colour and enjoy!! It is doing you sooo good. :~) I am glad you like the juice, very good cleanser!!
24 Apr, 2011
Great idea.
I had in the past when I could drink tea, I'm now allergic to caffeine, dry out the bags then open them and sprinkle contents on my pots.
3 May, 2011
Oh yes Anjie, I do that to, although we drink more decaf. these days than tea. Lol.
3 May, 2011
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I haven't heard this tip before but it makes perfect sense so will give it a try. I have a bag of grit and found it so annoying when it kept falling through the holes in the bottom of my pots. Ta, Grandmage.
19 Apr, 2011