The Princess and two beans
By kasy
It was a rainy, grey day in Midlands. Princess Sticki was fed up with that weather and decided to do something to cheer herself up a bit. What should I do, where should I go? she thought to herself…
A cinema? – too early…
Breakfast? just had one…
How about going somewhere nice, how about a trip to a rural countryside? Once she’s heard the grass is always green in Wales.
I want to see nice villages, I want to see dogs, cats – I want to see how people live, the healthy simple lifestyle they have…
So off she went.
As she crossed the border she could see the clouds started to lift.
She was going down, wide roads turned into narrow lanes. She started to look for a nice place to stay and get some rest.
Suddenly she noticed a man standing by the bench full of plants for sale.
She stopped and asked for a nice place to have lunch.
oh, hello – man said – aren’t you the famous Princess of Midlands? – he said. I think I saw your pictures in my local newspaper. I would be honoured to have you for lunch. Oh, BTW – my name is Knight Stevie.
That’s very good idea – said Princess Sticki. And she stayed.
Welcome to my medieval kitchen – said Knight Stevie.
lunch will be ready in a moment
I’ve prepared everything myself today – my cook has got day off…
so if you don’t like something – feel free to throw it out throught the window – just like that.
Now – said Knight Stevie – let me take you for a guided tour around my lands.
Here is my pride and joy – Acer Sangokaku 2012.
oh, no not the thingy in the bowl – the plant behind me.
And here is my latest project – na arch.
And let me tell you a secret Your Highness – I am bit tired fighting with a sword, I am seriously thinking about switching to farming.
Let me show you what I’ve got over the road.
And look – how everything just grows by itself.
And now – said Knight Stevie – let me take you for a ride so you can see the hidden beauty of Wales.
Just jump in and hold on strong.
And off they went for a walk along the canal.
oh, no – paparazzi!!! they are everywhere… Just hold your temper Princess – smile instead:)
Princess Sticki really enjoyed the walk.
She and Knight Stevie took plenty of pictures.
And then there her dreams came true – she saw animals in the field.
And there were ducks
And she felt sorry for people working so hard for their money.
Have you seen enough – asked Knight Stevie? I think you might be hungry now.
Let’s go back so I will prepare a nice meal for you.
But you know what Princess – my gardener didn’t come to work today – she said she was sick. Let’s check on her, ok?
Oh, yes – she is home, obviously not sick enough as she baked a cake. Let’s sit for a moment and relax.
Now Princess – I will prepare my specialities for you – a pilaf.
Let’s get the main ingrediens – beans…
Oooops – eerrrrr – how to say that – I’ve found only 2 beans.
Hmmm – what’s inside?
No worries – they are all yours.
Bon apetit Princess
In her diary Princess Sticki wrote:
It was lovely day.
I saw some lovely countryside
I saw some lovely animals.
Cute puppy
Cat name Gnuts
Guarding goose
Few months ago horrible hurricane swept through my county and I lost my sun umbrella – I found it in Wales in a chicken run
It was such a lovely day and the sun shone all day
It was really lovely day.
Hope you enjoyed it as much as Princess Sticki and Knight Stevie did.
And me being able to tell you this little story.
23 Aug, 2012
More blog posts by kasy
Previous post: A birthday to remember.
Next post: The Blue Lagoon
medieval kitchen!! lol, some lovely shots there kasy, I enjoyed the changing colour balance ; )
23 Aug, 2012
glad you liked it guys. Thank you for a lovely day:)
I didn't want to tell you earlier but I had 5 beans in my pilaf, lol. How many did you count in yours?
And really hope Lulu can make it next time.
23 Aug, 2012
hope you are better really soon lulu
23 Aug, 2012
You WERE counting!!!
23 Aug, 2012
well - I wanted to share with you both - but you were chatting, and chatting - I couldn't say a word, lol.
WHERE is your blog Stevie???
23 Aug, 2012
That means I must have had 'one'. Ps dont think i didnt notice the framing in shot of my now only orange bowl ; )
23 Aug, 2012
well - the solution is simple - next year grow more of broad beans, lol.
You really miss your orange bowl, don't you?
23 Aug, 2012
have to meet up very soon with lulu to get that orange bowl back!!!!!!!
maybe we can have a bean feast???
23 Aug, 2012
Very good blog, Kasy, I giggled all over it :)
Thanks to you I see Steve´s radar flowers from the total profile and they even make more suspicious he is keeping contact with extraterrestrials.
Steve, you have some nice wooden table in medieval kitchen! I like its structure.
The goose guardian is the one with a broken beak? He is permanently behind Steve´s feet, lol.
23 Aug, 2012
I noticed! An other orange bowl AND a white one.
Kasy, this is one of the best blogs ever! Loved the story telling and your english, perfect. Very funny and apt.
The few beans were so funny too.
23 Aug, 2012
Yes Lulu - the orange bowl is priceless to Stevie:)
Glad you like my blog:) I was working on my pictures, making them smaller and the idea of that kind of blog came to me:)
Haven't noticed any changes in Stevie's behaviour Katarina - so maybe he's just practising before the actual meeting.
And yes it is the same goose:)
Sticki - it will be always great fun to meet all of you again:)
I was giggling making the blog as well:)
23 Aug, 2012
On a first photo I see spaceship, Kasia...
23 Aug, 2012
where Katarina?
23 Aug, 2012
Lulu I did have 2 orange and 2 lime green (kasias colour balance ; ) great blog again kasy : )
23 Aug, 2012
I think you can share the bowl Stevie... you don't need 4 bowls, do you? I just loved the mosaic Lulu made;-)
thank you - glad you liked my blog. It took me a while to do it, but managed it:)
23 Aug, 2012
10 out of 10 for imaginative story telling ~ and may there be many more of them!!!
23 Aug, 2012
oh thank you Sticki - you should see my confidence level hitting the roof now, lol.
Let's hope I can keep the score most of the time. Hope you won't be disappointment when I do just a simple blog, without any special in it, lol.
23 Aug, 2012
Im going to buy your first book kasy!!!!
23 Aug, 2012
I think, there will be people who will write a book on Kasia...:)
23 Aug, 2012
oh, wow. ladies - thank you, but I wouldn't be so sure, lol.
23 Aug, 2012
Modesty is the privilege of kings, Kasia.:)) ...and Queens too, of course, Sticki :))
23 Aug, 2012
nah Katarina - down deep there is a seed planted years ago - and it's still germinating saying: I can't do it, I don't know how to do it.... hard to get rid of that one, lol
23 Aug, 2012
I'd love one of your books kasy, but thing is can i get one of the rarer ones, you know if there will be any 'un'signed ones ; )
23 Aug, 2012
Fact is, that seed is probably right sometimes, lol. But do not believe to all what it says...
23 Aug, 2012
ok - let's make a deal - I will work hard toward the first book - will get you some unsigned ones Stevie. But the question is - how long you'll be willing to wait for it?
as I cannot see me writing a book soon? can't see any afflatus around me. Only people saying strange thing about me being able to write a book, lol.
the only thing I could start to write now would be my autobiography - but who would want to read it???? a book about nobody? lol
23 Aug, 2012
Well they say every has a novel in them kasy, we'll all back you up : )
23 Aug, 2012
Listen Kasia, don´t be like that Ukrainian hairdresser in Bratislava who wrote his autobiography at 22 and sells it now in the capital. What can you read there? How did he play on Indians? Same with you. Wait until you are 70. Then it will be interesting. Steve will wait.:))
23 Aug, 2012
that's a spirit Stevie. That's what friends are for.... thank you:)
23 Aug, 2012
Katarina - I can be very impatient if I want something. Then I want it for yesterday, lol.
Masha is telling me off for not being in bed yet. So I better switch off.
Talk to you tomorrow:)
23 Aug, 2012
Greetings to Masha. Did she switch off?
23 Aug, 2012
she is running up and down the stairs and saying loudly 'meow'!!!
good night:)
23 Aug, 2012
Maybe she wants to play cards with you, lol. Or is it the TIME? Maybe tommorrow you will wake up and have six cats. Lol.
23 Aug, 2012
Kasia, I assume you are Polish and am so impressed by your command of English and your very entertaining blog; I really enjoyed that. Your photography too is beautiful and emotive - the first and last pics in particular. And I want the puppy!!!
23 Aug, 2012
I was enjoying also the happy moments over there , hope more blogs to come, but i miss Lulu, keep it up Always keep in touch!
24 Aug, 2012
Thank you Tuesdaybear. You're right - I am Polish. Your nice comments will motivate me to study English even harder, lol. Glad you liked my pictures:) I know - the puppy is cute, lol.
Junna - we all missed Lulu... Will try to do blogs more often:)
24 Aug, 2012
25 Aug, 2012
25 Aug, 2012
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thats really good kasy, i love it, smiled and giggled all the way through ~ definitely the land of make believe! cos im not a real princess at all!!!
you tell great stories!!!
23 Aug, 2012