By heron
In 2006 I wrestled with the concept of ‘going digital’, when pressed on the subject I would say "Narrr, I’m a muck n’ nettles man. However for a Country Bumpkin I keep up with what’s going on, mostly from Radio 4. After much thought I realized that one day I wouldn’t be able to do the most basic tasks. So, I bought a digi camera and followed it shortly after with a laptop. I also have a Mobile phone but I don’t find the need of it, but in an emergency I would know how to use one. As for my watch, when I retired I stopped wearing it. Like you I suspect I’ve still much to learn about the ever changing/expanding aspects to all things digital but oh am I glad I made the right decision back in 2006. When ‘on line’ I still listen to radio 4 and Classical FM as I used to but it doesn’t prevent me from doing what I’m doing right now. I’ve met many friends, ‘virtual’ yes but I wouldn’t be without you all, from home and abroad. ‘Digitology’ is unstoppable and anyone who shuns it will not be able to cope without help from others. Two people I know well refuse to embrace it and I’m still trying to persuade them before they’re too old to learn. When i was ‘working’ I used a whole check book a week, now I write just 2 or 3 a year. Do you think Cheques should be done away with.
3 Apr, 2010
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Hywel , you're a legend ... lost your cheque book AND mobile phone. lol
Heron, I say keep cheques, I send/receive cheques for birthdays in the post, I have to write cheques on behalf of my Mum for tradesmen as she never knows her PIN number ! Our son works for the fraud investigation unit of a bank and laughs at us for not banking on-line as he says it's so safe. Different generation have different ideas !
3 Apr, 2010
I agree with Megan. I should hate not being able to send cheques to Grandchildren anymore. I'm convinced they're safer than plastic cards. Two of my sons-in-law have had money taken from their accounts by credit card fraud and a friend who had it taken from this country when she was in Portugal. If the banks stop the use of cheques I believe it will be because THEY want to, never mind us oldies.
heron I do agree that we oldies do need to embrace as much of the digital age as we can, but shouldn't be forced to use plastic cards, although most of the big stores won't accept anything else now. I feel bullied.
Hywel you are so funny, you seem to be in a senior moment phase just now!
3 Apr, 2010
Hywel I thought it was just me!!. It normally takes me 3 days of frantic serraching to find my cheque book. When I am at work Im always lossing my phonne; the times people have said to me its ok I ring your number . No point I say its on silent; but it will vibrate they say, no it wont i say Ive got vibrate switched off. Theres no help for us is there?
Heron my dad has a mobile phone for emergencies. yeah right. He carries it around but it is always switched off. So we can never get hold of him - what's the point of that. He says if he has an emergency he'll switch it on!!!???!! I give up. At least your digically minded good for you
3 Apr, 2010
I dont use many cheques... but sometimes they are a must.... especially for the elderly who havnt got all the new technology...my mother is housebound now and would be lost without her cheque book........
3 Apr, 2010
I recon that us that have lived a bit, know what it's all about, well nearly. only use theci digi things if we really need them. The youngsters however, well have you sat on a bus and had to listen, you know the stuff....."I'm on the bus" ect.ect. I haven't heard one interesting conversation yet.lol I could be wrong (often am) but it's as if they can't relax until they arrive at their destination. They have to do something with their hands. Maybe they think they look more interesting ;-) The other day I sat opposite a girl who had ear phones in and was chatting at the same time, now that's 'cool'
3 Apr, 2010
Oh I cant stand it when I'm in Tesco and someone is shopping and talking on the phone the same time lol. I know I'm grumpy but listening to - 'I'm in Tesco by the tinned peas. Then I'll be geting some bread. I'll be home in 20 mins. Where are you now ? ' - makes me grumpier lol. :o))
3 Apr, 2010
That made me laugh Hywel.
3 Apr, 2010
Hywel - I hate it when people are on their mobiles asking what they should buy if item on list is not on shelf. Just MAKE A DECISION in the shop, like we used to. Should I be on that tv prog.'Grumpy Old Women' ? lol
3 Apr, 2010
Maybe you should lol. I definately should be on the 'Grumpy old Men' :o)
3 Apr, 2010
I haven`t used cheques for years now, most of our banking and bills are done online. I wasn`t ever `into` technology but now I embrace it and don`t know what I`d do without my mobile or computer. I like progress and am happy to go along with it, it keeps me on my toes...lol! :o))
4 Apr, 2010
~ As I buy a lot of stuff online and use online banking or paypal I am lucky if I use 2/3 cheques a year but credit where it's due my husband has mastered sky plus and a sat nav system on his mobile phone whilst I work with some much younger colleagues who don't want to know! Good for you Heron! and yes Hywel the young go to sleep,clutching their phones ~ the new security blanket they can't be without!
6 Apr, 2010
Interesting subject I just picked up on Heron. Ordering things on line is a doddle......being in house to take delivery can be a problem. Mobile phones, I can text, but it all seems so stilted. I have cousin,same age as me,she can text so we occasionally exchange clunky messages. I do so like a letter,on a card, with a pretty picture of flowers. I do realise there have long been texting vrituosos .Seen em on the train, with flying thumbs, or whatever digit they used. Computers, internet, marvellous, belong to a club for that, a real one,not virtual, like GOY. I sometimes get miffed when I see/overhear inane chatter on mobiles at full throttle in a public place. Not always the young ones either!!!!!!!
19 May, 2010
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Last week I had to write a cheque and couldn't find my cheque book lol. It's here somewhere but I don't know where I've put it.!
I don't know where my mobile phone is either. It's switched off so I can't ring it to find out where it is. :o) I haven't missed it though
3 Apr, 2010