Miles too hot, so time for a blog!
The weather here is scorching, even at 4pm. I am waiting for the evening before I go out and attempt to get some of the plants from the derelict greenhouse into the ground, hoping they will have a better chance at survival that way – they veer from bone dry to soggy roots, wilt to health, so need something done.
Just a few pics taken over the last few days of some of the plants that are doing their best. This is the first year that I have had to water plants that are actually in the garden, once established they usually manage on their own.
Rose called ‘Absent Friends’ which reminds me of all the people present and past. A delightful little rose which I had hoped would droop and cover the plastic pot, might just have to buy a better pot!
Another look at the rose which was placed to cover the tree stump.
New purchase – Thalictrum kiusianum, miniature version for the rock garden bit.
Globe Thistle (Echinops bannaticus) about to show colour.
Bear’s Breeches (Acanthus spinosus)
One of the achillea, some insipid colours, but the bees love them!
More achillea!
The monkey puzzle tree has ‘flowered’ this year, apparently this makes it 30-40 years old and a female!
The old pot-bellied stove planted with a begonia called fire something! Can’t remember the name, the Osteospermum also has a ‘fire’ connection.
The stove closer up, it did have a bracycome in pale blue (for the smoke) in the top, but too dry and it died!
More work in progress clearing the ivy covering the ground, after the leylandii was cut back. Loads more light!
The bit not got to yet! Doesn’t look too bad, but the ivy is at least 8 inches deep!
Cleared bit looking down towards the wheelbarrow end, with the sprouting bay tree and newly planted wisteria to cover the stumps and the leylandii stumps.
Looking back the other way.
One of about 8 barrow loads of ivy – it’s one of the huge barrows too!
Unknown rose that was already here. HT but pretty anyway.
You may remember the ‘in progress’ work to the circular lawn – it’s still in progress as the area is too hot to work on during the day and the drought has made the clay soil rock hard, so have moved over to the ivy clearing.
Thanks for looking.
16 Jul, 2013
Previous post: Early morning visitor!
Next post: Nearly August!
I love your idea f planting for the stove - shame the smoke disappeared - but there's always next year...
16 Jul, 2013
The stove was actually in the house when we moved in, connected, but completely derelict, hate to think what would have happened if we had lit it!
It's a pretty shape and I squirrelled it away before hubby could put it on the scrap pile.
17 Jul, 2013
Don't blame you
17 Jul, 2013
I love your garden!
19 Jul, 2013
Thanks Shiela, One Day...I might be happy with it. The grass just in view over the top of the Absent Friends rose is mostly going to disappear. It's really uneven, full of holes from the clay and extremely boring!
Planning on having even more flower or shrub beds, though with the weather we are having perhaps a scree bed would be a better idea!
19 Jul, 2013
That sounds like a good idea if the grass is uneven and patchy . . . I think gravel/pebble beds often look very stylish. We're on clay too, and I've made a couple of 'stony' beds with mostly ornamental grasses - the Imperata (Japanese blood grass) gets most compliments!
19 Jul, 2013
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It is hot, isn't it!! I love your planting in the stove, HG and your rose 'Absent Friends' looks exactly like the one I've just planted at my Mum's, tho' the label said, 'Many Happy Returns'. We thought it looked like the one wrong when the flowers opened. It's a pretty rose though and Mum loves it; glad to know its real name. You have been busy clearing your ivy - room for lots more planting now!
16 Jul, 2013