Iv'e done it, problem corner cleared!!!!
By jenlewis
In the left hand corner of my front garden is a bed that is about 25ft deep. When I moved in, this corner was so over grown that I couldn’t even get into it
With having to clear so much of the rest of the garden and with having lots of Horsetail in the garden, being clearful that as I dug, getting out as much of the Horsetail root that I disturbed, I didn’t get to this corner till quite late last summer. By late October, I had had enough and didn’t really touch the garden again till beginning of March. With this garden having been allowed to fill up with lots of weeds by previous owners over the years I then spent a lot of time weeding the beds I had clear last year, getting them before they had time to go to seed again and me having to start from scratch so I didn’t really start my problem corner again till about 3 weeks ago.
My “problem corner” was filled with lots of mature Blackthorn with countless baby ones, Tree Ivy, Brambles and Horsetail and a Whitebeam tree. 3 weeks ago, I took a deep breath and started. Then just to make life interesting, 2 weeks ago, we visited a new garden nursery and bought some plants to go into that corner. The pressure was really on now, I had to clear it. I can’t always get into the front garden during the day, as I’ve said before, due to customers so after dinner I was going out there till nearly 10pm most nights. Once I could get to the Whitebeam, I cut down what I could manage last year but the 2 biggest branches and main trunk I couldn’t do, so hubby said he would do them with the chain saw. They still hadn’t been done (he has been busy with the business so I forgive him) so 3 weeks I took the Garden hand Saw and did it myself lol. It had to come out as it was planted under the electricity pole that is in the corner and so under all the wires nearly reaching them and would only get much bigger. Then every day that I could get out there I have worked on clearing the rest.
At the other end of the border is a Pauls Scarlet Hawthorn so we thought another Hawthorn in other corner would look nice. We had bought a Crimson Cloud.
This has now been planted and got the space to grow into lol
We also bought a Hydrangea amonala subsp. Petiolaris.
And a Azalea hotspur
There was no edging to this border either and couldn’t tell where it started and the lawn finish so one of my last jobs last night was trimming up the Skimmia and Pieris as I thought that at 25ft the border was quite wide enough lol, and digging in an edge. Today I have been driving hubby and my daughter mad with keep telling them “I’VE FINISHED IT” :-).
My “problem corner”, now has a new problem. What do I put in it!!! Lol. Actually, I’m going to leave it empty at least this year to make it easier to use weedkiller on the Horsetail. Well thats the plan :-).
Took this last photo just as I was coming in last night.
You can see all the dead Tree Ivy near the top of the electricity pole, I cut away all that I could reach but hubby has banned me going any higher due to the cables. Will have to wait till he is not looking then be really careful :-).
5 Jun, 2017
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Your corner looks really lovely now. I think the dogs approve too :o) You've worked hard on it. I hope you can get rid of the horsetails. They are a nuisance you don't want them spoiling the corner.
I like your new plants :)
Please be careful if you decide to climb that pole. We don't want any accidents lol ...
5 Jun, 2017
You ve done a wonderful job there it looks great new plants and all .
5 Jun, 2017
Gosh I feel exhausted just reading about it - very well done! Blackthorn and horsetail in one patch is just too much!
I had to laugh at your very appropriate typo just under the second picture - digging clearfully, lol...
Its promising to be absolutely fabulous and you'll be in the NGS book before long at this rate. I do envy you your brick wall - we haven't got a wall or a fence - you are lucky there.
5 Jun, 2017
Lol, I'm not that brave, Lincslass, don't plan to get too close to cables but going to ask next door shop if can put ladder their side of wall and cut a bit more down. Saying that I think this weather and wind will bring more down and it will look better.
Thank you Hywel, I am please with myself lol. Think the boys enjoyed me doing it as meant they got to play all evening in the garden but Shadow is still learning that I don't appreciate him running all over the borders playing chase with Ben :-). He is also such a mummy's boy he had to keep coming and finding me just to lay right in the way just so he is next to me. It is so hard not to put more plants in but I know that I really shouldn't to treat the horsetail.
5 Jun, 2017
It's nice to have canine company in the garden though :)
(or feline in my case lol)
5 Jun, 2017
Thank you Dawn, I keep looking at it today lol. Feels SO good knowing it will never be such a hard job :-).
Sue, lol, I've just seen it. This morning I didn't know which part of me hurt the most and didn't get to bed till late but was so excited that I had finish, this morning, I did this blog. :-). Well, whats a typo between friends lol. Thank you for your kind comment, I doubt it will ever be up to NGS standard but I'm trying, well that's what hubby says, I'm very trying :-). We love the wall, it was one of the main reason we bought this house. I have always loved the look of walled gardens. Years ago, the council wanted to make our road a main A road and previous owners tried to block it so council said they would build them a wall if they let it be passed. Since the council was building it, they allowed themselves to build it 8ft tall all around our front garden. Makes it very private and helps with the noise of the traffic. Previous owner said she hated the wall so let everything grow to cover it.
5 Jun, 2017
It is Hywel, I get both as Star comes out in the day but we keep her in from the evenings on. We got her from the cat protection and they ask that cats be kept in at night due to foxes and things so we do.
5 Jun, 2017
We got Bella from there too. She was 2 yrs old and had never been outside. She goes out now but sometimes she won't come in all night, and if I try to stop her going out she yells the place down !
5 Jun, 2017
That's interesting. Go for it Bella, you tell Hywel you want your own way! Our cat was about two when we got her and she had never been indoors - the cats (three or four of them)had the use of a shed in the garden. The house was an ordinary council semi and as well as two dogs, some guinea pigs that lived in the bathroom (so I was told). two dogs and three young children. They thought our cat was a male until she had a litter of kittens!! She loves being outside still, even in the rain. I've seen her sitting in the rain with her head under the hedge - she must think that if her head's dry so must the rest of her be - but she's mistaken...
5 Jun, 2017
They do like their own way lol Hywel. Star is so good really. We got her when she was 18 months old and she is 13 now. She had been very badly mistreated. Previous owner had mated her and she had 4 kittens. They had a little boy of 4 who then killed 1 of the Kittens and beyond help another. Star also had some teeth broken as well as her tail in trying to save them. She carried all 4 over the fence to the neighbours garden. Cat protection named her Star and we thought it just right for her. In the cage next to her were the 2 surviving.kittens but we thought everyone wants kittens so we gave her a home. 1st she had to put up with my other cat and my 2 English Springer Spaniels and now she gets to rule it over my 2 boys :-)
5 Jun, 2017
Sue, I will never understand how people can mistreat other people or aminals! Your cat sound funny, what with sitting in book cases and head under hedges. Star hates the rain, then she makes a noise as if telling me to stop it so she can go out :-).
5 Jun, 2017
How cruel some people can be ... I'm glad our cats have all found good homes :o)
5 Jun, 2017
I 'm not allowed to write what I think about people who can be so cruel, or ignorant in how to care for a pet once you have them, our Tipsy is too old to want to be outside much but Toffee is only 2yrs old and as with growing boys he's reached the stage whereby its sometimes a job coaxing him indoors at night, we have lost two cats in the last two years so always want him safely indoors when its dark..Mind you now Harriet is with us both cats insist on sleeping upstairs, I must be going soft in my old age because for the sake of peace and quiet, I allow them to get away with it.....
5 Jun, 2017
Looking good :-))
6 Jun, 2017
I know just what you mean Lincslass, like you am thinking the words. When Star was younger at times she didn't want to come in and have spent hours probably upsetting neighbours down south calling her name till quite late at night :-), we had a lot of foxes around us in Kent and one of my neighbours losed theirs to one. Lol Harriet sounds like she is keeping yoj busy :-).
6 Jun, 2017
Thank you Daylily.
6 Jun, 2017
Well done Jen! :)
13 Aug, 2017
Thank you Pamelaanne, I am still being good and not planted anymore in it. It's been hard though lol. Horsetail still coming up but a lot less then when I moved in 2 years ago but I know it will take years to get rid of it.
14 Aug, 2017
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No Jen leave it alone, safety comes first, nature will gradually get rid of the remaining dead ivy and if anything happens to the cables it won't be your fault..Its a job well done, I love the photo, your boys look well contented...
5 Jun, 2017