Replanting a Hibiscus
By ian_digs_v2
I’m sure many of you will remember the escapade with the white Hibiscus that I tried to plant recently. I got the weed membrane out of the way, started to dig the hole and then found a pipe running right where I was digging! ! ! So the poor Hibi. ended up plonked in a bucket with some Cyclemen for company.
So having decided on a new position for it, I started again.
First thing to do is gather the nescecery equipment and supplies.
Next is the hard bit (but also one of my favourite bits, Lol)
Dig a hole and make sure its a deep one
Better not over do it! ! !
Mix the soil (and I use this term very loosely in my garden) with some good compost
Refill most of the hole with the compost/soil mix
Then it’s time for one of these! ! !
Oh well back to it, I suppose.
Add a good slosh of this
And a handful of that!
Errrrrm well you get the idea now.
Seeing as the Cyclemen looked so happy in the bucket with old Hibi I thought I may as well put them back together.
So finally they both have a new home. ! ! ! ! !
So much better than talking about fighting and being arrested, don’t you think?
21 Sep, 2009
Previous post: Getting fruity in the garden!
Next post: My attempt at a spring bulb planter!
that,s the kind of gardening I like , plenty of tea and smoke
the plants look great together, nicely arranged.
21 Sep, 2009
God, I wish I smoked!
That looks smashing, Ian. I nearly bought some of those cycle-men chappies at the supermarket yesterday, then I thought 'Ooo do they come up again next year, or do you have to dig 'em up and store the corms?' because I'm useless at digging bulbs and stuff up and storing them safely. I've got the really weeny ones in the garden, tinier than these of yours, and they come up year after year and are finally starting to spread. Wish I'd bought them, now. Ah well, another year...
Those heathers are looking good, too...making some timber, aren't they?
21 Sep, 2009
Hey Bob, I'm pleased you like it, I've done three more like that as well!
Thanks Usernut, No tea for me, can't stand the stuff, black coffee, one sugar please. Oh and so strong the spoon'll stand up in it! ! !
Afternoon B. Don't ever start smoking (I know you know but you never know? ? ?) I do like these biker blokes and they do 'go' with the Hibi-iscus don't they?
21 Sep, 2009
U ought to be on Gardener's World Ian. what a way with words you have when explaining your planting techniques. I was a bit worried mind, when I saw that hole. I thought you were going to bury the poor things!!!!
21 Sep, 2009
My soil is so poor Paul that deep holes (in my humble opinion) are essential. Anyway I enjoy digging holes....... Lol
21 Sep, 2009
Just make sure you don't fall down one! I've just read your previous blog about the garden centre . You dug yourself a bit of a hole there, so to speak, didn't you???(Ha Ha)
21 Sep, 2009
What a great idea Ian..those cyclamen and the hibi look lovely together right enough - and of course it means the cyclamen won't get disturbed and should reappear each there's an idea I could follow...many ta's !!
21 Sep, 2009
Oh Ian thats so sweet putting them together perhaps they will reproduce? The amount of holes you dig! one day they will all join together and you will have great soil?
21 Sep, 2009
they do look fab together and that was one big hole hehe
much better
x x x
21 Sep, 2009
Paul, yes I did,didn't I ?
I don't know what for Alz. but your welcome. LOL
Drc. I hope one day that my soil might just stay on the fork when I dig it over instead of just pouring straight through.
Thanks Jen. :~)))
21 Sep, 2009
a job well done ian, i like my ciggy and coffee breaks to, baz likes them alot more though heheh, anyway the plants look good together ian :o))
21 Sep, 2009
My kind of gardening Ian. Do a bit, sit a bit, do a bit, sit a bit !! You have to make sure each stage of the job is going well don't you ?? lol Great end result mate :-))
21 Sep, 2009
They're way too cute to be biker blokes! What kinda bikers did YOU hang out with, Hell's Little Angels?? (pc version!)
21 Sep, 2009
Hi San, I just take my time and enjoy it without hurting myself......
Sue, It has to be done proper like eh? you have to sit and stare at it for a while. ;~))
21 Sep, 2009
Evening Hatter, Whats wrong with cute bikers like.... Errrrr not like , errr well ..... that is ......... you have to understand like I don't personally like cute blokes and all that but .....well errrrrrr hmmmmmmmmm
21 Sep, 2009
Of course you do Ian !! You have to work things out on your own head dontcha ... and that takes a cuppa and a ciggie !! lol :-))
21 Sep, 2009
Thats right Sue, would you have a word with Carol for me?
21 Sep, 2009
LOL !! :-))
21 Sep, 2009
LMAO! Of course he does what, Sue? Like cute blokes?!!
Read the last few entries! LOL!!
21 Sep, 2009
Oh no I don't ......... :~((
21 Sep, 2009
Does Carol know?
21 Sep, 2009
Yes! ! !
21 Sep, 2009
OMG !!! Just clocked it !!! tee hee hee :-))
21 Sep, 2009
LOL! As long as she's ok with it, you carry on liking cute bikers! LOL!
21 Sep, 2009
Just imagining Ian with a Hairy biker and a fag !!! LOL
21 Sep, 2009
LMAO!! A CUTE biker!
21 Sep, 2009
Ooopppss !!! hee hee :-))
21 Sep, 2009
Now listen you two, don't start on me. You all know what happened to the last bloke who tried it! ! ! ......... Lol
21 Sep, 2009
Arrrggghhh .... it wasn't me Ian ... HONEST !! lol :-))
21 Sep, 2009
If you think you're hard enough......................
21 Sep, 2009
Ask Geoff! ! ! ;~))
21 Sep, 2009
He's still running due South isn't he ??? tee hee hee !! :-))
21 Sep, 2009
Lol ;~)) He's quite nice to talk to really.
21 Sep, 2009
All sorted mate. That's the most important thing :-))
21 Sep, 2009
Yes Ian, but he's a bloke! Blokes are wusses!
21 Sep, 2009
Not like hairy bikers ay ????? (nudge nudge Ian !) :-)))
21 Sep, 2009
no comment .... :~((
21 Sep, 2009
Have you heard? the thorn has been pruned off.......... :~))
21 Sep, 2009
21 Sep, 2009
I have heard from a reliable source that the Burkunty is no more.......... P & A came back from where ever they were and did some removel of dead branches etc.
21 Sep, 2009
States deleted or disabled.
21 Sep, 2009
I've just been and double checked and "this account has been disabled or deleted" Hoooooooray ;~))
21 Sep, 2009
I'm pleased Sue. I know you and Donnah can take it but I could imagine the damage she could have done to any new members who fell into her nasty grasp.............
21 Sep, 2009
That was what worried me mate. Had e mail from the boys stating number of flaggings was a record ! Funny thing ... they were away for the weekend in ... Brum !! :-))
21 Sep, 2009
I just hope she doesn't try and come back with a new username!
21 Sep, 2009
LMSO that is soooo poetic really. You may have passed them in the street and not known! ! !
21 Sep, 2009
The TROLL IS GONE!! yeeha!
Thats all I have to say really!
21 Sep, 2009
I know !!! lol If she does try Ian I'm sure we'll recognise that particular brand of poison VERY easily !
21 Sep, 2009
Like I say don't celebrate to much, she has the b@@ls to try and come back with a new username
21 Sep, 2009
I think so, but for now we can just put it all behind us, eh?
21 Sep, 2009
Hmmmmmm lets just enjoy knowing that our site IS well policed (in a nice way) and that we do have a say in what goes on (and doesn't) here
21 Sep, 2009
I think a thank you to the 'boys' is in order?
21 Sep, 2009
I agree! Well done Peter & Ajay!
21 Sep, 2009
I'll second that Ian !! :-))
21 Sep, 2009
I'm going to use the 'contact us' link ;~))
21 Sep, 2009
Go on then! :-))))
Love the flowery display, btw. Great!
21 Sep, 2009
This is what I said to them:
I just wanted to say thank you for removing Burgundy from our wonderful site. We are one big family here and look after each other. In situations like this it is good to know that you are there, in the background, policing what goes on and just as importantly what doesn't.
So a big thanks from me and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Please, if she 'left' of her own accord then don't tell us as it will spoil the celebrations.
Best wishes and if there was an award for the best web site in the world then GoY would certainly get my vote. :~))
21 Sep, 2009
LOVELY !!! :-)))))
21 Sep, 2009
Thank you Spritz. ;~))
21 Sep, 2009
You to Sue ;~))
21 Sep, 2009
Well said that man! Great feedback to give them!
21 Sep, 2009
21 Sep, 2009
Just done a reply to the e mail I received Ian !! :-)))
21 Sep, 2009
Good man. ......errrr well woman Lol ;~))
21 Sep, 2009
Yayyyy sorry getting carried away there, Hey Ian I just had a thought, if you dig up cyclamen and then re-use them next year .... would they then become RE-cyclamen :o))))) .....Doh! dont flag me please:o)
21 Sep, 2009
Tee hee hee Bob ;-)))
21 Sep, 2009
Oh yes Bob, tell that to Paulthegardener and he can tell his son Greame to use it in his routine. That is a goodie :~)))
21 Sep, 2009
Well said Ian we can all get back to our wee garden thingy great to see that blog removed think you spoke for everyone there:~))) well done .....
21 Sep, 2009
Gorden Bennett Ian for a minute there I thought you were digging for gold, very good instructions tho.and yep got a ciggie whilst reading.......
21 Sep, 2009
Cheers Mobee, I think we should all send them a message of thanks, after all the site is sooooo much better without any ill feelings. ;~))
Hiya LL, I do like to dig deep holes and then fill them in again with lots of lovely compost. Lol
21 Sep, 2009
Yes, Ian, I did a thank you message as well. They couldn't know what was going on when they were away, could they - and immediate action was taken on return, so that's great!
22 Sep, 2009
Hi peeps Bamboo told me last night "it" had gone
peace is now upon us
love you guys and gals
good to know we can all stick together in someone shours or hours of need
x x x
22 Sep, 2009
Here's the email I sent Ajay & Peter:
"This is just to say a very big 'Thank You' to Ajay and Peter for helping keep GoY a happy, friendly place to be! We were so very grateful to see the back of our 'Burgundy' 'web-troll' after the most awful weekend for some of us.
Many folk on GoY have never come across the 'trolling' phenomenon before and simply don't know the best way of dealing with them, or even realise that there IS a way of dealing with them - don't respond to ANY of their postings and they'll eventually go away. I think some of us will now be wiser, more confident and happier GoYer's and know what to watch out for should another one pop up in the future.
You did a grand job, lads, and hopefully you'll be getting lots and lots of well-deserved 'Thanks' from all concerned today!
We ( I hope I can speak for many of my GoY mates ) really appreciate it. Happy Days are here again!
...and they responded almost immediately, bless! I don't know whether it's 'right' to copy and paste their response, so I'll err on the side of caution and confidentiality and just say that they said that web-trolls are a nuisance and should be flagged...
As Ian says, trolls can come back, with a new name, a new avatar, a new 'background' ( they almost always lie about their personal history and maintain a high degree of anonymity, as 'ours' did ) and start up again ( their egos and need for attention, negative or positive, is what drives them, which is why completely ignoring them and making no response whatsoever ( no matter HOW much they goad you or how obnoxious and vindictive they are ) is the only way to deal with them...and 'flag' any posts they make...then it's upto the boys in admin. to deal with it.
Gotta go, folks...awaiting the boiler man to arrive and do the annual servicing!
Have a good day, I'll catch up with you around the site, no doubt!
22 Sep, 2009
Hi folks....I too wrote to say thank you to A and P although I was only tackled mildly - unlike some of you - by that obnoxious B.(you can read into the B any word you fancy!!)
The boys in admin. replied very kindly - and promptly too and it IS good to know there is a fireproof way of dealing with arch-demons like that. As a newby, I was cautious when goaded - and must applaud all of you Goyers for getting the job done - for all our sakes.
Peace reigns....Allah be praised...or words to that effect LOL
Now let's all get back to enjoying our gardens and the Goy community.
22 Sep, 2009
Seconded, Alz!
...and just a FINAL word from li'l old me on the subject...go to 'google' and type in web trolls...then choose the wikipedia and remember! If we're all of us informed about these 'things' we're in a stronger position to defend our wonderful online community! It's quite a long read, but worth the time and effort!
STILL sitting here waiting for Boiler Bill to show up and service me combi! I could be out GARDENING!
22 Sep, 2009
It's so NICE here today, no ill winds, no bad feelings just the usual GoY peace and madness. Lol. ;~))
22 Sep, 2009
Innit just, Digger, innit just!
22 Sep, 2009
Just as a footnote from me on the subject, I recieved over 20 PM's from GoYers that were either upset, angry or just plain disgusted with the Trolls behaviour. If this ever happens again then we must all stick together and wave the 'flags' like hell. Mind you we should be careful not to go overboard with our posse' like attitude, we don't want to frighten newer GoYers away just for making a blooper.
I love this site. don't you?
22 Sep, 2009
Couldn't agree more Ian - and as a newby myself really - I have been most warmly welcomed and have found it to be one of the friendliest sites ever - with so many like-minded people chatting freely about the things that matter most in our lives...and supporting each other.
Long live GOY I say!
22 Sep, 2009
And so say all of us Alz !! What a lovely day ! :-))))
22 Sep, 2009
That is a very, very fair point, Digs....the wikipedia article ( see above post ) has something to say on that, too. Yep, we need to be cautious and on our tootsies, but still be our usual warm, welcoming ( barmy ) selves to newbies. It could be all too easy to view anyone and everyone who bobs up as a potential troll, and of course, they're not!
I love this site too!
22 Sep, 2009
Hi, Sue.....I'm STILL stuck in, waiting for the ruddy boiler man! The sun's shining fit to bust, and I've got 10 metres of weed suppressant to unroll onto a new path and get the bark chips down on top....might just stick a note on the door and go and do it anyway.....
Onward and upward!
22 Sep, 2009
I'm sure if another one pops up we'll be able to recognise it easily ..... by the poison coming down the line ! :-))
22 Sep, 2009
Note on the door B ... Go enjoy the sun !! :-)))
22 Sep, 2009
I wasn't to sure whether to post that bit or not, I thought I might upset some but thankfully the GoY spirit is strong and it's members are brill. (me included ! ! !)
22 Sep, 2009
Stay in B. and 'talk' to us..............
22 Sep, 2009
...went out...watered the rowan I planted the other week....found the under-gardener ( Pip aka Big Ginge ) up the holly tree, raiding pigeons eggs ( again ) from an abandonned nest...wandered around...came back in....still no sign of Boiler Bill...and now the bl@@dy sun's gone in!
Waste of a gardening morning ( but nowt's a waste on GoY so I'm stopping 'ere! )
Think you did right to post, Digger, it does us good to 'de-brief' after our recent 'troll-running' escapade, and any newcomers might hopefully read it and feel safer in the knowledge that we're all here for each other.
22 Sep, 2009
Ain't we just !! As the saying goes, "Whatever don't kill ya makes ya stronger" .... that was the Brummy (or should I say Brunnie) version !!! lol
Ain't it a lovely day !! :-)))
22 Sep, 2009
I think we'll stick to 'Brummy', Sue!
It would be an even lovelier day if this blasted bloke would arrive, service my boiler and then bu@@er off again! I hate waiting in for folk! Back to work ( eeeek...dirty word ) tomorrow so that's no chance to do anything outside till Saturday.
Grumble, whine, winge, moan....
But IS a lovely day, and not just cos of the sun, either!
22 Sep, 2009
Thanks for pointing me to googling 'web trolls', Bscott, I'd never heard the term before - I looked at both Wikipedia and another site, and the phrase that hit me was ' if persistent, use weedkiller'!!
Isn't that just totally apt and spot-on! P&A make good weed-killer, don't they! LOL.
22 Sep, 2009
Pure glyphosate, Spritz, pure glyphosate!
22 Sep, 2009
Brilliant! LOL!
22 Sep, 2009
Hi, Marie...hope you had a better day than Indy?!
I'm off for a very early night ( reasons why on Indy's last blog ) so I'll catch up with you later in the week - back to bl@@dy work at 6.30 in the morning. Poor old me!
22 Sep, 2009
Just read it! Yes I had a good day, ta! Played musical chairs without the music!!!!
SO grown up!!
Lotsa 'homework' tho, & waiting for my books to arrive! Student loan thru at last tho, so I'm relieved about that!
Dont w*** too hard!
22 Sep, 2009
I know i'm a bit late. but have I missed something concerning this burgandy, it unnerved me a bit.
22 Sep, 2009
And very nice they both look together.
22 Sep, 2009
Hi Tulsalady!
Unfortunately burgundy turned out to be what is known as a web troll, & caused a fair bit of upset, but has been removed/removed themselves from the site, so all's well that ends well.
22 Sep, 2009
I'm sorry ian i got side tracked I was going to say how lovely the plants looked together, so i've said it now.
22 Sep, 2009
Thanks Madperth the name rang a bell so I wondered what had happened. We can do without people like that as this is such a friendly site, I love it .
22 Sep, 2009
Exactly! We all love it, so we're all quite pleased!
22 Sep, 2009
Great to see all my friends back happy and relaxed now we can enjoy our GoY gossip and have our usual laugh ,& bit of craic "chins up me wee hearties" Lol :~))))) xx
22 Sep, 2009
LOL! How's you Mobee?
22 Sep, 2009
HI Madperth,glad to hear you got the old "funds" through Lol head down now and get the homework don. Best Wishes xx
22 Sep, 2009
Hi Mobee, How are you tonight?
22 Sep, 2009
LOL! Cant do the homework! The site's down!! Academics, puh!
22 Sep, 2009
Hiya Hatter, you OK?
22 Sep, 2009
I'm fine ta! But they gave us loads of "homework" & I cant get into the site to do it!! :~((
Ah well, I'll do a scarlett!
22 Sep, 2009
Oh well Hatter, if ya can't do it, ya can't do it. How's uni in general?
22 Sep, 2009
I think I'm going to like it, but I laughed too soon at Indy & the games he had to play at Uni! Mental! We played musicless chairs today!
22 Sep, 2009
Claim a bad leg/back/hip or whatever to stay sat down. I'm going to PM you.
22 Sep, 2009
Done! :~))
22 Sep, 2009
I've GOT a bad back!!
22 Sep, 2009
What about the PM?????????
22 Sep, 2009
I've answered it!
22 Sep, 2009
I've sent another. :~))
22 Sep, 2009
Answered that too!
22 Sep, 2009
23 Sep, 2009
And the next one! LOL! :~))
23 Sep, 2009
great blog your new identy pic....
glad your enjoying uni MP.
24 Sep, 2009
Should I keep it then?
24 Sep, 2009
Nah, Digger!! Its not you!!
Thanks Sandra! It looks like its gonna be fun! A LOT of work, but fun!
24 Sep, 2009
Your blog made me laugh Ian......well done with the planting it all looks great, is it the Hibiscus you bought on ebay.......i have one larger one and 3 smaller ones i bought on ebay. They are in pots at the moment.............till next year.......and tthe lovely huge Hibiscus i swapped with a friend........ love these plants.............
24 Sep, 2009
Hi Holly, Yes I bought this one for £18.50 (ish) from Ebay inc. postage and I also got three other smaller ones for (I think) about the same price
24 Sep, 2009
Oh MP....I see that Ian has given you his recipe for "youth restorer" ...and it works too! Makes you look ever so demure too....I like it!
24 Sep, 2009
Demure! Hee hee! My dad says it took my mum all her time to keep my clothes on me! But they did take over 50 pics, & I've never been one to sit still for long!! That has no. 48 on the back!
24 Sep, 2009
Are you sure thats the no. of photo's they took Hatter, I was just wondering if it was the year it was taken?
24 Sep, 2009
OH! YOU CHEEKY B****************
No, it was taken MUCH later than that! HUH! :~{{{{{
24 Sep, 2009
I told you I would get you back ! ! ! ! !
24 Sep, 2009
24 Sep, 2009
Ner ner n ner ner! ! !
24 Sep, 2009
24 Sep, 2009
24 Sep, 2009
24 Sep, 2009
You can get some good plants on Ebay........lets hope our Hibiscus get lots of lovely flowers next year..........
27 Sep, 2009
I'll agree with thet. :~))
27 Sep, 2009
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Do you know Ian, the bikerblokes and the hibi go really well together.
21 Sep, 2009