You all right dear ? yes just pressing my flowers...
By joanella
As i did not go out today ..too cold & miserable was just housework for me, after doing my ironing i realised.. all my T shirts,tops & blouses have flowers on them .. i did not think about it until i was going to hang them up..even more in the wardrobe , do you think this shows how much i like flowers ?
and could this be why OH sometimes calls me petal ?.lol..
23 Jan, 2011
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That's a lovely selection of pressed flowers, Joan. I did my ironing this afternoon too ... no floral items but I did notice the wall plates/teapot/oven cloth etc. all have flowers of some sort or another on them!
Hywel ... a tie with orange apples? Do you wear it often? : o ))
23 Jan, 2011
lol Hywel,i can just imagine the shirt.. through sunglasses..clothes were even brighter in the 60s with flower power i have a photo of me from back then with flowers in my hair..just for a laugh i may add lol :o)
23 Jan, 2011
ha ha Shirley do you call it a kitchen garden then..:o)
23 Jan, 2011
Shirley the apples are very small . It doesn't look too bad. I never wear ties these days
And Joan the shirt is a dull blue and pale green. It doesn't stand out much. I still have it lol but it never gets worne now.
I must have liked apples in those days :o)
23 Jan, 2011
I would keep it Hywel as fashion repeats itself.
Joenella lol your just a flower power Girl from the 60s really as for you husband calling you petal, well its better than being the stem I would say lol.
23 Jan, 2011
I wouldn't be seen dead in it now Sixpence ... lol - even if it came back in fashion :o)
23 Jan, 2011
Hywel i think you should wear it on your next day trip out & have a pic taken in it for us..its probably the height of fashion today lol :o)
Hi 6d, you are right.. i was a mod & had a boyfriend with a scooter..i thought it was soo cool 43 yrs later & i look back at photos i wouldnt show to anyone.. lol
23 Jan, 2011
You should advertise it for vintage wear you might get a pretty penny for it nowadays all the rage and then you could buy more plants lol
23 Jan, 2011
ha ha 6d,like the idea of selling clothes to buy plants..:o)
23 Jan, 2011
Thank you Joanella why not, shame lots did nt think of some things you be suprised what comes into the mind when destitute like I have been long past, I can't see why if some one is a hair dresser and some is a seemstress why not you do my hair I fix or make your dress/trousers, you be my gardener I ll give free accomodation, I like you dress swop for their top etc lol.
23 Jan, 2011
i know only too well what you mean ..i was brought up by my single mum & she had nothing those days you were means tested..if you had a tv,radio,washer etc you were told to sell them for money for food etc,its a different world today..but i accept there has to be changes or we wouldnt be able to go forward but sometimes it feels as if we are going backwards in this country ...if you know what i mean..
23 Jan, 2011
Yes Joanella I do know what you mean and agree we have to go forward but not to how it is today, how many children nowadays do we see passing on the streets with smiles on their faces, instead a look as if the world owes them a favour. or fear of going out incase getting attacked or stabbed, when they do go out, I ve seen programs of what they class as deprived children in other countries, freedom not a care in the world land up on land no fear smiles, no fear of being stabbed, robbed etc, so I wonder who are the deprived. Yes I know of those times of mean testing, still is means tested, unfortunately on the wrong ones, hence children learn quickly how they too will get treated if you work hard for a pittence , for others to reap the rewards which I noticed in the 70s , which this the goverment created all of it then blame the children, one parents, etc, set man against man they must be laughing their heads off at us all sitting in their fine quarter, as my mother always said the strutting peacocks of white hall and still are just a few decent ones .
23 Jan, 2011
Thats just fab!! Such wonderful colours and patterns! And love the nickname petal, so sweet and endearing!
24 Jan, 2011
That's lovely Joanella - must make ironing almost a pleasure. (Wasn't there a "northern" TV prog once where a character was called Petal?? great nickname :)
Hywel - you could wear your apples shirt for gardening?!
24 Jan, 2011
lol :o) It's a treasured possession. I don't want to get it dirty ....
24 Jan, 2011
Hywel, if you wore your apple shirt and put a pic up, we could all say "Cor!!"
24 Jan, 2011
No chance lol :o)
24 Jan, 2011
did ya get the joke though!!?
24 Jan, 2011
Oh yes, now I did lol.. LOL ! :D
24 Jan, 2011
hee hee hee what a core ker!
24 Jan, 2011
24 Jan, 2011
thanks Lulu,:o)
Sheila i dont think anything could make ironing a pleasure..i cant remember the tv prog.. but i think there was one :o))
24 Jan, 2011
The Likely Lads?? I can picture Rodney Bewes or James Bolam saying it . . . OK, I'm showing my age! :))
25 Jan, 2011
Actually to tell you the truith, I enjoy ironing :o) I find it very relaxing. It's a very relaxing thing to do. It eases stress in your body (well it does in mine) I do my own and Beryl's aswell :o)) I really can't understand why people don't like it.
25 Jan, 2011
Yes i think you are right Sheila, Rodney called his wife i am showing my age lol..:o)
Hywel you must be well trained..doing Beryls as well lol if i put music on i dont mind doing a bit then but if i stand too long my back starts to ache..another age thing..:o))
25 Jan, 2011
Impossible to iron without music ... makes a chore more of a pleasure! Also ... best time to break in new shoes is when ironing ... honestly ... you don't realise how many little steps you make ... or is that just me rocking away to my music ... lol!! : o ))
25 Jan, 2011
I'm not trained at all lol, - I am totally untrainable ;o)
It's somethiong I like to do because i find it relaxing, No music needed
My back aches when I wash the dishes. That's what I have to put music on for. I hate it - and cooking aswell :o((
I wish I could survive on pills lol - much easier :o)
25 Jan, 2011
lol Shirley..not heard that one before about breaking in new shoes,i can just imagine you dancing while ironing now in your garden kitchen lol :o))
lol Hywel,i dont have that many dishes to wash up & sometimes OH takes a turn.. only sometimes though..i enjoy cooking when i have the time to bake or make a new recipe which isnt say your untrainable so you must be a bit of a wild one eh.. lol :o))
25 Jan, 2011
Joan ... even the ironing board has a floral cover ... lol!
25 Jan, 2011
I have a mind of my own :o) Some say stubborn lol. People in work used to call me a "free spirit" :O because they just couldn't do anything with me, or get around me in any way lol
25 Jan, 2011
now why doesn't that surprise me Shirley lol ..:o)
Hywel, that is what i like about dont mince your words & are not afraid to say what you think.i wish i could be a little more like that sometimes..:o)
25 Jan, 2011
It's easy.
I never used to say a word, and I used to hide from everyone. I was bullied mercilessly and my whole life was ruined by abuse from when I was a small child
Well now I've had enough, and I don't care any more. So I speak my mind :o) And I think if someone doesn't like it - that's their problem and they have to come to terms with it !
Sorry, I sound like a lecturer lol. I'm very easy-going really :o)
25 Jan, 2011
i know what you mean.i was bullied at school for a while & its horrible to go through that..i agree with you about it being their problem not yours & i also think you gain more confidence as you get older...thank you Sir.. lesson for today over.. lol:o)
25 Jan, 2011
lol :o)
25 Jan, 2011
joan thats lovely .............. iused to do patch work ...... but no time now , with all the other stuf going on . very pretty , you taking orders hun !!!!
4 Feb, 2011
lol Cristina,never tried patchwork, seems like too much hard work & lots of patience..lovely when done though..i like all the cushions in shops now with all the pastel shades.:o))
4 Feb, 2011
Hate ironing but love flowers! Must be something to do with gardening! :-)
4 Feb, 2011
lol joan just seen this sorry petal hahaha
9 Feb, 2011
ha ha ok flower..:o)
9 Feb, 2011
lol joan ;o))
9 Feb, 2011
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LOL :o)
This reminds me of a shirt I had back in the 70s. It had green and blue apples on it :o)
Oh yes and I have a tie with orange apples lol
I'm sure the flowery clothes suit you :o)
23 Jan, 2011