World Naked Gardening Day - May 6th
By green_finger
Who says so – NOT ME!
12 Mar, 2018
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I am with Dawnsaunt, can not think of anything worse,and I would frighten the neighbours.
12 Mar, 2018
I was always taught "Cast not a clout till May be out"
(Clout is an old fashioned Lancashire word for cloth or items of clothing)
This surely isn't a British idea, not on May 6th...
In any case not for me either, I don't want to be reminded about whats happened to me over the years...
12 Mar, 2018
Begs the question .. Why???
12 Mar, 2018
Is it to be ‘closer’ to nature? A bit too close for my liking!!
12 Mar, 2018
Doesn't "bare" thinking about! :-)
12 Mar, 2018
not even if it warms up. And where would I put my secateurs?
12 Mar, 2018
lol Dawn :D
What a daft idea !
12 Mar, 2018
You do have to smile though!! our future SIL bought me a poster regarding the above!!
12 Mar, 2018
My garden is a bit overlooked. I wonder what the legal position is?
12 Mar, 2018
Knowing good ole british weather we'd all look as though we had a blue body stocking on..
Andrew as long as we put our gardening belts over the appropriate places I think its allowed legally, not that I would do it mind, the only attractive naked body to me is under the age of 3yrs old, lol...
13 Mar, 2018
Hmmm - I wonder if EBAY sells loincloths :-)
13 Mar, 2018
I believe there is a couple somewhere in Wiltshire who do this all year round.
Seaburn Girl: That made me laugh!
Not for me. I am ugly enough with clothes on!
13 Mar, 2018
Andrew, Johnny Weissmuller springs to mind ;-)
13 Mar, 2018
Yes I remember seeing the Naked Gardeners on telly and thinking what a horrible sight it was, their skin especially, the womans looked like Rhino hide, or as the saying goes tough as old boots....
13 Mar, 2018
Eirley - the couple you are thinking of are at Abbey House Gardens in Malmesbury
13 Mar, 2018
Lin, you’ve jogged my memory, I remember that now, begs the question why?
14 Mar, 2018
Because they are naturists. They wear minimal clothing when the garden is open to avoid offending visitors, but I think there were 'clothing optional' days (for visitors too)
14 Mar, 2018
Andrew I do believe they have now divorced!! must have attracted a few unsavoury characters, reminds me of when my OH and I stumbled accidentally on a naturists beach in Devon, we felt very overdressed, (in our bathing costumes) and no we didn't join in, but refused to budge because we had paid to go on the beach, and had walked over a mile to find a beautiful deserted beach to have our picnic!!my OH was frightened to use his binoculars (a keen bird watcher, feathered I might add).....such fun!!
14 Mar, 2018
DD, we did the same thing as you once on holiday in Greece - it was very disconcerting!
14 Mar, 2018
We saw some once from the top of a cliff but passed quickly on...
14 Mar, 2018
GF so pleased we are not the only ones.....
15 Mar, 2018
We holidayed years ago in Fuerteventura, it was everywhere and far from easy on the eye.
15 Mar, 2018
Happens also on the Purbecks. Many many years ago we visited when the children were small. We walked quite a way to get to the "perfect spot"! Came across people in the altogether and beat a hasty retreat. The children were delighted : made their day!
16 Mar, 2018
Blimey Eirlys. Our daughter was little too and she asked why were the people rudey nudey's lol
17 Mar, 2018
Hmmmm....I'll give it a try..but I must wear my Wellingtons.
17 Mar, 2018
Loose, hope it will be warm for you on the day.
18 Mar, 2018
Although I’m in my 80’s GF, I have kept physicaly fit so I do hope to see a swarm of drones flying over the garden for a look :) instead of a bunch of vultures circling over my head:(
18 Mar, 2018
18 Mar, 2018
Better keep your watering can held up then, Loose, just in case.
20 Mar, 2018
just don't go weeding nettles or poisoned ivy Loosestrife!
21 Mar, 2018
Nettles? It’s more like icicles....there’s a nor’easter going on right now. I have 12 inches of snow in the garden at present and we are being told to expect another 5 to 6 inches. It’s too cold to go completely in the buff I do need to wear a little something to keep me warm, now let’s see.......ah! I do believe there is a half keg with the bottom missing in the garden shed....
21 Mar, 2018
I think gardening gloves would also be allowed - every little helps.
22 Mar, 2018
Loose I hope the keg is a good fit. Photo please.
23 Mar, 2018
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- Happy New 2018 Year
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Haha Green :-)
Not for me either, I'm more for covering up to protect from insect bites and sunburn!
12 Mar, 2018