Nearly August!
Here we are at least half way through the Summer, where does it go? We spent the early part of the year moaning about the wet and nasty Spring and then some of us (me included) have been complaining about the heat wave!
At last we have what is the usual English summer, some hot days, some wet and some like today, overcast and mizzling/drizzling at times.
Must say I prefer this sort and so does my garden, it is coming back to life now we have had some rain. However well you try to water its just not the same.
The Achillea Mollis which in a fit of madness I planted in full sun, not expecting the heat wave, shrivelled and scorched, but has now been moved and is turning green again with new leaves.
The ‘lawn’ is a disaster, hasn’t been mown and now sports mostly sow thistle, self heal turning brown with seed, wild potentilla (try and get that out!) and buttercup.
I would spray it with some selective weed killer but we have bees nesting in the ground and I am planning on getting rid of the majority of it before next year, so seems a waste and a danger to the bees.
The wall of roses near the gate is going over now, but still looks good from a distance and will sport hips later.
Loads of dead-heading to do amongst the perennials and a couple of projects to keep going, but have been concentrating on keeping an eye on the builders!
The self-seeded hollyhocks are in flower and the bees are just drunken louts around them, barging each other out of the way to get to them and the lavender stems just bounce up and down all the time with the bees jumping from one flower to the next.
Great to see them, the nest in the shed is still going strong and I learned something new the other day when I enquired from the Bee Conservation people about why there were small and larger bees in it. Apparently they do vary in size (quite a lot) depending on when they hatched and how much food they had when they did – live and learn as they say!
31 Jul, 2013
Previous post: Miles too hot, so time for a blog!
Next post: Garden visitor
Very interesting blog especially about the different sized bees, I've noticed this with the bees going in and out of the nest under my shed.
31 Jul, 2013
That hollyhock is gorgeous!
31 Jul, 2013
Very nice. I did like the teasel picture. My Mum once told me they are carnivorous plants, and digest the juices from the insects that drown in the little pockets of water that collect at the leaf joints. Nature is amazing.
31 Jul, 2013
You have described it well Honey, its been raining all day here with thunder going around us all afternoon, waterbutts full again and I gained another two ponds but pleased to say its started to drain away again now, no watering neccessary except inside the g'houses, everything in the garden is looking lush and enjoyed the weather once the wind died down, except my roses, ready for some more summer weather again now as my tootsies prefer the freedom of my flipflops, not as hot though, lol .....
31 Jul, 2013
Thank you everyone for the nice comments, its good to let the brain have a ramble round and foist the resulting thoughts onto you all, as a captive audience!
To Lincslass, I know what you mean about the roses, mine got so heavy with rain they just drooped completely over - the shock of actually getting some rain I expect. Also our water butts are full, now the quandary is do I pump them out into the pond so they are ready for more rain, or are we going to get more rain to refill them?
Steragram - didn't know that about teasels, I shall go out and study it. We have a few which are self sown from the wild and I always plan to save the seed and plant a few more, but the birds always beat me to it.
For Louisa and Jane - the hollyhocks were here when we came, always came up in the wrong place, the edge of the drive so they fell onto it or the middle of the lawn. Hubby doesn't like them, but I have coralled them into one section (nearly) and will try to keep them there, lots of colours, lots of nostalgia.
For Jaykaty - I contacted the bee people because I had seen what looked like the big normal bumblebees going into the small b.bees nest and wondered if they were stealing from them, laying eggs in their nest (like the cuckoo bee) or killing them off. You would never believe they were the same bees, the difference in the sizes! But then - people come in different sizes, so why not bees?
31 Jul, 2013
Mmmm, loving this cooler weather.
Honey, if you look at my photos, you'll see I put up a picture of an Imperata grass for you! (to inspire you for when you get rid of your grass . . . )
1 Aug, 2013
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lovely written blog (painted a picture in my mined) the hollyhock looks really nice.
from jane.
31 Jul, 2013