Which flower, do you think Willam and Kate represent?
By grandmage
I will be glued to the TV screen today, I love a good royal wedding. I switched on at 8 o’clock and will be there til it is over, anyway its too cold in the garden today! Thats my excuse! :~) and I am sticking to it! Lol.
29 Apr, 2011
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Watching now - as I have T.V set up next to PC - A Rose maybe
29 Apr, 2011
I agree Paul, I think an English Rose as well and William a strong Plane tree with soft foliage!
Enjoy Cinders.
29 Apr, 2011
Since William is the future Prince of Wales - - I think it should be a Daffodil :o))
29 Apr, 2011
It would be fitting for either..Rose or a Daffodil..could also be something Irish,as Prince William is wearing the Uniform of the Irish Guards..just quickly been out and watered the garden,..its so cold out there..now sitting cosily ..with a coffee,and a Choccy biscuit.:o).Well ,it is a celebration .Lol.
29 Apr, 2011
Nice one Hywel, and Bloomer, good idea, we need Libet to give us some ideas. Enjoy your biccy & coffee, didnt Kate look stunning?
29 Apr, 2011
Kate looked utterley stunning! Loved those trees in the Abbey, what a wonderful idea. I think Katherine is def an English rose!
29 Apr, 2011
I too loved those trees, could there be a greater advert for this country, looked really great, some incredible moments
29 Apr, 2011
Did you need tissues anyone?? I know I did. Lulu she did look stunning didnt she? and Steve yes those trees were incredible, they are going to planted at Highgrove apparently! They are Field Maples & Hornbeam.
29 Apr, 2011
I heard that too GM, the trees planted at Highdrove, a great reminder for them!
29 Apr, 2011
For the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge...
Sage ... Salvia patens "Cambridge Blue" ...
... has RHS Award of Garden Merit ...
Sage = Wisdom / mental clarity ...
for our Prince and Princess with University Degrees ! :o)
29 Apr, 2011
wedding was lovely wasnt it....
29 Apr, 2011
It would be nice Lulu if they were to planted in their own garden one day!
TT. a nice mixture there of Salvia and the wisdom of the sage. Good idea.
29 Apr, 2011
glad you have enjoyed being glued to the tv garndmage lol, iv been working as some ladies still came to have their hair done but managed to finish at 10.45 drove home and got back to see it all and went back at 1pm to do afternoon ladies, since being home iv watched highlights and made dinner hahah, i thought she looked beautifull and wills very handsome, his mum would be proud ;o)
29 Apr, 2011
i think maybe cala lilies cos they are so elegant, eyecatching, and simply stunning ~ just like kate and william.
im not into royalty but i love these two cos they are so natural, i hope everything goes well for them
i thought the trees were utterly fantastic ~ what a brilliant idea! didnt see any flowers in the abbey but i only caught glimpses cos i was working
29 Apr, 2011
It was such a lovely day. Went off without a hitch.
29 Apr, 2011
I had tv on all day but only sat and watched the wedding, and just kept listening more or less the rest of the time, and i think they are a lovely couple.
29 Apr, 2011
I'm another one who was glued to the tv for the whole thing. I thought the wedding was lovely...it felt an intimate ceremony despite all the guests and pomp.
Kate's dress was understated and I thought suited her perfectly...nothing was OTT...agree about the trees, a good idea as flowers used for decorating such a large church would cost a fortune...these trees can be planted at Highgrove and enjoyed for years and years.
I would choose Lily of the Valley....I'm not exactly sure why though :) I think it is the white clarity of the flowers and their gorgeous scent that appeals. This is what it says on the internet about Lily of the Valley...
"LILY OF THE VALLEY: Return of happiness, purity of heart, sweetness, tears of the Virgin Mary, you've made my life complete, humility, happiness, love's good fortune. The legend of the lily of the valley is that it sprang from Eve's tears when she was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. It is also believed that this flower protects gardens from evil spirits. Also known as the flower of May."
29 Apr, 2011
San. so glad you got back to see the service, you planned that well. Lol !
Sticki, I agree with Calla Lilies, very regal without fuss!
Alex. love your avatar, flying the flag there!
Clarice, I watched like you until they got back to the palace, then nipped out to the GC. & got back in time for the balcony scene!!
W.lass. how could we not watch such a lovely heartwarming ceremony? I thought her dress was simply gorgeous, it made me think of Diana, poor girl, she would have been so proud of her son. I thought Dianas dress was a disaster far too fussy and flouncy, this one was simply elegance. I love your choice of flower too, perfect.
29 Apr, 2011
im sat watching it again now lol
29 Apr, 2011
Me too, San, in between coming on here!!!! Lol. I love all the hats although some are a bit over the top!
29 Apr, 2011
I watched it until the news came on after the balcony scene, its all on sky plus as well as the parts that have been on since, I will watch them at my leisure, when on my own,lol,will admit I also needed my tissues at times,...Not being a hat person I thought some of them a bit stupid....
29 Apr, 2011
Me too Linc. what about Fergies girls????!!!! Hey I have sky+ too and will watch and cry on my own!!!
29 Apr, 2011
Oh good grief Grandmage!! What were those two girls thinking! To imagine, they stood in front of a mirror this morning and said to themselves "That'll do...we look lovely!" and then go out and face the public?! I don't know, could somebody not have said something!
But everyone else looked gorgeous! Be-autiful dresses, Catherine and Pippa and their Mum just looked perfect, I must say there were tears in our house when Catherine arrived up beside William, Diana should have been there, it's such a shame, but it was lovely for William to have Harry there, for support, as well as fun!
Anyway, I think William would have to be a strong English Oak, and I think Catherine would be a lovely wee delicate white Wood Anemone, twinkling in the grass beneath. Oh! or a climbing Rose...Sniff!...where's that tissue gone.....
29 Apr, 2011
I have to admit to a 'filling-up' moment when I lip-read William saying to Katherine as she arrived at his side "You look beautiful." Aaaaaaw!
Surely something NOT said to Fergie's girls?????!!!!! That just made me laugh! :oD
30 Apr, 2011
Libet and Nariz, I heard someone describe their hats as 'danish pastries' and that included Mrs Beckham!! Luckily the day was NOT about them so you could look and then dismiss them! Will's is so like his mum. Libet I thought Pippa looked perfect, she is going to be Kates lady-in- waiting, so we will see more of her now, lovely girl. Wasnt Harry good too, quite handsome, his turn next! Did you see Zara's outfit, lovely in slate grey, wonder were they get their clothes, I suppose they have them made to fit!!
I love your choice Libet of the English Oak, perfect with the wood anemone right beside! :~)
30 Apr, 2011
Watched it part of the night then ALLLL next day as it played over and then clips and talks etc. I loved it! Was having a really hard day and it was just the thing to take my mind of things a bit. Kate's a beautiful girl w/ a knock out figure & style. Sister looked fab. In fact seeing her next to Harry I though mmmm they'd make a nice couple!! Now there's food for thought. Hehe.
Agree on the trees love that lime/kelly green color. Such spring color. Just loved how it all went. How the cops walked the crowd into the railings. It was such a lovely break from all the bad news of late.
Was sad though that Diana wasn't there to be so proud of her son and see how so many people around the world came out to cheer him on. In fact I felt it was in a way to resurrect Diana again. In a way let her know, don't worry we're looking out for them.
Although I'm sure she had a Royal seat in heaven with all the other Saints and angels watching him take the next step in life. How proud she'd have been indeed.
The thought came to mind that there should be a Queen of Hearts Day Or Princess Diana Day.
Officially or unofficially.
Anyway I'd watch it again & again.
1 May, 2011
Lovely comments Angie :o)
1 May, 2011
nice thought angie ~ they would never allow it but it could be unofficial ~ i dont think we would have had such a wedding if it hadnt been for diana ~ she has certainly left a good legacy [as well as the sad memories]
1 May, 2011
Lovely thoughs there Anjie, you also had the same thought as me, Pippa+Harry = another royal wedding, best keep our hats dusted then!! Lovely. I really loved Diana too and know in my heart that she must have been watching over her much loved son. It was a lovely day indeed.
1 May, 2011
As both sides of her family originate from Anglo Saxon it would have to be an Iris for her
1 May, 2011
why is it an iris for an anglo saxon??
1 May, 2011
As iris orginated from there also in bloom on the month of her wedding where a rose is nt in bloom yet. lol.
1 May, 2011
no others at that time?
my mums name is iris and i have an anglo saxon maiden name.
1 May, 2011
Yes of course other flowers just Iris thought was fitting as blue for irsis and blue for her dress she announced her engagement to , So have I got an anglo Saxon surname first found living in Yorkshire from France lol snap
1 May, 2011
blue iris would be lovely ~ also elegant.
1 May, 2011
Well they do say royal have blue blood lol haha hehe as she is 5 cousin of William on his mothers side
1 May, 2011
you're very good on your history sixpence.
yes very good with the royal blood!!!
1 May, 2011
Lol yes .
1 May, 2011
Hey you two 6d & Sticki, your conversation has taken up half a page LOL. !!! he he. I like Iris 6d, used to grow quite a lot, all colours too, then i dug them up to split them and they were useless after that, wish i had left them now. :~(
1 May, 2011
sorry GM ~ i have only got 2 comments to a page so i didnt realise that.
1 May, 2011
Hey Sticki, I was joking, truly.I love the banter on here, we are all like old friends. No offence meant honest.
1 May, 2011
1 May, 2011
loved the bit bt the lillys of the vally .............. i thort lillys too , stand 4 purity i think , loved the wedding and did shed a tear too ...................
2 May, 2011
Thanks for the agreement everyone. I think the day should be decided upon for Diana perhaps her Birthday then spread the word. I'd say it would be well agreed upon. Everyone could do a nice deed in her memory on her Birthday.
Oh as for the hats or head dresses of Fergie's girls, ridiculous! I think they knew that and were starved for attention so they new they'd be talked about wearing a get up like that and so they were. For all the wrong reasons. Silly girls.
As for a flower, I duno. Like the idea of a Tree for Will, Kate yeah something white would be nice.
3 May, 2011
Her bouquet was a shield-shaped wired bouquet of myrtle, lily-of-the-valley, sweet William and hyacinth chosen for their individual traditional meanings.
Take another peek here....
3 May, 2011
very interesting sunrose ~ didnt know about the sweet william! im sure they will name one of them sweet kate now?
3 May, 2011
Hi folks, I am still dissapointed in the size of the bouquet, I think it could have been longer in shape, I did read Sunrose about the flowers and think that the choice was so right, just size!!!!! I have just bought Hello mag. lovely pictures in there. Cristina I had a box of tissues by my side, aaaahhhh.
3 May, 2011
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29 Apr, 2011