Barlow Nursery - spent a fortune :-)
By jenlewis
This morning hubby wanted to go out again so I surgested we return to Barlow Nursery since when we visited last week, we couldn’t look around as they don’t allow male dogs in case they lift their legs on any of the plants, which I thought was fair enough and we had the boys with us. As we drove away, we said we would have to come again without the boys. Maybe we should have left it as that, we would be a lot richer and not needing a mortgage lol.
Barlow garden nursery is owned and run by a husband and wife. Very friendly and very helpful. They only sell Tree, Shrubs and Perennials. Also only plants that are ready to go straight into the ground at time of purchase. This is definitely going to become my go to nursery and think they will get very rich from me lol.
We didn’t choose very good weather, but luckily both had our rain coats.
1st we looked at the trees. They had a wide choice, as their board outside said, “100’s of trees”. The very 1st one we saw was a “Crimson Cloud” Hawthorn. This got us thinking. I was looking for something to go into what I call my problem corner to replace the Whitebean that I had chopped down due to it being to tall for that area. The other corner I have a “Paul’s Scarlet” Hawthorn tree and thought the two either end of the border would go well. So we bought that. I didn’t take a photo as at that time it was tipping it down. It is too big to go into hubby’s car but luckly they deliver – £1 a mile and delivering tomorrow morning.
Next we went into the polytunnel as it had started to rain even heavier. Hubby spotted an Azalea and became a man on a mission
He fell in love with it and so it also is being delivered tomorrow.
It’s a “Hotspur”
Karencottage has posted a photo of her climbing Hydranger and I spotted some and showed hubby. In talking to the owner and telling her about our front wall and wanting more summer colour she said one of thoses would be good, so guess what, one is being delivered tomorrow lol.
Here are just some photos of parts of the nursery
Sorry photos not very good but they were taken on my phone and weather was really not very good.
ok I will admit that 2 more plants may have jumped into my trolley and even came home with me today
Hydrangea Magical Amethyst
Actaea ‘Chocoholic’
Think I will be busy next week planting that little lot, lol and have heard hubby mumbling something to our daughter about he can’t afford to return there for a while. :-)
20 May, 2017
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Lol, I'm sure he wouldn't. Where I was lucky on that was hubby chose it, well I let him think so ;-). What I loved is they had a lot of trees and bushes at the different sizes so could choose just how much you wanted to spend and how quickly you wanted it to make an impact.
It was right down some country lanes so not busy and a hidden treasure chest.
20 May, 2017
Can't believe you've introduced me to yet another fantastic plant nursery here in Shropshire! We're so lucky that there are so many lovely gardens and plant nurseries to visit! Will go and visit at some stage but have to wait until after my summerhouse has been built!
20 May, 2017
I'm really glad I went back there, to be honest, I think I prefer it to Oatgates. They don't do any annuals so will still need oakgates for that and I wouldn't say it was the cheapest but still reasonable but got a big selection and where only the 2 of them working there, I could pick her brain about the plants. Good luck with summerhouse.
20 May, 2017
I does sound a hidden treasure chest,what a great nursery.You will enjoy tomorrow with your plants arriving,have a good day.
20 May, 2017
Sounds and looks a great nursery with people who know what they are doing!
Love the "Hotspur" colour. One of my favourites.
In which county is this lovely nursery? Am I allowed to ask that?
20 May, 2017
Of course Eirls, its in Shropshire and the good thing, only 8 miles from my house :-). I'm really please with the hotspur, think it will make a real splash of colour.
20 May, 2017
Love it!
20 May, 2017
Thanks thorneyside. Just going out into garden now to work on corner where Hawthorn going. It was a lovely nursery.
20 May, 2017
Sounds like you've found a gem of a place there. Only trouble with great places like that, they empty your bank account lol.
Enjoy planting.
21 May, 2017
Lol, Sam, they all arrived this morning. Still clearing away area that they are to be planted in :-). Hubby has said no more plants this year lol.
21 May, 2017
Hahaha would he notice if you snuck one in? Lucky my OH has said nothing of the sort. Mind you we'll have a whole front garden to plant lol.
Sounds like your enjoying yourself there.
21 May, 2017
Lol unfortunately he would but then we have spent a lot on garden this year.
2 trees and stumps removed, new 25ft long trellis, quite a few plants before yesterday, then the ones yesterday and we are having new 6 ft fence put up during the summer. I suppose he has a point :-( lol.
Ya having a lovely time, removing blackthorn trees, tree Ivy and our old friend horsetail. It's a lovely combo lol.
21 May, 2017
Wow that is a lot. I can kind of see his point. Considering how much I've spent this weekend (the vast majority not plant related) I should probably put the brakes on. Not holding my breath on that one lol.
Lovely combo :-S just think how lovely it will look when it's all planted up.
21 May, 2017
I love good independent nurseries. and clearly so do you. lovely purchases. :o)
23 May, 2017
Thanks Seaburngirl, yes I do lol. Find they have more knowledge and better looked after plants. Also, if can like supporting local "little man" shops rather then the big chains :-).
25 May, 2017
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Oh Jen what a lovely morning you had,apart from the rain,The azalea is a beautiful colour,it is surprising how much money you can get through on plants,I have just spent a fortune on Acers and Heucheras,hubby says no more plants for awhile,but I do love your azalea,I wonder if he would notice if I got one?
20 May, 2017