Ring a bell ?..
By joanella
Iwas going in the kitchen this morning & went straight to the cupboard..opened it..but why ? could i remember what i wanted ?..no..I went to the cupboard so determined so must be something..no couldnt remember..I still dont know what it was. It brings to mind the story of an old man half way up the stairs & his wife half in the bath.." was i going up or down “he said..”was i getting in the bath or out" she said….am i really getting that bad.. lol.
11 Nov, 2011
Previous post: The Poppy..
Next post: Bulbs reduced at Wilcos..
Lol Paul..now thats funny..:o)
11 Nov, 2011
Join the club, do it all the time lol
11 Nov, 2011
Hate to admit it but yes I`ve been there and done that, the most annoying one is going upstairs, cannot think why, then remember after I`ve gone back down, they do say exercise is good for us though....
11 Nov, 2011
lol DD , a little too often for me..
Lincs, done that a few times too..:o)
11 Nov, 2011
Yeah, me too :o)) I find the best thing to do is retrace my steps and then it often comes back to me.
11 Nov, 2011
Oh dear, Joan ... that's not a good start to the day! ... Still, at least you didn't buy a 'New Baby Girl' card instead of a 'Passed your driving test' one as my Mum did this week for her grandaughter! ... Give me strength ... :o)
11 Nov, 2011
Hi Lily, i try that too but it does not work for me..or maybe i forget to do it..lol
11 Nov, 2011
lol Shirley,OH wrote a B/day card out for daughter the other day & put on it..from Mum..Daniel (my son) & Ben (not Dad )..she has told him to see his GP...lol
11 Nov, 2011
Good she has a sense of humour ... :o)
11 Nov, 2011
I think she meant it..lol
11 Nov, 2011
Yes, that's my method Lily. What was I thinking about before I forgot what I'm thinking about now? My other problem is waking up in the small hours to go to the bathroom and then not being able to get back to sleep because I keep remembering all the things I'd forgotten
11 Nov, 2011
Ha ha Andrew,the mind is a funny thing...especially an old one ...like mine..lol
11 Nov, 2011
I'm doing it a lot too. Methinks it's the 'old timers disease'! lol
11 Nov, 2011
I do it too, put the washing in the bin and the tin can in the washing machine, yes Andrew cant get to sleep for thinking about all the things I should have done on my "to do" list, but didnt do.
12 Nov, 2011
At least we are all in good company !!!! Nice to know we are not alone.
12 Nov, 2011
I meant to comment on this wonderful blog earlier but I was side-tracked and forgot all about it ... ;o)
12 Nov, 2011
My husband and I were invited to a civic reception this week. We were very pleased to be invited and were to meet up with friends. I bought something new to wear and had everything organized the week before. Come the big day I got out the iron to fix my husbands shirt while he checked on the time.........it was last night Linda....... he told me. :o)))
12 Nov, 2011
It comes to us all, so dont worry your not on your own :o)))
12 Nov, 2011
Oooooh !
12 Nov, 2011
Forgotton what I was going to say........
12 Nov, 2011
Thank you for all your comments..it comes to us all it seems..
lol.. Cazcat, Tt..
Oh Linda..what can i say..lol.. shouldnt laugh really.
cant remember what i was going to say back to you Annella..lol
12 Nov, 2011
Not alone in my house, my hubby was sent to buy a birthday card for my brothers 60th, he came back with a lovely pink flowery one, his excuse," I forgot who it was for at least it had 60 on it"
13 Nov, 2011
I always forget if I've locked the car, so I go back to check. Then I can't remember if I've checked :D
13 Nov, 2011
I go upstairs to fetch something, get sidetracked, do something else while I'm up there, go back downstairs and hubby asks where the said thing is. Then I have to go back upstairs again to get the thing I was supposed to get in the first place!!! Madness lol
13 Nov, 2011
Lol Lincs..at least he DID get a card..
Hywel..i am the same with the back door at night..:o)
That will keep you fit Sheilar..lol
13 Nov, 2011
May I join this crazy club, I'm just grateful I live in a bungalow....no stairs....The wonder of it all is we are all happily sitting at a computer tapping away, which is supposed to be for whizz kids :-)))
13 Nov, 2011
yes but i can only type with one finger...lol.
13 Nov, 2011
And someone keeps moving the keys!
13 Nov, 2011
Welcome to my world, Andrew! ... So annoying when the OH hangs his up on the key hook every time ... mine rarely make it that far . . . . .
13 Nov, 2011
Shirley, I think Andrew means the computer keys (as in keyboard)!!! lol
13 Nov, 2011
Lol, Sheilar, it's been a long day ... can you tell at all? :o)
13 Nov, 2011
lol ;o)
13 Nov, 2011
It's ok, not the first time I haven't read the previous comment ... and probably won't be the last! ... :o)
13 Nov, 2011
Lol Andrew..is that with a tipple or two..
I thought he meant keyboard too Shirley..lol
13 Nov, 2011
i do the same Shirley..:o))
13 Nov, 2011
Hi Joanella, You must be thinking of me , i do it all the time glad i'm not on my own :)
13 Nov, 2011
looking at all of us on here Sue...you are not on your own..lol
14 Nov, 2011
oh, the times I've done that! stood up to do something, but can't remember what it was; try to retrace thought, or actions, that led to that decision, but ... it's reaching the stage where I state my intention out loud, in the hope that I'll still remember it when I get to wherever it is I was intending to go!
Think it was Bob Monkhouse who said you know you've got a bad memory when you go into a room and can't remember why - and it's the toilet ....
29 Feb, 2012
lol thats a good one..:o)
29 Feb, 2012
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This is true - as I have a bad short term memory (although very good long term one strangely) one day I thought I'd try get a pack of cards and remeber as many in order as I could - as I got the cards down I forgot what I was going to do - no joke!!!!
11 Nov, 2011