Halfterm gardening
By gwendas
Hi everyone and big thankyou for all your comments and tips on my last blog!
Haven’t been on GOY for a few days because It’s been ok weather so I’ve been in the garden HOORAY! ‘Spring cleaning’ out there i.e. clearing away all dead foliage, checking frost damage ( lost at least 3 plants I think but playing wait and see game for a while?) clearing weeds and dead leaves away so I can now see all those emerging shoots. It’s great isn’t it? with my ipod playing my favourite songs, singing to the bulbs.
Now I’m just catching up on your news and photos before doing some cooking.
Wish I could retire – too young yet and too poor! – but I do love not having to rush around fitting things in.
Out for lunch tomorrow but hope to do some seed planting on Thursday and get some use out of my little plastic greenhouse.
Love Jo x
17 Feb, 2009
Previous post: Hellebore Day.
Next post: More half-term gardening!
Iv been outside again2day 2 Gwendas & seen lots of new Life :) Lawn is still to wet 2 walk on 4 me to Weed/Tidy up so iv been sowing In the Greenhouse again :) MMMmmmmm so Warm in there today&yesterday no wonder the Fuchsias are starting to put on new Growth in there :)
17 Feb, 2009
Good for you Gwendas. I've been doing much the same. It's so good to be out there finding things to do and, with all the new growth around, it feels like spring is in the air. At last !!!
17 Feb, 2009
I've been in the garden aswell, funny i had my head phones on while i was in my garden, i was listening to Elvis, as for retiring done wish your life away, i kept saying wish i could retire i did three years ago, & now time is flying past to quick.
17 Feb, 2009
Been outside too.
All the remaining leaves are now off the borders. Weeds that I know are weeds have now gone. There are some seedlings though that could possible be baby Hellebors, so I shall wait out on those. Lots of bulbs poking through, sort of forgot where I planted them tail end of last year when I emptied my pots.
A bit more sun and things can start going in the garden and out the greenhouse.
17 Feb, 2009
Isn't it great to get out. I too did lots of tidying etc. yesterday - went to the cinema today. I haven't got a greenhouse yet, maybe next year, so I have put a pasting table up in my extension room and shall put all my seed trays on it. I know it looks a bit strange, but who cares.As long as they grow I'll be happy.
17 Feb, 2009
Well done Clarice on listening to Elvis songs ~
Hopefully not " When It Rains It Really Pours "
or " I Got Stung " :o)
17 Feb, 2009
Glad you enjoyed your day Jo....it's great to see everything coming back to life!
17 Feb, 2009
Hi all! So glad you all seem to be having similar clear up days in your gardens! I've just been reading up on pruning things like clematis - different groups - and honeysuckle and hydrangeas. My passion flower seems to have survived the frost but do I cut it back - can't find that info? I feel the need to visit my local garden centre tomorrow! Inspired by Spritz's little bellis daisies for my spare container. Also been thinking about getting some dahlia tubers - can they go straight into the ground now?
Jo x
17 Feb, 2009
Glad you were able to get out and "play" in your garden. It's always nice to get things cleaned up and sorted. :o)
18 Feb, 2009
Recent posts by gwendas
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- Hello to old and new friends on GOY
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- First blog for weeks!
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- What a difference a week makes!
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- Off to sunnier climes (I hope!)
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12 Feb, 2009
Well done Jo on your garden spring clean :o)
Did you listen to appropriate songs ?
Tulips from Amsterdam ?
English Country Garden ?
There's a hole in my bucket ? :o)
17 Feb, 2009