Gummib's Profile

About me
Hello I live in small town Selfoss, 1/2 hr east from Reykjavík. I have 1000m2 garden. Actually it’s more like a small nursery, and I m selling plants, from it. It began whit self seed plants, that I collected, and now I haw seedlings in beds. I have no roof, so frosts in autumn and spring, do some time damage.
I am very interested, in all sorts of maple trees. I have already 10 - 20 (depends on that winter) and I like to try to get some more. I also like other species, like Querkus, Fraxsinus, Ulmus and Aesculus, for exsampel, and have them in my garden.
In my country are two trees original, Betula, pubeskens and Sorbus auquparia, both lives in 70-150 yrs. So we have no trees older than that.
I’m very interested in plants with leafs in unusual colors, I have some Prunus, Acer, and Beberis in red. And I have some roses also in my garden.
In autumn time I’ll have some 20, 30 or more types of seed to swap if someone is interested. Now (0203 2010) I only have some 5-6 left. (Two Sorbus, Betula, three Roses and few seeds of Dryas octopetala, our' national plant. Roses are Rosa pimpinellifolia, simple white, Rosa ,Hurdal, pink double very hardy H 1,m, and Rosa sweginzowii, simple pink, 3m+ big hips.
My family, in Selfoss is my wife and son of 12, another son in Reykjavík and third one lives in London. A aunt in Worthing, and some more relatives in England. My grandfather come from England, and some of my roots belongs to England. I was born 1961.
In winter time is not much to do for a gardener, and y can sit at computer and let mind, go forward too may, that is usual month for flowers. And I can write and look at pictures at this web ad get good ideas, thanks for that.
But summer time is more busy time, so I will not have time for leisure.. .
English is not my original language, so I’m often out of the right words. And sorry for bad spelling and grammar in my text. But I am picking up some new words from you, thanks for that. And I was just finding a left button on my mouse, and spelling correct system.
Best regards, Guðmundur. ;-)
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Joined in Mar 2010
Country: Iceland