Two unexpected Roses
By jenlewis
When you take on a very overgrown garden, as you clear it, it can offer up some unexpected plants hidden by all the other plants that have not been pruned in a long time. Over last year I have found a few plants that I didn’t even realise that were there and two of these have been roses.
The 1st one was under my dining room window. I could see that there was a rose tangled up with the other plants but there was nothing to suggest it was a climbing rose. It was covered in black spot and nothing there for it to climb up so last year we put up a small trellis and started training it up it. I now realise the trellis is too small as I think it is a rambler. Anyway, here it is
This was the 1st bloom to open but it is now covered in flowers. I love the the hint of pale pink.
This is it this morning just before the rain started.
The 2nd one is my favourite plant in the garden. Last year, when I started clearing the front border under our front wall, again I could see a rose tangled up in all the plants. Once I could finally get to it, I cut it back holding my breath as it was late summer. Again it was in a very sorry state. It then produced a single bloom and I fell in love with it and really hoped it would survive the winter having been cut so late in the summer. And it did :-).
I had never seen a rose like this. Last year I posted a photo of the single bloom and it was suggested it might be a Rosa Mundi but having read up on Rosa Mundi, I’m not sure as this is a climber.
I have had dreadful greenfly this year so have been spraying with Rose ultra clear but looking at photos, it looks like they need doing again.
Thank you for reading and I hope you liked 2 of my unexpected surprises in this garden. :-)
2 Jun, 2017
Previous post: Barlow Nursery - spent a fortune :-)
Next post: Iv'e done it, problem corner cleared!!!!
There is a climber called 'Bright Ideas' too.
But it looks 'pinker' than your photos...but possible.
2 Jun, 2017
This is the other one I couldn't think of ..knew it was a French Artist 'Henri Matisse'
2 Jun, 2017
Sorry, got carried away...just love a detective puzzle! ;)
2 Jun, 2017
Absolutely love the first rose, the soft pink is so delicate! What a find, must be satisfying....
2 Jun, 2017
Thanks Karen, previous owner did put in some really lovely plants but then just let it all go. I spent last night looking up roses and had wondered about Ferinand Pichard. When I found it, it was about 20ft tall and tangled in all the surrounding trees and bushes, some of the supporting wires had also broken so some of it was also laying on the ground. I really didn't know if it would survive as most of the leaves had either been eaten, had black spot and or rust. Thanks for the other name, will look that up now :-).
2 Jun, 2017
I agree with Karen that the first one is The Generous Gardener, I have this climbing over an arch, it has a wonderful scent.
2 Jun, 2017
Thank you Amsterdam, I was really pleased finding it then seeing it this year.
Karen, never apologies for suggestions in helping ID something:-). Have just looked up those two and the Henri Matisse is the closest in colour but it said it only grows 1m tall. Probably a stupid question, but can a rose that has been neglected for years grow taller? :-/
2 Jun, 2017
Thank you Jaykaty, as it's not raining at the moment I will go out and take time to "smell the roses". :-)
2 Jun, 2017
could the first one be Madame Alfred Carriere, it is blushed pink and turns to white grows fast and is a large climber. No idea about the second one though. well done on your rescues :O)
2 Jun, 2017
Thank you Oliveoil, I have just looked it up and it definitely sounds like it. When I put it up the trellis last year it was only about 2ft tall and it is now above the window. It does have some thorns but not as many as the 2nd one in this blog. All of which it said about Madame Alfred Carriere. :-).
2 Jun, 2017
They are beautiful roses. I think the first one could be New Dawn. It looks exactly like mine. I have never seen one like the second. It's very unusual.
2 Jun, 2017
Thank you Hywel. I'm confused lol. I've been looking up each suggestion but by Jove, I think you may have cracked it!!! Just looked up New Dawn and it definitely is the closest to it. The other one is unusal, think thats why I love it. Been reading up on how to take cuttings, if it works, I could then send you one if you would like it?
2 Jun, 2017
Oh that would be nice. Thank you. I'll send you something in return if you like.
2 Jun, 2017
You don't have to do that, remember I killed my last fuchsia lol. I'm taking baby steps with them lol, and it's got to work yet! I've never taken cutting before, so been watching clips on u tube, and looking up different site. Doesn't look hard but they suggest doing them in late summer, and if it does work, fingers crossed, they would be ready by spring.
2 Jun, 2017
It doesn't have to be a Fuchsia. Maybe you'd like something else. Thanks anyway :)
2 Jun, 2017
That is kind of you Howell. Now I've just got to do it ?
3 Jun, 2017
3 Jun, 2017
They are beauties.
3 Jun, 2017
Thank you Dawn, :-).
4 Jun, 2017
Worth all the effort of having to clear all the overgrown parts when a treasure turns up Jen, in your case it was two, both of them lovely to look at, they will be revitalised as well, I spotted greenfly on a couple of my roses last week so mixed up a spray bottle of Garlic and washing up liquid, that soon sorted them out, if its good enough for the Queen's roses, its good enough for mine, going to use it on my Hostas as well see if it deters the slugs and snails.
Somebody posted a photo of a rose like your second one on a different site, I'm wracking my brain trying to remember the name, something to do with Icecream but blowed if it will come to me properly....
5 Jun, 2017
Thanks Lincslass, will have to try it. Seems a bad year for bugs, noticed I've got black fly all over my Norway Maple but it's too big to spray. I posted a thank you to Bamboo on question section as it was she who gave me the advise on what to do after I hacked it last year lol. Green fingers wrote that she had found one like the 2nd rose growing in her wild hedge at end of garden few years back. Put a link to it in her photos.
6 Jun, 2017
Oh dear, how did I miss this posting? I love surprises and that's two beauties. I like the second one best, probably because I have one similar..Hanky Panky, but yours is much nicer... :0))
28 Jun, 2017
Thank you Waddy. Both are still in bloom. I'm with you and love the 2nd :-) I am still trying to get my head around how the previous owner planted some really lovely plants and then just neglected them all but then it's been nice finding them .
28 Jun, 2017
Perhaps they had a sudden illness or operation and were unable to do any gardening, then when they recovered the garden had got so bad they couldn't face it? I have a friend whose husband was taken seriously ill and she had to devote all her time to nursing him and the garden was way down the list of priorities. After he passed away, she found the garden had got so bad the task looked to daunting. I volunteered to get it back into shape for her and to come 2 or 3 times a year to keep on top of it. pruning as so forth. She now loves her garden again and is able to manage it for the most part herself.
28 Jun, 2017
That is very kind of you doing her garden. It must have been so daunting for her. The previous owner has moved into the town and I see her now and again. They are only in their early sixties. She admits that lost interest in the garden years ago. Never weeded and only cut the grass.
28 Jun, 2017
What a shame. There's no accounting for some people is there?
28 Jun, 2017
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I'm guessing The Generous Gardener and Ferdinand Pichard. I had both of them in my previous garden. Have a look and see if you think that might be them...they are both beautiful...the previous owner had good taste! The Ferdinand Pichard behaved like a climber in my garden...a short one. There's another possibility but its gone from the frontal lobe...will think on it. :)
2 Jun, 2017