what a bike ride that was
By joanella
im sorry,i know its not a gardening blog again ,but i am fuming, my son 17 the one who told me about the faces earlier Daniel,had a day off college today ,and with being stuck in all day"with the weather bad"was fed up and decided to go on a bike ride at about 5.15pm, he phoned me at 6pm to say a tesco van had deiberately swerved at him causing him to fall into the road ,
he hurt his elbow and knee,broke his brakes,he had his lights on and all the right gear,the van didnt stop even though Daniel fell against it and the man looked right back at him,it was a home delivery van so would be easy to check on~time,area &so on but Daniel wont report it ,says its not worth it ,i personally would report it ,just gratefull it wasnt any worse ,there are some fools out there on the roads these days,no manners like there used to be
sorry but i am so annoyed :o(
24 Nov, 2009
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thats what i said andrew but he says its a waste of time as nothing gets done
24 Nov, 2009
I wish he would report it Joanella,this guy was 'driving without due care and attention' ! He will think he can drive as he likes and get away with it. For how long though ,it's only a matter of time before he does someone some real damage-don't want to upset you further.I can see why you're so angry.
24 Nov, 2009
Never mind what your son says, Joanella, you report this to the police. Firstly tell your son that you are going to report it and see if he changes his story (I am a father and know some of the tricks). You know where the accident took place and the approximate time so it should be possible to id the van.
24 Nov, 2009
i know aster if it was a genuine accident he would have stopped !
24 Nov, 2009
thanx bulb im sure it would be easy to trace,ive told him to sleep on it and see if he,s sore in the morn,may change his mind but i doubt it
24 Nov, 2009
i would report it to joanella, but think before you do, knowing 17 year olds and dont always tell us the full story, im not saying this is the case with your son but if he doesnt want you to report it i would tend to think he`s not telling the whole story, my son was knocked off his bike but luckerly another man was there and gave the driver an ear full and we reported it when he came home,
kids dont always look either, always in a hurry,glad he`s ok though, :o)
24 Nov, 2009
no san he was fuming when he got back home he said other drivers were watching and were shocked at what had happened, his dad works for g.m.p. so he woudnt have bothered telling us about it as he knows we would push him to report it but i know what you mean
24 Nov, 2009
well try to get him to report it then joanella, i see it when im taking son to college and tell him to watch out for idiots, im always on the look out for bikes and either wait or give them a wide birth, but some drivers just dont watch what they are doing or are on their mobiles which really nakes me angry, how can you drive and talk on a phone its damn right stupid
24 Nov, 2009
i know i see it all the time too some think they own the roads,i know i shouldnt say it but the younger drivers seem worse, although i know there are good young uns out there,they are not all the same sorry about your son too san.
24 Nov, 2009
thanx joanella, i was waiting in my car outside college one day, not moving, stationary, when all of a sudden a bang in the back of my car, was a young lad coming out of school next to college, straight round the corner across road not looking and right into my car, i felt sick when i got out and saw in knocked out, he had hit the back with his head when breaking sudden, anyway he was fine, when i got home the police came to see what had happened as i gave my address, they knew off others i was parked and not my fault but still asked for my licience and insurence papers, i asked them, why are you treating me like im the bad one, they said it was standard proceedure,, my foot, wouldnt mind but big dent in my car and i had to pay for that, i was only concerned with the boy but no-one offered to pay for damage,
24 Nov, 2009
thats terrible you shouldnt have been treated like that,no wonder you felt sick it was a shock,im glad i dont drive
24 Nov, 2009
just glad there were lots of people waiting for kids at school and college who saw it all, think thats why im so aware of bikes and because i have kids who ride,
24 Nov, 2009
i know, its not your kids ,its other people you have to watch out for if you know what i mean you teach your kids road sense , but theres always one,
24 Nov, 2009
thats very true joanella, especially at this time of year when so dark early,
24 Nov, 2009
cant cope with the dark nights i think ive got that ailment ~S.A.D told ben i want a s.a.d lamp for xmas lol
24 Nov, 2009
lol, i get like that to, very depressing, im a summer person :o) they are surpose to be good them lamps,, hope you get one :o))
24 Nov, 2009
hope so spk 2 u soon san computer about to explode been on most of day and brain frazzled
24 Nov, 2009
ok nite joanella :o) me to zapped lol
24 Nov, 2009
Get that driver reported...for everyone's sake!!!!....glad your son is Ok though....
24 Nov, 2009
Definately report it before it's too late. That driver is not fit to be on the road. He's going to kill someone. You have a right to be angry about it. Don't appologise. I'm glad your son is ok.
24 Nov, 2009
I agree! Report it!
24 Nov, 2009
I too would report it, even if your son did nt, I would put it to your son, would he live with his conscience if that same bloke killed a child of say 8 out on his bike on the road, when his report could of avoided his or her death. They are bringing out that if a bike collides with you it will be your fault even if it was nt, this is the reason I listen to the radio as I get to hear things you lot don't prior to them comming out, so be aware. Also if a child runs into you, be a bike, skate board etc, you lose your no claims bonus even though it was nt your fault and that child can still take you to court up until the age of 18.
24 Nov, 2009
thank you all for your comments,you are all right of course,after speaking to Daniel today and explaining to him properly, he has decided to report it to police,which he did this morn,it was all done over phone as apparently you dont even have to go to station any more not even to sign anything,but many thanks for your concerns will let you know if anything comes of this.
25 Nov, 2009
good for daniel, the police will sort things out with tesco,, :o))
25 Nov, 2009
hopefully san dont know if we will hear back from them.
25 Nov, 2009
wouldnt hold your breath joanella, we didnt hear anything after joe got knocked off his bike :o(, sometimes i dont think they even care.
25 Nov, 2009
May be not Joanella and Sandra but once the police has had words, it will make them more cautious driving in future which then your cases are won as this is what every one wants careful drivers, and it may save a childs life for the future may some ones grand child on the side of the road or in a car or on a bike.
25 Nov, 2009
yes your right and they will get a caution from tesco to i guess morgana
25 Nov, 2009
He might lose his job I don't know about caution. Hope it teaches them a lesson, they are the type if it was done to their son they would be through your doorstep car and all.
25 Nov, 2009
i think thet have to have a warning first morgana, cant just sack someone these days unless someone is under the influence then its a sackable offence
25 Nov, 2009
Well he was he was under the influence of bad attitude, I would sack him for that lol
25 Nov, 2009
lol nice one morgana
25 Nov, 2009
lol Sandra I knew you would agree hehe
25 Nov, 2009
thanx san & morgana for all your comments,it helps to let off steam sometimes:o)
25 Nov, 2009
Yes that has just been proven Joanella might sound boring to all but here goes, they have just studied men who keep their steam as you call it and ones that let it off, those that keep it to them selves end up with heart attacks, those that release their steam live longer with out heart attacks.
25 Nov, 2009
sounds about right morgana
27 Nov, 2009
Thank you Joanella yes, perhaps this is where the saying comes from only the good die young.
27 Nov, 2009
maybe you never know
27 Nov, 2009
Well in my life, I have noticed that all that fall ill are the patient people who live with bad tempered people and they are seldom ill.
27 Nov, 2009
i know of a husband & wife who were like that he done every thing for her he once told me "its killing me" she just moaned at him all the time and he just went to the bathroom one morning and died in there ,she phoned me to go over and iphoned drs & police for he,then she kept phoning me to do lots of things always moaning so i stopped going over ,she had a daughter who never visited gosh where did all that come from im rambling now ,see what you started morgana
27 Nov, 2009
Lol but it s all true, I have seen carers die that are much younger than the ones that are supose to be really ill many times. I my self in my family is one of the youngest, I looked after my mum for nearly 30 yrs while the others did nt do any of the hard work left it all to me , they just took her out in car seldom. Now I am the illist out of all of them and in a wheel chair, doctors said I have warn my body out, my mum died 2 yrs ago at 87. I doubt if I live till 60
27 Nov, 2009
dont say things like that ,at least you showed you cared and that is the main thing you have a clear concience
27 Nov, 2009
Yes I have but none of the other six have one at all they are too selfish. lol thats what it pays to be, I have found.
27 Nov, 2009
suppose your right on that one
27 Nov, 2009
27 Nov, 2009
Sorry I have come to this so late but I still cycle in my seventies and it is true that some drivers deliberately swerve at me to intimidate, I don't look like a 17 year old. If it is dark I have lights on and a helmet and glittery stuff. I also drive,walk and use buses so have a good overview of road behaviour. The van men are the worst and they don't have to be in a white van. Also about CARERS they come under a lot of strain, especially if looking after a difficult, gloomy, depressed person. Can have a very bad effect on all aspects of life including health.
15 Dec, 2009
thanx for your comments doriac its a shame when you have to be so careful these days,there,s not much pleasure in traveling no matter which transport you use and i do agree with you about carers i dont think i could do their job.
15 Dec, 2009
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You should definitely report it. The next victim may not be as lucky as your son
24 Nov, 2009