Sunshine after the rain
By karenfrance
Having worked all day through yesterday’s drizzle, to plant and re-plant everything in my re-vamped garden, I was anxious to get out this morning to see how my new class were doing…
The night’s rainfall had worked its plant magic and everything looked so fresh and beautiful in the morning sunlight…
The heron was glinting in the pond…I think that he’s the monitor…
…and the new pondside plants sparkled around the edge…
Saxifrage was quite sparky…
Semper vivum doing classics and loving life…
Verveine, full of verve…
Nepeta (I think) – you can get confused with the little ones…
I’ve forgotten what this one is called…
and this one…
and I don’t recall ever having seen this one at all!
But I’ll sort that out before they notice…
The sunlight danced on some of my new heucheras…
You’ll probably know their names…I don’t…there’s some confusion on the register…
And in the big girls group, things had sprung into life.
Hypericum was happy
…and the little paeonies glistened…
Hydrangea quercifolium’s leaves and buds shimmered…
Desmodium was a little green Catherine Wheel…
…and the little lupins tried to keep up…
The flowers were quite dazzling…
The climbers coming first…
Wisteria, not at all wistful
Simple rose…not really simple, just a little shy…
…and Clematis ‘Crystal Fountain’, living up to her name…
New girl shrub, Viburnum, shining on her first day…
Followed by the rosebuds…
…hoping to be as beautiful as their big sister, Sorbet Fruité…
Weigela was a little wet but definitely a star…
And Begonia looked as if butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth…
It was lovely to see them all look so refreshed and happy after their big upheavals. I’m so looking forward to watching them grow up! :)
9 May, 2012
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Thanks Annie :)))
But that was all I did out of steam for the minute...but, pots tomorrow! OH can do all the tidying up on Saturday (I'm a very messy gardener) lol!! :)
9 May, 2012
wow! so many things out, it looks beautiful. i love that sorbet rose and the heucheras oh and the heron is fabulous
9 May, 2012
Its looking really beautiful Karen.....and so much further on than this cool damp spot........
9 May, 2012
Looking good Karen..I like the Sorbet Fruite more in this picture. I'm doing a few more pots tomorrow...
9 May, 2012
Hi Karen..
Everything sparkling after the rain.
Lots of lovely photos ..
Well done on your hard work :o)
9 May, 2012
Oh! Thanks Sticki, Pam and Pim! :))
You'll notice that they're all close-ups though...still many spaces to fill!
Thank you Pam...I know it's not the same Viburnum...but I, honestly, would not have thought about it had you not suggested another one. :)) you want to come and do mine too? It's only small stuff...but the bags of compost are really heavy...and I'm running on empty tonight...! lol! ;)
9 May, 2012
Thanks TT! :)
I've worked harder than I ever want to again!!!
I just want to let it all grow now........ ;)
9 May, 2012
The class of 2012 is doing very well. All looking lovely, Karen. Gosh, you've been busy - and clearly enjoying yourself!
9 May, 2012
Thank you, Oji :)
I didn't really plan on this...thought I had a reasonably sorted lot! But, hey ho! The new girls are far out-shining the old ones (apart from the wisteria, that is)! :)
9 May, 2012
All looking lovely and refreshed after the night of rain have some lovely blooms there - and lots more to come :))
Are you going to be able to sit back and enjoy now? Why do I think the answer to that question will be no!
9 May, 2012
Need I answer, Scottish???
But, there's an enforced period of rest approaching, which was a part of the battle to catch up!!
...OH...and other visitors for a week!!!
9 May, 2012
You can enjoy your enforced rest - you need it after all that work. You can always be 'scheming' in the background on what's next :)))))
9 May, 2012
I meant to say that Heron is fabulous!
9 May, 2012
...and I blame that bit on you and Scotsgran! LOL!! ;)))))
9 May, 2012
He was made in China,!!
...but very cheerful! :)))
9 May, 2012
Looks very expensive!
9 May, 2012
lovely Karen we have that cat mint - nepeta no fowers yet though . Your heron is so elegant , sempervivums are such fab things too and lovely lovely Heucheras!!!!!! all nice though ;))))))))))
9 May, 2012
I love the heron too, and your viburnum Karen has lovely flowers 'dawn' really just as a gorgeous perfume....
9 May, 2012
Amazing how far on your garden is. The rain will have done them all good after their move.
9 May, 2012
And...he's been there for two years...and hardly rusted, Annie!! :)
Thank you, Paul!! You can get together with everyone else, and tell me which heucheras they day!! lol!!! :))))))))))
9 May, 2012
Putting me to shame there Karen with all that hard work , very little inclination to get anything much done at present ( and little opportunity !)
All looking wonderful there , so pleased that you are settling back so well . (Good news on the JKW front too .)
9 May, 2012
Still looking very 'Bling'
9 May, 2012
first maybe purple palace, 2nd georgia peach, 3rd spotlight or electra - possibly all wrong as I usually am lol
9 May, 2012
Oooh! All tangled up! Where to start?
Thank you, Oliveoil...but, I can't take any credit for the weather...have given up on 'tropicals' and gone back to what's right for here. I've done it before, but was lulled into a false sense of security this time...
Pam...I could have ordered 'Dawn', but it would have been several weeks before it arrived...and...I'm toooo impatient - well, you know how it is? ;)
...and I'm very happy!!! :)))
Paul and Julia...the heron has been there for longer than any of the plants - dead or alive!! He was a great buy!! He came in three different sizes...and I was really tempted by the BIG one! Thank goodness sense prevailed and I went for 'medium'! :)))
Paul...tonight, their names don't matter...they're planted!!! I'll be asking you at later date...when I'm not so kn*****ed!!! lol!!! :)))))
Thanks for your support, Driad...much appreciated! :)))))
Annie...this is the cheapest bling you could possibly find! €12.50!!! :)))
9 May, 2012
What a lovely colourful garden you have created. You could just scatter annual seeds and the result would fill all the gaps and give you time to choose what you want to put where. Well done. I do like that new begonia.
9 May, 2012
lovely load of colour there Karen. love your pond with that Heron there.. plus the raindrop shots i love :-)
9 May, 2012
What a wonderful and colourful garden you've got Karen, and all your plants are much more further on than ours here. I like your choice of Heuchera - they seem to be very popular plants with a lot of GoY gardeners. Think I'll treat myself to one or two at the weekend... ! Thanks for sharing your garden with us.
9 May, 2012
I'm coming to that shop near you Lol!!!!
9 May, 2012
Thanks SL...the raindrops were irresistable this morning - so sparkly!! :)
Thank you, Petaltracey...
...but have you seen what my garden looked like two weeks ago??
It's a big about-turn for me...and, I'm a newly converted heucheraholic! lol! :)
Lol! Annie! I'm sure Monsieur B would love to have another 'belle dame de les fleurs'!!!
But, I think that you would just acquire the same problems I have! lol!! :)))
Sg...that's a really good my place, and knowing my sunny and shady spots...which seeds would you scatter?? :)
9 May, 2012
You have a lovely garden Karen, you seem to be working on it all the time! I keep on seeing Hercheres in everyones gardens, they seem to be one of the 'in' plants, so many different ones. Pretty please could you send us some sunshine :)
9 May, 2012
Calendula, Cosmos, Larkspur, Nigella, Scabious, Cerinthe or a mixed packet of summer flowering garden annuals will give you lots of colour and flowers to pick if you like them indoors. I'm sure there will be plenty of other suggestions of annuals to sow direct in the garden now. I don't think that the shade will be a problem because they need the soil to be warming up so they can germinate. You probably get some sun in all parts of the garden at some time during the day.
9 May, 2012
Great colour there,Karen...I am dazzled! Good idea to sow a few annuals...some nice suggestions there..Hope you are feeling refreshed this morning,like your plants...slow down girl..and enjoy :o))
10 May, 2012
Hi Suzy! It has been that way...since a week past Tuesday!!! But it had to be done...I can slow down a bit now...phew...!
I'd love to send you some sun...just as soon as I'm sure that it is here to stay for a while! It was raining here all day on Tuesday, when I did all this planting...but, it saved me having to water them in. :)
I think that I saw some seed mixtures in Lidl, Sg...I'll go and have a wee look and let you know what I get. When I was there yesterday I bought an edible solanum, a tibouchina, a passion flower and a datura...all for €2.50 each. So, that's what I'll be doing today.
Good morning Bloomer :))
I slept in this morning until 8 o'clock...that's not like me! Cleaning lady coming this morning to help with everything I haven't done in the house... lol ;)))
10 May, 2012
All looking fbab K! I thought you had put one of my paintings up lol..;\0
10 May, 2012
Thanks that the title of one of your paintings?
I was thinking, 'There's gonna be some sunshine after the rain...there's gonna be bluebirds flying over the whatsits again..' tralala... :)))
10 May, 2012
Some of my heucheras suffered a setback. Nasty vine weevil grubs ate the roots..........
Two tiny pieces of stoplight have survived their roots being scrubbed and three were unaffected
10 May, 2012
Yes K
10 May, 2012
Pamg These vine weevils seem to be everywhere nowadays. I had never seen one until a neighbour gave me some Pacific Giant primulas to sell at one of our open days. As you probably know primulas and heucheras seem to be prime targets for the little horrors. I hope you have saved your plants. I put the soil in the bin after squashing as many as possible but its just another hazard of gardening.
Karen an edible solanum sounds like a potato or a tomato I hope you post a picture soon. I had a quick google and apparently they are used by the aborigines in Australia. Are you planting the tibouchino in a pot so you can take it indoors in winter. The datura will need to come in too I think. You are going to need a conservatory. The passion flower grows outside here in UK. You do get fruit but its not edible. It all sounds very good.
10 May, 2012
These are all for pots, Sg...I will start the green-house griping (sorry I meant hinting) at a later date. ;)
The solanum is muricatum (I've never heard of it before), also known as 'pepino melon'. It has strange yellow and red fruits. I got it because it looks interesting (and it was cheap!) and if they taste nice, it will be a bonus!!
I have had passion flower before, but it took over the whole garden and I had a devil of a job getting rid of it - this one's going in a pot!!! I don't really like the fruits - but the flowers are so nice, and it might be just the thing for a quick scramble up a trellis (hiding the septic tank filter bed from a different direction).
People do have datura in the ground here and they're enormous - at least they were before this past winter...
I'm not willing to risk it...
More and more grounds for that green-house, I think!!! ;))
10 May, 2012
I've been digging up chafer grubs all day...last count - over 70...urgh!!!
10 May, 2012
Pix - I've been and had a look...and I think I left a comment. Not sure though, it kept telling me that I'd done something wrong! It's a really nice painting and you've captured the light and the water so well...
...but go and see if my comment registered, hen, it was a bit better than this one!! x
10 May, 2012
That is beautiful,'ve captured the light so well! I love the way you've made the water sparkly, with the hills and the sky...
Did you used to go paddling there when you were a bairn? xxx It worked!
No I didnt
I was driving to Kenmore one day..there was a thuderstorm.,. i stopped by the side of the road for a smoke..watching it,,then the rain and thunder stopped, the sun came out and i ran down the hill to this wee stream..the smells were amazing and the colours so vibrant..i jsut stood on a rick in front of this., arms outstretched soaking it all in..took some pics but more than anything soaked up the atmosphere did a wee sketch too..then came home and started to paint..never got to Kenmore yet! Its a huge painting! :)
10 May, 2012
oh and thanks you so much for the comment :))
10 May, 2012
True inspiration, Pix...and it shows!!! :)) x
When you say, 'huge'...what are you talking about??
btw...I've done that road to Kenmore and never got there, either...
...and another 'btw'...I've got a friend in St. Andrews who's a bit of a mogul and wants to set up an internet gallery - would you be interested...on the usual gallery terms?
10 May, 2012
About 4'x 3' thats huge for me lol
Might be interested..what are the terms? Each gallery is different ))
10 May, 2012
That's huge for most of us!!!
I dunno exactly...but, she's serious. She's already turning over more than a million a year with what she's got going...and she wants to get into something she'd 'enjoy' more. I said I would ask around... :)
10 May, 2012
Cool sounds good! :)
10 May, 2012
okay, hen...! x
10 May, 2012
I've just had a look too,Karen..a lovely painting..I have looked through Pixi's art before..stunning aren't they ?
10 May, 2012
Am blushing! :)
10 May, 2012
Shouldn't be,'s a fact ! you are so talented..x
10 May, 2012
They're all very pretty Karen. I wonder if the one you don't recall ever seeing is a Lewisia ?
10 May, 2012
10 May, 2012
Just looked it up, Hywel...and it does look very similar.
After seeing a few on here, recently, too!!
Once it flowers, I'll know for sure, thanks! :))
11 May, 2012
All looking very fresh and beautiful Karen. Gives you a good feeling doesn't it? :-))
18 May, 2012
Hello Muddy and thank you! :))
It does indeed...a little more sunshine in the mix and all will be well in the world :)))
19 May, 2012
Not much here as yet//more rain..more wind..more rain..more wind..sigh :(
19 May, 2012
Rain here too, Pix...
...but going to Bordeaux today - which is never fun when it's too warm...
19 May, 2012
Oh well sounds good! Have fun :) Actually since i posted the comment rain has stopped and I even thought I saw a wee bit of sunshine there..oh wait..maybe not..
19 May, 2012
It just got worse here...but never mind...
19 May, 2012
19 May, 2012
a bit late karen but lovely when the rain has refreshed everything i think, lovely plants :o)))
23 May, 2012
Thanks San! That 'catching up' thing is really hard, isn't it??? ;))))
24 May, 2012
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Such pretty, sunny pics Karen. They all look lovely with the sparkly raindrops. You are really cracking on there ;O)
9 May, 2012