Update of our garden's makeover!
By grandmage
Yes folks we are still at it!! We started this game in March and here we are six months down the line and we are still going! I thought you might like to see some before and after photos so as to get a feel of what we have done and why it has taken sooooooo long.Lol.
This was the reason I hated my garden.
We got to work, well Andy did!
Everything dug out and re-planting began
Now this is the reason I love it!
We now are concentrating on the bottom of the garden, the compost heaps have gone and our old shed all to freecycle.
The greenhouse has gone to our young neighbours across the road!
My log pile has got unruly so I freecycled the logs and they were collected by a couple who have a wood burner. This space was where the greenhouse was, even the belfast sink went on freecycle.
Next the trees needed massive pruning.
This took over a week to get rid of, the green went in the council compost bins and my hubby burnt the wood.
Now look at my neat log pile and the new base for the new shed (coming this week) !
A nice neat path goes around the shed base, the next job will be cementing the path in front of the shed, first getting the weeds out!
My OH built me a hedgehog dwelling and I have filled it with dried leaves, now we wait in hope! Perhaps I should put a ‘for rent’ sign up? Lol.
We are nearly there (the skip is in the sideway) and are feeling very proud of all the work that has been done, you cannot rush these jobs although I would have liked it done sooner, but at least we can let the winter come now and then next spring we can plant and plan knowing we have done the hard bit!
Thanks for reading, if you got this far!!! Lol.
25 Sep, 2011
Previous post: Our daily bread :~)
Next post: Stage '99' of garden makeover!! LOL
wow what a difference you have made ~ no wonder you love it now ~ you should be very proud of yourselves!
25 Sep, 2011
All your hard work will be rewarded next spring will be so exciting for you with the bet part planning, choosing and planting, your border is looking great already;0))
25 Sep, 2011
Amazing changes ... well done ..
I hope some hedgehogs move in soon ... :o)))
25 Sep, 2011
You can both be very proud of all you have accomplished, I really like the hedgehog abode and hope they find and use it. Its coming together well and think how much work you won`t have to do next year, you`ll be able to spend so much more time relaxing and admiring....
25 Sep, 2011
looking good GM :o)) hard work though.
25 Sep, 2011
Very busy and well worth it - nice to give your greenhouse away - we got one from our neighbour too :)))
All looks great - nice to tidy things up :)) Hoping you get some hedgehogs - wish we had some - love hedgehogs :)))))) lovely planting in last pic - that looks a nice big fern (i think??) :)))))))))
25 Sep, 2011
It's all looking grand, you really have worked hard the pair of you well done. Love the hoggy house hope he arrives soon.....
25 Sep, 2011
You've certainly made lots of changes there GM and all well worth the hard work. It's all so neat and tidy now and that border has really got established. Hope you have fun planning for next year. :o))
25 Sep, 2011
A Grand job!
How are the fennels doing?
25 Sep, 2011
I really, really enjoyed this blog, I didn't want it to end, What an amazing transformation Grandmage, You and hub have done an amazing job, I love it all :))))
25 Sep, 2011
Thank you so much everyone for you very kind comments, our journey has been a long one but a satisfying one. I like tidiness and that patch at the bottom of the garden especially was getting me down, but I found my gardening man, Andy and he has helped us and worked wonders. We could not have done the heavy work on our own so we needed the help to be honest. I have just done the pretty things like, shopping at the Gc. Lol and then planting up! I still have lots of bulbs to go in yet, I must get a move on.
Lu.my little fennels are good strong plants, I have taken photos but they are so transparent they dont show up!! I hope next year they will double in size, they do over winter dont they?
Thanks to you all for reading my looooong blog!!
25 Sep, 2011
You've done a lot of work and you'll be able to look forward to enjoying it next year. It looks great now, and I'm glad you got rid of those overhanging trees.
Nice to have a new shed aswell. You'll ba able to keep it nice and tidy.
25 Sep, 2011
They die back but come again, no worries!
How's your shed Hywel!!?
25 Sep, 2011
It all looks great what a transformation well done
25 Sep, 2011
Thanks Lu. I do hope so. They are strong little plants thanks to you and if you look closely at the two border pics. they are in there at the back, they are see through though and I love them. Thanks Hywel, the trouble is we have a row of these trees, one gone now, but five to tame! We are going to prune them hard and then see what happens. Re. The shed, we have loads to put in it, and its bigger than the old one so we shall see about it being tidy! i live in hope. Lol.
Re. Hedgehogs, I dont know if there are any around, we have seen one strolling down the garden but who knows, I read that if you provide a bed for them, they might just stay! So fingers crossed.
25 Sep, 2011
Hi 6d, we posted together there!! we are getting there slowly, will wonder what to do next year, wont I??? Lol
25 Sep, 2011
Lol yes you will a lot of work gone into it I think you may be kept busy with your B&B lol hope one comes and takes the room.
25 Sep, 2011
Wouldnt that be perfect and they can eat as many slugs and snails as they wish!!
25 Sep, 2011
It certainly would hehe :O))
25 Sep, 2011
Goodness what a mammoth job for you to tackle,well done it looks wonderful, pats on the back a round......
25 Sep, 2011
i did get this far lol ................. it looks amazing madge !! carnt wait to see it next year ....... well dun feet up now , cup of tea and cake . enjoy the wether !!! x
26 Sep, 2011
oh am so impressed, its great, you have done so much hard work, it looks really great and so neat and tidy.
26 Sep, 2011
Hi Dd. Cris & Caz. yes it has been a very long year, however worth every moment really, it did so need a makeover! Thanks for reading this very long blog!!
26 Sep, 2011
not soooooooooooooooooooo loooooooooooong hun hehe . xx
26 Sep, 2011
ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh yyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeessss itttttttttt wwwassssssss, Lol xxx
26 Sep, 2011
Great makeover. If a job is worth doing, it's worth doing well. It may have taken a few months but at least it's been done properly and you can enjoy it now.
27 Sep, 2011
Thats nice of you to say Frybo and true!
27 Sep, 2011
You need a good pat on the back, when you going to come and help me LOL,
As you may have noticed I'm into makeovers but they never come to an end, my hubby bless him isn't into gardening so falls on me but he does help when I need him to like cutting the odd tree down or cutting the hedge Mmmmm! It's about time he did that but work gets in the way, he is supposed to retire next year in March but will carry on for another year, anything to get out of gardening LOL
Good thing Freecycle isn't it :o)
You enjoy your garden won't you :o))
28 Sep, 2011
Hi LadyE. My hub. hates gardening and has to be forced!! and that is what I have been doing just lately. It is coming on out there, new shed tomorrow and our full skip was taken away today, so we are getting there. He likes cutting, pruning, burning,trimming etc...... but planting and making look nice No.!! Thats my job and has always been. mine is retired, two years ago now, we are enjoying retirement, very much. As to freecycle its brilliant, I have put so much stuff on there and it has all been collected the same day, wonderful. No need to load the car and drive to the dump!! I thought I would always enjoy the garden and everything but it comes to us all, the garden is tooooo big and it is too much like hard work, thats why we have had this massive clear out, before we both need a zimmer! Enjoy this wonderful sunshine! :~)
28 Sep, 2011
What an enjoyable blog, its great when you see what mammoth tasks people take on and what wonderful results follow. Even with just that one huge tree down the garden is going to get so much more light. So now you can relax a little and look forward to your planting next year.
30 Sep, 2011
How kind Stroller, thank you, its funny really but we are quite relaxed about the garden even now, which is much better for ones health I must say!! We would like to see those conifers gone if the truth be known but we would then gain another 12' to our garden! Do we really need more??? Lol.
2 Oct, 2011
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You have been busy..... all coming along nicely now, a job well done... hope you get your hedgehog lodger..:)
25 Sep, 2011