Giant Hebe's seen in Nottingham!
By ian_digs_v2
Today in Nottinghamshire there are reports of unusually large herbaceous plants roaming the streets!
Pictures of one of these monsters have just arrived in the office and we have posted them immediately.
This first picture shows the giant trying to commeandeer a vehicle to take it to the home of the leader! ! !
The poor disabled owner of said vehicle has been left without a wheel to roll
It is so big it had to lie down in the back with its feet? streching all the way to the front
After attacking our reporter
it tried to take a hostage.
This photo shows the brave lady trying to escape!
There was no doubt that something had to be done, so a plan was hatched.
First dig a hole, a really big hole
Then some bait was needed, good quality compost and lashings of B,F&B
It worked the monster was trapped. The people in the immediate area rushed to our brave reporters aid and filled in the hole.
A different ‘take’ on an otherwise boring tale of a Hebe bush I was given through Freecycle.
I hope you like it.
PS. Carol is 5’8" so you can judge just how big this Hebe is.
2 Oct, 2009
Previous post: Intensive care/surgery chapter two
Next post: Winter project #2
lovely plant but dont forget to keep it very well watered for several months. hope it is a pretty colour when it flowers or you. what a bargain!
2 Oct, 2009
Well done Jackanory...very entertaining!
2 Oct, 2009
Brilliant! Lovely reporting!
2 Oct, 2009
lol ian well done on getting the hebe, wonder which one it is, i use to have veronica which was pretty, lots of water for a good while ian :o)
2 Oct, 2009
Do you get the impression you need to water it, Digger? LOL!
2 Oct, 2009
lol mari i just looked back,, see what you mean, :o)
2 Oct, 2009
:~))) !! Sorry, couldn't resist! How's you??
2 Oct, 2009
not to bad mari go in next friday for op, so will feel alot better then, how are you mari ?
2 Oct, 2009
I'm ok, sweetie! Tired, but I was up at 6.30 (way too early for me!) for uni, then had to work this evening too! Only 3 hours tho!
2 Oct, 2009
still a long day mari, will you get some rest over weekend or have you plans or work
2 Oct, 2009
I'm not working, but need to tidy up & clean the hovel, my pal's coming through for a girly night IN tomorrow & I've got an AGM to attend on Sunday! Other than that, if the weather cheers up a bit, I'll be in the garden!
2 Oct, 2009
Thanks all for the lovely comments and of course the advice, I think I might give it lots of water for a few months just in case. What do you all think?
2 Oct, 2009
Hatter I'm surprised at you, look at the state of your place .................... Tsk tsk. Lol ;~))
Just about to PM ya.
2 Oct, 2009
I know, I'm totally ashamed! :~{
Got it!
Maybe you should water it!
2 Oct, 2009
I`d give said monster a bucket of wet stuff Ian,that`ll teach it to stop wandering and causing so much trouble.Nice to see Carol in charge.......
2 Oct, 2009
Thanks LL, we had a right job prising the ............ thing out of the car without breaking any of it.
2 Oct, 2009
O.M.G.what a monster, good job you lured it into that hole you had dug ready for just such an incident. Oh! and by the way don't forget to put quite a bit of H2O on it :o))))
2 Oct, 2009
Thanks for the advice Bob, Lol ;~))
2 Oct, 2009
LOL glad you finally captured it, it looks dangerous :))))
3 Oct, 2009
Lovely story! Glad no-one was hurt in the making of this report!
3 Oct, 2009
Lovely story! Glad no-one was hurt in the making of this report!
3 Oct, 2009
That's good Ian .. lol.. and free aswell !
3 Oct, 2009
Thanks Grindle, I don't mind putting myself in harms way for a good story, Lol
Cheers Nariz. :~))
Cheers Nariz :~))
Hywel when I saw it on Freecycle it said "Large Hebe" I never thought it would be just THAT large and I can't complain about the price either. Lol ;~)))))
3 Oct, 2009
Great Blog ian.............its nice to have such a good freebie.....great shrub.......ive 2 of these at the bottom of my garden.............
3 Oct, 2009
Thanks Holly, It is good isn't it? I was over the moon when I saw it in the garden (and the lady had already dug it up for me) :~))
3 Oct, 2009
Thats good Ian.........great plant........
3 Oct, 2009
3 Oct, 2009
Nice all these freebies. enjoyed your blog.
3 Oct, 2009
Thanks Carol, I do get a lot of freebies but whenever I'm not on GoY or in the garden I'm busy repairing and upgrading PC's and I give them away on Freecycle. I've gifted 17 since the beginning of June. so I reckon I deserve the odd (and sometimes very odd) freebie, Lol ;~))
3 Oct, 2009
thats a monster but very nice
am gonna post a wanted on freecycle for unwanted hebes see if I can beat the size of yours hehe
x x x
5 Oct, 2009
I accept your challange Mookins, the loser buys the first round of beers! ! ! ! !
5 Oct, 2009
youre on hehe
x x x
5 Oct, 2009
You had better let him win mookin. hes never got any money.
5 Oct, 2009
bless I know that feeling,
would he settle for a cuppa tea instead hehe
x x x
6 Oct, 2009
I'm sure he would. He doesn't get called kitchen sink for nothing. He's now snoring his dear little head off (windows rattling proves it) :)
6 Oct, 2009
mine is too
grinds his teeth aswel, drives me demented!!
x x x
6 Oct, 2009
I have no idea how I came to totally miss out on this great blog Ian..Serves me right for not checking my favourites but I DID manage to pick up on it with my new GoY method! So glad you,Carol. the car and the hebe are all still in one piece (or even 4 pieces!). We shall be chcking up on it's progress.
Glad to hear he got back OK Carol, even if he is snoring.
6 Oct, 2009
Keep us posted on the Hebe's progress, won't you!
6 Oct, 2009
Thanks GoY's, the Hebe gets a good soak every day (even while its raining) and is looking ok at the minute but please keep your fingers crossed. :~)))
7 Oct, 2009
Are you watering it, Digger??? LOL!
8 Oct, 2009
Hi Marie, where've you been?
8 Oct, 2009
Hi Lily! My internet was down :~( & I've been studying, spending 3 hours a day on buses AND working! Have had MAJOR withdrawal symptoms!!!
But I've got the connection back up, & my bus has free wifi, so I got a laptop that I can use to GoY on the bus! Its SUPPOSED to be for studying, but..........!
How are you?
8 Oct, 2009
I've just come in from giving it its evening dousing, Lol.
Free wifi on buses? We only get wifi at McDonalds around here.
8 Oct, 2009
Its only on the one from Perth Royal Infirmary to Ninewells Hospital in Dundee (the fastest bus through!) & I suppose was put in for all those doctors who ALWAYS take the bus! LOL!
I didnt know you got it in McD's!
8 Oct, 2009
I've never heard of wifi on a bus! That's amazing!
8 Oct, 2009
It's brilliant! & Uni just gave me a loan of a laptop, so I'm pretty chuffed!
8 Oct, 2009
All's well in Lilyland Marie, thanks. I was wondering where you'd got to and I needed a bit of a hand keeping 'you know who in order'. Glad to see you've given him a good talking to! Lol
8 Oct, 2009
And he me!! Lol! I can see he's gotten a bit bolshy in the last week! I had to really tell him off on Carol's blog! Tut tut! LOL! :~)))
8 Oct, 2009
Yes I saw it, well done!
8 Oct, 2009
Hee hee!
8 Oct, 2009
He doesn't stand ANY chance at all now the cavalry's arrived. lol
8 Oct, 2009
As I said, not a snowball's!
8 Oct, 2009
NO !
8 Oct, 2009
See, now you're agreeing with me. You're right, you have NO chance!!
8 Oct, 2009
Carol doesn't want a laptop!
8 Oct, 2009
Are you sure??
8 Oct, 2009
Just catching up Digs. Great blog written in your own inimmitable style.....:0)
Brilliant mate.
11 Oct, 2009
Did you notice he didnt answer that one, Dan??
11 Oct, 2009
LoL!! The poor man is probably sleeping just thinking about moving the shed!!
11 Oct, 2009
LOL! I asked it 3 days ago!
11 Oct, 2009
Thanks Dan, Just ignore that woman type there, she's just got it in for me. Lol
I have a pc for Holly but Carol DOESN'T want it. :~))))))
12 Oct, 2009
Morning Ian, OK we've got the message that Carol doesn't want her own laptop but she does like to sneak on yours when you occasionally leave it. But now that it's padlocked it's good to know she can share with Holly when she wants........maybe?
It's lovely and sunny here and I think it may be up your way too so hope you can get out in the garden again if you're not suffering from too many shed moving aches and pains!
12 Oct, 2009
Hi Lily, just stopped for a sandwich and a quick look on GoY.
How are you this fine sunny day, there's not a cloud in the sky and only a light breeze here today so I'm in heaven in the garden. I'm a little bit sore but nothing a man of my calibre can't handle, Lol. Busy fence making/building? today but I've broke my camera so no photo's :~(((
12 Oct, 2009
I won't make any jokes about that old broken camera excuse Ian. Bet you had a lovely day out there, it's where I wanted to be but sometimes you just gotta do other more boring stuff like getting your hair done. lol.
Hope it's nice again tomorrow as Bamboo said my grass needs cutting and she's right (and must be obeyed!) :o))
12 Oct, 2009
Never take any notice of 'that woman' Digs. She be a craaaaazy lady for sure!! LoL!
Been lovely here today as well. Spent 9 hours out there cleaning up and what not - blog to follow - and now suffering! Aching like a bi.......aching thing!! Gotta do it all again tomorrow for the daughter and son-in-law in the garden of their new house. Just clearing it basically.....OH JOY!!!
12 Oct, 2009
Lily, surely gardening comes before hair do's? You can do that womany thing when it's raining! Pin it back and get out in the sunshine. (Mind you it's 10 pm so if you have any sunshine you are lost and not in your garden so don't touch anything) Lol :~)))
12 Oct, 2009
Oy DAN! I heard that! And there was me feeling sorry for you 2 being all achey! Huh!!
Yes Lily, have you ended up in Australia?
12 Oct, 2009
Nooooo ....Marie, don't think so.....haven't seen any kangaroos anyway!
You are so right Ian, gardening comes way before hairdos but one of my daughters' is a hairdresser and I have to get it done when she has a slot free! Anyway it wasn't a hairdo it was that magic stuff in a bottle that gets rid of all the grey bits......'because I'm worth it'. Lol
Talking of haircuts, must do that grass today......after
Tesco :o(((
13 Oct, 2009
LMSO Lily, I get mine done for free! I do it myself with the clippers. I have done for years. ;~)))))))
Now go and get that grass done ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
13 Oct, 2009
Lol! It looks like it, Digger! Only kidding!
13 Oct, 2009
I can do yours for you if you want, I'd make a better .... Never mind! ! ! ! !
13 Oct, 2009
Just dont go there! Lol!
13 Oct, 2009
Lol ;~)))
13 Oct, 2009
I thought I made a comment a few hours ago, dunno where it's gone! lol. Can't even remember what it was, but I HAVE cut the grass Ian :o))
13 Oct, 2009
But Lily how do we know you have cut the grass? Where's the evidence? How do we know it wasn't a stunt man/double?
13 Oct, 2009
Do not ascribe your own foibles onto others Digger!
Just cos thats what YOU would do!!
13 Oct, 2009
ooooh...... we have got a long memory haven't we? lol
We women NEVER tell porky pies :o))
Pardon? Marie
13 Oct, 2009
What NEVER? ? ? ?
13 Oct, 2009
well........nearly ever never :o))
Just been having a fiddle with Picasa, brilliant! Haven't yet sussed what to do with the collage when I've created it though. Have another look tomorrow.
13 Oct, 2009
Once you are happy with your 'design' click on 'Create collage' then at the bottom of the page click on the 'export image' It looks like a folder. You can then upload to GoY by clicking 'add photo' and searching through 'picasa exports' You can also add them to your blogs in the same way.
How's that?
13 Oct, 2009
Thanks Ian I'll have a go tomorrow. So far I've only done some practice ones but when I've done a proper one I'll put it in my pics.
13 Oct, 2009
I kept losing my pics after I'd made them!
13 Oct, 2009
Lily, I meant he wasnt to accuse you of doing something just cos HE would!!
13 Oct, 2009
It's very addictive you know. I went through my photo's about a doz. times trying out different ideas. I have a couple of realy good ones of Holly over this summer. :~))
13 Oct, 2009
Oh no..........don't say that, I'm bound to lose mine
then :o(((
13 Oct, 2009
I just havent found my way round it yet! It kept interfering with my normal photo files!
13 Oct, 2009
I'm sure it's very very addictive, good job winter's coming. Great idea for pics of grandchildren Ian, won't need so many photo frames around the place!
13 Oct, 2009
I'm sure it's very very addictive, good job winter's coming. Great idea for pics of grandchildren Ian, won't need so many photo frames around the place!
13 Oct, 2009
ooops, what were you saying about doubles Ian?
13 Oct, 2009
I think you may have had one or two to many already or is it me seeing double? Lol ;~))
13 Oct, 2009
Fingers and brain are getting a bit doddery , it's time to throw off the cat, laptop and duvet and stagger off to bed I think. nite, nite x
13 Oct, 2009
Great! Now my double vision is separating into 4!!!
Night Lily!!
13 Oct, 2009
Nite sweety
X x X
13 Oct, 2009
Yesssss!.......Not only did I manage to make some collages Ian, with the aid of your instructions I've also somehow managed to get them into 'my photos '!!..Took me nearly all morning though and you didn't quite spell it out into idiot proof speak but I got there. Great fun isn't it?? :o)))
15 Oct, 2009
Well done that woman, and all without the aid of a safety net. Lol
I'm off now to have a look. :~)))))
15 Oct, 2009
I STILL havent sussed it! :~{
15 Oct, 2009
Oh come on Marie, if a techiphobe like me can muddle through it then a computer whizz like you should have no trouble! Mind you, it does help if you've got a few spare hours with nothing better to do. Lol
Amazing what you can do if you try ain't it Ian, not only no safety net - no instruction book either!
15 Oct, 2009
That's the problem these days, Lily! Finding time!! was working again today! No paid work tomorrow, just a meeting about the voluntary stuff! :~} ! So I MIGHT even get some studying done!
I'll try it out again though!
15 Oct, 2009
Having spare time is the only good thng about getting old Marie, the bad thing is not having the get up and go to use it! That's where GoY comes in, too good at gobbling up the time but so entertaining with little effort - well physical effort anyway LOl
15 Oct, 2009
LOL! I agree! Why I decided to go back to school at my age is beyond me! LOL
But I suppose it'll be worth it!
15 Oct, 2009
Seemed like a good idea at the time did it? LOL I'm sure it will be worth it, how long is the course?
15 Oct, 2009
4 years! Its an honours course! I'm enjoying it though! Every tutorial has been a laugh so far!
15 Oct, 2009
Blimey, that's a long slog - is it full or part time?
15 Oct, 2009
Full time! Its the travelling that gets me! 3 buses each way!
15 Oct, 2009
That's definitely no fun. I decided to be good and go into town 5 miles away on the bus yesterday. It took 1 hour 15 mins from leaving home (1 bus, 25 mins late and a tour of every housing estate en route). :o(( Think I'll take the car next time! I don't envy you all that travelling, good luck.
Buses ARE great.......... sometimes (and free!)
16 Oct, 2009
Not free for me, Lily! :~((
I made the mistake of taking the local bus one day, as it left earlier than my usual one & ended up half an hour late for my lecture! The usual one wouldve got me there half an hour early!
16 Oct, 2009
Ah yes, free travel, another perk of getting old, if you like travelling on buses! (must whisper that as hubby works for them). Can't you find anyone else on the course you can get a lift with, at least part way?......3 joke. :o(
16 Oct, 2009
Def no fun in taking 6 buses a day, even if you do like them. :~((
16 Oct, 2009
I'm the only one in my year from Perth!! And the other years arent in at the same time!! Ah, well! I'm told I'll get used to it (???).
Digger, I DONT like them! My dad says I should cycle, then realised its in another town!
16 Oct, 2009
16 Oct, 2009
:~}} !! Has it arrived yet? I'm worried it'll end up in transit over the weekend!
16 Oct, 2009
Yep, I'll post photo's when my batteries are recharged!
16 Oct, 2009
Phew!! I dont really trust our postal system!
16 Oct, 2009
Just be glad your not posting them next week!!!!
16 Oct, 2009
16 Oct, 2009
They're on strike next week. :~((
16 Oct, 2009
16 Oct, 2009
Check out my latest photo! ! ! ! !
16 Oct, 2009
Okey dokey!
16 Oct, 2009
Awww! She looks really chuffed!
16 Oct, 2009
16 Oct, 2009
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- Hallo everyone!
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- Killing off a website.
29 Oct, 2010
- A bit of fun making a special effects video!
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- More strange goings on!
5 Oct, 2010
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Now isnt that gonna make a lovely show........Nice one Ian....Make sure you keep it well watered........
2 Oct, 2009