What did well this year and what didn't?
Thought I would have a look round to see what did well in the garden this year, apart from the weeds, and what is really taking up space for nothing.
I don’t usually grow annuals, but did buy some this year when they reduced them so much it was wicked not to!
The first things that really did well, and I have taken some seed to grow for next year, are some Tagetes, goodness knows what sort, small bright flowers that have made into lovely little bushes and brightened the flower beds up. Beside them are some Pot Marigolds, self seeded, that have flowered all summer and I have even remembered to dead-head to keep them going. Common they might be, bright and cheerful they are!
These ones are on the opposite side of the pond in front of the Lobelia cardinalis ‘Queen Victoria’ which has made up into large plants with loads of flower heads. Bought from one of those multi-purpose shops that have plants outside, for very little money!
Also bought late for annuals were some Bizzie lizzies (Impatiens), nothing posh, just the bedding sort. Some got dotted in the garden and some in pots. These have done well and flowered their little heads off.
As have the Verbenas, also bought late. The pink ones got chewed down to the base by the baby rabbits, so the pots had to be moved round the back.
Begonias bought late mostly did well in the pot, the first photo shows them earlier and as you can see there was a yellow one, which succumbed, but the pot has filled anyway.
This photo by the back of the pond has some more bedding bizzie lizzies, the Geums which made up nicely, odd Snapdragons with the Victorian houseplant the jolly old Aspidistra, which is just as happy outside and fully hardy. Beside this is the Fuschia ‘Hawkshead’, this one the variegated kind, just a poor stunted stick when it was put in this year, so I am expecting great things of it next year. Also a self-seed Verbascum, goodness knows where from!
Some time in the past there was a discussion about Senecio cineraria which were everywhere being sold and how they died so quickly, being coddled and forced by the growers. Like many people I bought one last year, it quickly died back, but survived the winter outside, so got plonked in the garden (live or die) and it has performed beautifully, now going over a bit, but I might grow a few from the seed, or at least have a go.
Something else that appreciated being put in the ground was the purple leaved Tradescantia, it has just grown and spread. Amongst it is the garden miniature version of the Tradescantia with toning flowers.
What didn’t do well was the pot which held Chives, Heartsease and some other herb, only the chives left now looking well (ish).
Others that weren’t happy were the French Marigolds. Not that you can blame them, rabbits had a go, peacocks sat on them, scrapped them up into the blazing sun and the tree got pruned onto them – better luck next year.
The local town has some wonderful displays of almost double, stunning yellow marigolds, nobody dead-heads them so I have liberated some seed to grow next year! They will only go to compost soon.
Pelagoniums/Geraniums got moved to the pillars of the pond when the pigeons kept eating the Campanulas which were supposed to drape decoratively over the pillars. They got to about 2" tall, so had to be moved.
When the pond was re-done there was a concrete pot of Sedum (now re-named Hylotelephium spectabile) the
ice plant. There was so much of this that it got split up and replanted and is trying to take over!
I hope you had more successes than failures this year, next year I am planning on a few more annuals to keep the beds brighter.
4 Sep, 2019
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You have had a very good year then Honey, looks really lovely, I purchased a new lobelia from Kew Gardens a few weeks back I am praying that next year it looks as good as yours does, do you know I've never tried my dark tradescantia in the garden, now I've seen yours I'm going to give it a go, its plenty big enough so won't miss a couple of stems, nothing ventured and all that, lol, I refuse to rename my sedum, why do they insist on changing so many names, my brain doesn't accept too many changes..Great blog Honey..
5 Sep, 2019
Your garden looks so inviting honeysuckle and a very successful year it's had! I love your 'black' verbenas, gorgeous foil for the pinks around it. Your lobelia queen Vic reminded me I hadn't seen mine this year?? I went looking and found one pathetic little stalk with 4 leaves on, the one in a different part of the garden had vanished without a trace...what's going on? I will dig it out give tlc and replant elsewhere. Love the dark leaved tradescantia outside, a much under valued plant I think. Giving my sedums the Chelsea chop this year has made them much better behaved and non flopping. They are such a strong autumn plant and such good late pollen supply. I like your beautiful dark red pelargoniums on their pillar.
6 Sep, 2019
I expect the Chives will be re-potted again at the end of the season Darren. They came from a friend, in a large pot, full of grass! Many happy hours teasing them all apart to re-pot, so I have lots of pots of Chives.
6 Sep, 2019
Thanks Lincslass, I hope your Lobelia makes up into something splendid. These, there is more than one dotted about the bed, are in a more water retentive bit, where the pond-man lined a hole with some old liner, then stuck some holes in it. Not sure haow damp is always is, but it gives the damp lovers a fighting chance. Not sure whether I will chance the Tradescantia outside for the winter, might just split some of it and bring in and leave the rest. I did have one of the green ones that lived in a hanging basket, hanging on the pear tree, which is why it was forgotten, and that survived for two winters. More likely died from lack of water than the cold. Like you they will always be Sedums to me!
6 Sep, 2019
Perhaps your Lobelias needed a bit more water Resinone? I had one which was planted in part shade, but a very dry area, and that disappeared. These ones are planted in a what is supposed to be a bog garden, not sure how boggy, but hey-ho! They obviously like it anyway. I might give my Sedums the C-chop next year, it's such a pain having to prop them up all the time!
The dark Pelargonium came from J.Parker and is supposed to be a 'climbing geranium'. I did enquire last year why it didn't do that and was told it was the second year that they got bigger! Haven't noticed that at all, looks like an ordinary one to me, but a lovely colour.
6 Sep, 2019
So envious of your lake ... erm pond, it looks amazing! You have a lovely garden, your lobelia Queen Victoria looks lovely, mine vanished years ago, is that Ogon near it? :-)
13 Sep, 2019
I might give queen vic another chance hs although damp areas don't exist in my garden, that non stop hard drying wind up here is not helpful! But that's the cost of my compromise to have those views.. I gave My sedums the c.c. as I'd never got round to dividing them last year and I hate those big things flopping around smothering everything else or having to support them which never seems to work well anyway. They will flower a bit later but looking so good now.
14 Sep, 2019
Thanks Bornagain, the pond is coming on and now I have discovered where the waterfall was leaking I might be a bit happier with it. It leaked several times, I managed to get him back to look, it got plugged with some foamy gunge, but then leaked again! So fed up with him, I took it apart and found the problem, left it to check and now need to put it back together again. The variegated plant near the Lobelia is an Iris.
14 Sep, 2019
You are right Resinone about the Sedums being annoying and flopping everywhere. I have propped these, but they are difficult to keep propped as they get so heavy. Next year (it's always next year isn't it?) I am going to try to get the supports in earlier! But the insects do love them and they brighten up the garden when everything else is waning. When the pond was done I asked for a bog garden beside it, theoretically to take any overflow from the pond! Due to the design he did (no plan for me) it doesn't overflow, but the bog garden bit has old liner underneath so hopefully keeps some moisture. He did lump all the sub-soil into the hole, which later (by us) then had to be 'adjusted' with woodchip and compost to lighten up the clay sub-soil.
14 Sep, 2019
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Looks nice! Maybe the chives would benefit from being chopped into four & repotted?
5 Sep, 2019