Here's to a good 2013.
By grandmage
My little winter flowering cherry so cheerful when its cold.
One of my favourites…..the Hellebore.
31 Dec, 2012
Previous post: Seasons greetings to one and all.
Next post: Bargains at Morries.
Happy new year to you! I love the hellebore and the cherry tree!
31 Dec, 2012
Happy New Year, Grandmage, your photos are a very cheering sight on this damp and windy morning. My hellebores are just little shoots at the moment but full of promise :)
31 Dec, 2012
That cherry tree is magical, GM!
I love the list, but at my age, the bit about laughing uncontrollably is beginning to have a downside........I think I'll just stick to breaking rules! :o)
Have a brilliant and much warmer and dryer 2013.
31 Dec, 2012
Happy Newyear Grandmage to you and your family xx
31 Dec, 2012
Lovely pics G,mage..and a very Happy New Year to you and your family too...I hope we have lots of laughs ,and a summer blessed with more sunshine and warmth..xx..
31 Dec, 2012
Happy New Year to you too. Love the Hellebore, and I have a cherry tree like that, not out as much as yours yet.
31 Dec, 2012
Thanks Hywel & Chickweed & San & B & Cinders & Gee, Meadowland let us know when you are unable to stop laughing please!!!! and Gatt, breaking rules will do for now, one step at a time. Lol :)
Hear, hear to a warm and much dryer summer, its only round the corner. xxx
31 Dec, 2012
Happy and Healthy New Year G/M
31 Dec, 2012
A Happy 2013 to you - lovely pictures - Hellebore is so pretty - our salix not done so well :))))))
31 Dec, 2012
Happy New Year G`mage, love the pics, a smashing sight on a dull dismal day, that Hellebore is a beauty and has made it on my wishlist, might as well start early, lol....
31 Dec, 2012
Happy Hogmanay Grandmage and all the best for 2013 :)
That cherry tree is gorgeous!
31 Dec, 2012
Only 13 weeks until April and all those lovely warm and flowerfilled days. It doesn't sound too dreadful when you say it like that, does it?
31 Dec, 2012
Love your new year greeting - it says it all.
31 Dec, 2012
Thanks everyone, Yorks., Paul, Lincs, Scotti, Gatt, & Stroller. I must say looking out of the kitchen window and seeing my cherry tree, warms the cockles!! and yes I like that Gatt. 13 weeks til April, not long at all. I love all your comments, so happy & kind. Take care all, enjoy the fireworks tonight from London!
31 Dec, 2012
Lincs. I buy my hellebore's when they are in full flower at the GC so I can choose the right colour and one I like.:)
31 Dec, 2012
Love your winter cherry Grandmage! Perfect for these dark drab dreary December! Happy New Year to you and yours....lovely Hellebore! I was looking at some at our GC.....lots of deep pinks and lemon-yellows....couldn't make my mind up so for once, didn't buy either....:(((
31 Dec, 2012
We make the New Year an hour before you lot in the UK, and if you think I'm keeping my eyelids open 'til you get there too, you may have to think again - I'm having difficulty staying awake now - zzzzzzzzzz!
31 Dec, 2012
Oh Janey, you just have to!! go on you know it makes sense. LOL.
Gatt, I know what you mean, we will be dozing before midnight but force ourselves to stay up, we will watch the fireworks from London then away to fairy land, Lol. zzzzzzzz
31 Dec, 2012
happy new year grandmage:)))))
1 Jan, 2013
Thanks Mark and the same to you and your lovely family, with lots of new ideas for the garden too. :)
1 Jan, 2013
Happy New Year Grandmage hope your garden blooms wonderfully for you and may it bring good health and prosperity and joy to you and your little ones.
2 Jan, 2013
That's lovely 6d. thank you so kindly. I wish you the same with good health at the top of your list! x
2 Jan, 2013
Happy New Year GM Loved the Hellebore, and I'm sure they'll be many a laugh in 2013 with us lot. You brightened my 2012 with your funny comments!!! I second the drier and sunnier year and may our flowers bloom profusously (have i spelt that right) ?x
3 Jan, 2013
Hi Gralew, sorry I missed this comment, have been busy busy!! Thank you kindly and I second the fact that we will have many a laugh on Goy. it does cheer the soul. :)
ps. not sure about the spelling, but hey ho. :)
5 Jan, 2013
:o)) thank you Grandmage love that Hellebore , I shall carry out your new year instructions hehe.
5 Jan, 2013
6d you do that now, promise? hehe. :)
6 Jan, 2013
I shall Grandmage but if I broke certain rules what I would like to I d be imprisoned ha ha.
8 Jan, 2013
Happy belated new year wishes Grandmage, just don`t know how I missed your lovely blog.
8 Jan, 2013
Thank you Stroller, no probs. i miss loads of things on here sometimes it takes ages to keep up!
Lets hope we can get out into our gardens more this year and get some work done!! x
9 Jan, 2013
Grandmage things must really be getting to me I just noticed I did comment above, never mind just hope I get back to normal once the gardening season kicks
9 Jan, 2013
Lol Stroller dont forget we have all been alseep since the 31st Dec. ;) I didnt notice either. x
9 Jan, 2013
A belated Happy New Year to you and your family. It is funny that I keep clicking on you. I think it is because you post such beautiful pictures and my computer points the way. Thanks for all the wonderful pics, and keep them coming.
12 Jan, 2013
Aaaahh Wells, how kind of you, I wish you a very happy new year too, I also love your photos, especially the snowy ones. Take care and keep warm. x
13 Jan, 2013
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Happy New Year !
:o) x
31 Dec, 2012