I cheated!
By grandmage
Went to do our Christmas shop today!!! Eeeeek, how I hate it, what to buy, what to get, what to eat??? We chose today, Tuesday, because we thought it would be quiet! and it was, we were suprised at how few folk were in the store so that enabled us to get round fairly quickly. Whilst ticking off our list and loading our trolley I noticed that for weeks they have been selling Mary Berry’s Christmas cake in a bag! At the cost of £10, I decided not to buy, but today they were £3!! Bargain I thought and I crossed off all the ingredients on my list that I might have needed if I did indeed make my own cake and as bag of sugar these days is about £2, I thought I could not go wrong. I purchased this ‘bag’ and as soon as I got home I made the cake. It looks and smells delicious, I do hope it tastes the same. In the bag was the flour, sugar, spices, almonds, treacle and brandy soaked fruit, all weighed out, I had to buy the butter and one orange + one lemon and three eggs and that was it. Also they supply marzipan, apricot jam and icing sugar!! Yum. I dont usually cheat like this, but I couldnt have made this cake for £3.
The only trouble is I know who is going to eat most of this cake……………. Lol. Happy days x
20 Dec, 2011
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Well Sb. get down to T**co and buy one they had loads! It was really quick to mix and took four hours 1/4 to cook.
20 Dec, 2011
Well Grandmage, a bargain is a bargain! Would have been daft to walk away wouldn't it. The only downside I can see was that you didn't get to take a little sniffta of the brandy as usual ;0))
20 Dec, 2011
Good idea .. well done :o)
20 Dec, 2011
Hi Pim. in fact the fruit has already been soaked in brandy would you believe! All that for £3, great. But I will however be dribbling a little more brandy into the cake and into my coffee too, dont worry!!
Thanks TT.
20 Dec, 2011
Oh yes I remember the fuss my mother had every year to make her cake and puddings. Her father was a baker, and his father before him. They all made their own cakes and she wasn't going to be any different.
But as far as I'm concerned with cooking - the less work, the better lol ....
I hope it turned out well, and that you enjoy it :o)
20 Dec, 2011
I agree Hywel, the less work the better, I wasnt going to make a cake this year but then I saw this, it smells divine. Thank you. x
20 Dec, 2011
Looks great! Wish they had that here, cake and brandy in a box!
20 Dec, 2011
Brilliant Gill - nothing wrong with "cheating" - I'm all for making life a little easier. And it looks great . . . can almost smell it!
20 Dec, 2011
Bargain, I might hit the supermarket on xmas eve and see what they've panic discounted
20 Dec, 2011
Looks fab, and you cant go wrong for three pound can you.
20 Dec, 2011
Sound advice Stevie...
20 Dec, 2011
Not cheating at all, Gm ... just economising to my mind! ... Enjoy the cake on Christmas Day ... :o)))
20 Dec, 2011
Wow if I had seen that at our Supermarket it would have gone in my trolley straight away! Enjoy it looks great, you shopped well Grandma enjoy;0))
20 Dec, 2011
Thanks Lil, Sheila,Stevie,Caz,Pim,Shirley & Pp. have been watching 'La Traviata' on sky arts while you were all commenting!! Glad you are on my side, dont feel so bad now, lol. and I am sure it will be enjoyed by all. Stevie, if I had the energy I would go looking for more bargains but enough is enough now! Good luck, let us know.
20 Dec, 2011
Grandmage, going to see 'La Traviata' was my special birthday present from OH! Absolutely wonderful . . . nothing quite like that sumptious music. I can't seem to persuade OH to get Sky Arts, but Pappano is doing 'Tosca' in the afternoon on Christmas Eve (or Christmas Day!) so we'll have that.
P.S. You certainly don't need to feel bad! :))
21 Dec, 2011
Now that is a real bargain ,G.I have done that for years with Christmas puddings..S......y's organic ones..pick them up after Christmas for less than half price,as they have a years 'use by' date on them..:o)..serves 4 ,and microwave portions in Microwave..easy peasy and lovely !
Still make my own cake,but might get down to T.....co,and take a look ..talking of ingredients..the price of ground Almonds,for one !
21 Dec, 2011
Sheila, twist OH's arm!! I rebelled against Sky because of the sport section, but now I am a huge fan, not of sport that is OH's dept, but of all the other great things I can watch, my hubbie says 'what else do we spend our money on'? ( I said, well there's the kids etc....) but really do love my Sky now, think at mo. if you take out Sky you get £100 M&S vouchers! We have booked to see Aida in March @ Albert Hall and will make a note about Tosca to Sky plus it!! You will love Traviata, nothing like a good death! Lol.
B. You sound just like me, I have for pud. a pudding that I too purchased last year less than half price, why pay the full cost? I am always pricing up ingredients B. they are quite shocking and creeping up all the time, would it be cheaper to buy whole almonds and blitz them up in the mixer? Oooohh I do love to get one over the manufacturers! Lol
21 Dec, 2011
OOOH a cake blog !! Hoorah !! not cheating in the least Grandmage, every now & then Betty Crocker sneaks into our kitchen & "Hey Presto" excellent carrot cake !
21 Dec, 2011
Grandmage - already seen Traviata, (my favourite weepy opera) it was an early present: included supper at the Royal Opera House - the works(!) and it was a fabulous production, truly an evening to remember. :))
Aida should be wonderful at the Albert Hall - never forgotten seeing Madame Butterfly there, "in the round" with floating candles on shallow pools of water (oooh).
OK, you've inspired me: will make another chocolate log this afternoon . . . just have to keep the DownUnderlings' hands off it before younger son arrives for his share!!
21 Dec, 2011
That's not cheating, Grandmage - that's being resourceful and economically aware. Brava!
Which version of Traviata was it? I am deeply envious - we can't subscribe to UK Sky here. I remember, years ago watching the one with Angela Georghiou and Roberto Alagna, and crying buckets. Wonderful!
21 Dec, 2011
Nothing like a good cry Gattina! I once saw M.Butterfly on a plane, and was sobbing so hard that a stewardess asked OH if I was OK!!
21 Dec, 2011
That looks delicious Grandmage, what a bargain. I love anything to do with Mary Berry, she really is the queen of baking! If I could I would come and watch the opera with you. You may not like my attempt at trying to sing along though!!!! lol
21 Dec, 2011
Bampy might take a look for B. Crocker's carrot cake!!
Sorry Sheila wires got crossed there about Traviata, we also went to see M.Butterfly in the round, oooohh that humming chorus, made me tingle all over. Gattina, it was Renee Fleming and Joseph Calleja from the Royal O.H., his voice was magical.
Poppy do you like Opera? We have been trying to go to as many as we can these last few years, but it is an expensive hobby. We last saw Andrea Bocelli at the O2. incredible evening also we saw Placido & Angela Georghiou too, awesome.
21 Dec, 2011
NEWS FLASH= These cake sets are now £2 :~)))) Lol
21 Dec, 2011
Just been making 3 cheese and onion pies..two for tonight ,when family come,and one for the freezer for us,when we long for something plain after Christmas....also apple sauce.,and sage and onion stuffing.all in seperate portions ,also to go in freezer..will be nice on sarnies later on..:o)
Had a good morning,as OH went to get pics taken for
10 year renewal for driving licence,and also Passport renewal ! how expensive is that now ! £20 plus £5 for his pics,and it will be £77 each for passports...that's the £10 Xmas bonus spoken for ....never mind,with being on my own ,I was rocking with an Elvis CD playing in the kitchen..loudly...so it blocked out the pain..Lol.
21 Dec, 2011
Oh, how lovely, Grandmage. I don't know Joseph Calleja, but Renee Fleming is magic!
Bloomer - You and me, too. This morning I have made chicken liver, thyme and brandy pate, dark chocolate cointreau truffles, white chocolate, hazelnut and peach liqueur truffles, dark chocolate Christmas log (Daughter doesn't like fruit cake) fresh orange jelly (after the turkey, who needs anything heavy?) mince pies, gluten-free sage, onion apricot and apple stuffing, and cock-a-leekie soup (now simmering gently on top of the woodburner.) Apart from going off to see the lovely Maria and take her some little Christmas presents and drink some of her bay leaf liqueur (POW!), I've now come up to some bed-changing, room airing, e-mailing, bath and basin-cleaning, dusting, hoovering and paper-sorting. There are still flower arrangements and decorations to do, plus (if I can remember where I've put them) more present wrapping. If I sit down, I shall fall asleep! I shall do my ironing tonight after dinner while we are watching the box. Tomorrow all the windows will be washed, floors washed and polished, last-minute shopping done - OH is off to clear out friends' guttering (payment for our free-range turkey) and I have more presents and pleasantries for a couple more neighbours. I have played Elvis into the ground, so today it's been Queen and reggae cds. Tomorrow maybe something a little classier - Nina Simone? Schubert? Johnny Cash? Winton Marsalis? I shall leave Kings' College choir carol service until Christmas eve, with maybe a little Dean Martin for light relief. Little Maria asked me today - "What do you do all day long? You should come and chat to me more often!"
21 Dec, 2011
You groover B. !!! Well done for the freezer stuff! you are quite advanced B. and organised by the sounds. What a price all that lot?? ridiculous isnt it. Not sure what my £10 bonus went on it didnt even cover the cost of stamps for cards! Lol. In one hand..........
21 Dec, 2011
Phew Gatt. I'm exhausted now!!
21 Dec, 2011
Same here - In fact, I shouldn't be on GoY at all - beds still to do, but I thought I deserved a little light relief!
21 Dec, 2011
Good for you! but get crackin, beds dont change themselves!
21 Dec, 2011
21 Dec, 2011
Lol x This site is a time waster, but great!
21 Dec, 2011
:-))))))) xxxxx
21 Dec, 2011
Oh,G. I had forgotten about the stamps! I am definitely out of pocket now :o) blinking heck,Gattina.! you are like a whirling Dervish ! chill out woman !I have had to come and play on here,while having a coffee and a chocolate digestive..you have worn me out..Don't forget it's the shortest day tomorrow..better get a move on with those beds..:o))
21 Dec, 2011
B. its the shortest day today!! Isnt it?
21 Dec, 2011
do you know,I thought it was too,G..but before I posted the comment,I checked on my calendar...and it says ..22nd..winter begins..shortest day..so checked summer time begins (June 21st) and that is correct..must be a mistake ..trying to make me think I've lost my marbles !...don't answer that,and I haven't even time to lie down in a darkened room .:o)))
21 Dec, 2011
Lol, I like it!! Thanks for the info, not that it makes much difference to me this time of year, its still light here though 4.15!
21 Dec, 2011
GM you must tell when you have eaten it all.....was it a good buy? the proof of the pudding etc...
Gattina can you send me some of your surplus energy please......and that pate sounds scrummy, any chance of the recipe please?
23 Dec, 2011
Will do Dd. if I get a look in!!
23 Dec, 2011
DD, My bursts of energy last at most for three days, then I have to go and lie down in a darkened room for about a month! It's only because guests are coming for Christmas, and Daughter has VERY exacting standards, isn't slow to criticise, and she SCARES me.
The pate is very easy. I'll send you a PM. ;-))
23 Dec, 2011
My daughter used to criticise sometimes,till she got her own home,and had to do it herself ! .a good learning curve ! Now she asks for advice..and I feel quite smug at times :o)..ah,the teenage years..glad those are over :o))
24 Dec, 2011
Mine's nearly forty!
24 Dec, 2011
I would leave her to do it her way then,Gattina..and cook for you and guests !...but if you prefer to do it your way..let Maria loose on her.Lol.Mine is in her early 30's,but now eats up with gusto ! Have a lovely time,Gattina,and all your family and guests,just try and keep it zipped..peace and harmony,and all that ! :o)))x
24 Dec, 2011
Oh Gattina . . . meet a fellow "sufferer"! My 41-year old son has never been slow to criticise, so I worked HARD getting ready for his visit with his wife and tiny daughter from Australia. They are with us for THREE WEEKS! So far I think he's maybe mellowed slightly, but has made a couple of outrageous comments, so I'm biting my lips big time!!
(Sorry about this Grandmage :(( )
24 Dec, 2011
You aren't on your own Sheila..and I'm sure Grandmage will have had her moments too...so we know what it feels like..hang on in there ! Lol..
24 Dec, 2011
Thanks Bloomer . . . luckily I can smile with my mouth tightly shut!!
24 Dec, 2011
ha ha,Sheila ..meet another expert !..and they just know THAT sign ,don't they ? Lol.
24 Dec, 2011
Luckily, Daughter, who is about 10 minutes' away, said the other day - "I think we can just stay on good terms for about 48 hours, I'll leave on Boxing Day!" Huge sighs of relief all round. I ended up throwing her birthday cake out of the window one year, she was such a Bleep*******. So glad I'm not alone!
24 Dec, 2011
My son, 30, loves to be sarcastic and makes the most awful comments sometimes but they are really funny, I never take umbridge because I am always a happy person. When they have gone though i have my moan, Lol!! My daughter 34, is like me, always smiling and happy. Aaaahh. Bless them all.
24 Dec, 2011
Well done you Grandmage! To give credit where it's due, my tin-opener gave up the ghost today, and son volunteered to walk to a shop and bought me a new one. We are being v friendly and having a laugh now!
Must be Christmas, lol!
24 Dec, 2011
Listen to you lot Clucking away..;0)) Got your broods about you for a day...
24 Dec, 2011
Pim. got them for three weekends in a row!!! or was it 4?
Sheila this time of year is like marmite, you either love it or hate it Lol. x
24 Dec, 2011
You love it GM...XX
24 Dec, 2011
I do!! x
24 Dec, 2011
I know I moan a lot, but so do I! xxxxx (Daughter being extra nice tonight because she has a new man!!!!)
24 Dec, 2011
? ..Happy Christmas both G's
24 Dec, 2011
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we also looked at this when it was full price but didnt. They are supposed to be really good.
looks fantastic.
20 Dec, 2011