The Blue Lagoon
By kasy
Earlier this year I managed to get away from a civilisation and ‘hide’ for few days in rural Pembrokeshire.
Bit of sightseeing here and there, plenty of pictures of different places.
But now I wanted to show you a hidden gem. On my last day of (too) short holidays I wanted to relax on the beach. Found myself a place near the hostel I was staying. Checked off in the morning and drove there. Little village called Abereiddi.
I knew already that sandy beach was hard to find but was hoping it would be one.
Well as you can see – not a chance.
I am not giving up easily – decided to explore the area bit more. The info looks promising
Remains of The Well
Zooming in:
Bit of history of the place:
The Blue Lagoon
Slate was quarried from Abereiddi until 1910.
The Blue Lagoon was formed when the channel connecting the quarry to the sea was blasted, allowing the sea to flood in.
Ruined quarry buildings sit on the cliff top, and ruined workmen’s cottages may be seen behind car park.
Bit of ruins then – must be of those of worksmen;-)
View at the ruins of Engine House and The Watchtower above it.
Look to the left – just love that rock with a green hat, lol
Still no sign of the Lagoon
I think I am getting closer – something bluish/greenish in front of me:)
but hey, what those people are doing there?
hey, wait! Don’t! the water is cold and deep (that’s what the info said)
oh, well – too late. But I’ve warned you;-)
oh, finally – The Blue Lagoon itself.
And the canal responsible for creating the lagoon (with better view at the ruins of the Engine House – the black walls above the water)
Lets explore the slate mine now. Plenty of material just waiting to be picked up.
Pioneers of life, lol
Isn’t this just beautiful? Few of those jumped into my backpack, lol
I think I’ve seen enough of the mine. What’s on the top of the world? lol.
Climbing up and looking down.
bit more up;-)
Another look at the slates
Looking down at the car park
The last look at The Blue Lagoon
View from the top at the Watchtower
and self portrait – just to show you how windy it was, lol
And looking to the right I’ve spotted a sandy beach!
went there and discovered fantastic place – full of sea life and still life – but that’s a story for another blog.
Hope you enjoyed this one:)
P.S. wanted to include a link with Welsh music – and discovered very talented young lady – she’s Welsh, just waiting to be discovered.
23 Sep, 2012
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Good to see a nice long blog from you kasy, looks like you had a nice break in a lovely place : )
23 Sep, 2012
Thats Fool's Gold in the piece of slate you picked up -
Iron Pyrities ( ? spelling) Would look good on a trough garden.
24 Sep, 2012
Beautiful! And very interesting. :o)
24 Sep, 2012
Got so many nice pictures from my holidays this year. Hope to have bit more time in winter so I can do few more blogs and share them with you:) Maybe one more today? it's raining so I'll be staying home today, lol.
Thank you Dianebulley for your info - maybe next year will be able to bring some more and create something in the garden:)
24 Sep, 2012
Interesting blog, although I would never spend holiday there alone. That place seems to me very hollow and sad. But I liked the last two photos :) Siomething living over there :))
24 Sep, 2012
Well done Kasy, a blog for a rainy day!
It's looks very wild..just imagine working there!
That's a long way to carry slate!!
24 Sep, 2012
would they have donkeys to carry the slate in those days?
24 Sep, 2012
Katarina - that was exactly what I needed. After a very busy period at work in spring - perfect runaway from all the people. Just me and occasional tourists here and there, lol
It is very wild Lulu - hardly any tree or shrub. Sea, wind, sheep and cows. Not forget to mention the birds.
have no idea Sticki how they did it those days...
24 Sep, 2012
Was going to make a joke about reincarnation ; )
but i wont ....
24 Sep, 2012
oh, Stevie - feel free. You know I can take a lot jokes, lol.
24 Sep, 2012
looks a fabulous place to me kasy, wild and free ~ i love it!
24 Sep, 2012
it's got plenty of wow factors Sticki:) but if you are affraid of heights - wouldn't recommend it, lol. Many times the path goes right at the edge of the cliff and the very strong wind doesn't help neither;-)
24 Sep, 2012
maybe only take pictures of the view below by lying on the cliff edge instead of standing then?
24 Sep, 2012
eerrr - not so sure about that Sticki, lol.
24 Sep, 2012
Just Sticki suggesting you were drawn to this location as you were a slate donkey in a previous life!! tad disrespectful perhaps but....; )
24 Sep, 2012
haha Stevie - oh, don't worry - it's only a joke, (right?) lol.
If you liked the Blue Lagoon - you should really fall in love with the sandy beach on the last photo;)
24 Sep, 2012
I thought it was wonderful. There are so many places in this country that people never know about.
Lots of beaches on the South Coast too.
Learning to study an OS map can help find them.
Up in the Western Isles I found some. White sand, made by crushed shells, lots of wild life too.
Just me there, all alone with the sea and the sky.
Its finding where there is a road leading near to the shore, so you dont have to walk far.
24 Sep, 2012
Sticki, if I was miner there, I would use ships for transport. the sea is close.
24 Sep, 2012
hmmm stevie! i thought it was me that felt like a pit pony i dont think i remember saying kasy was a slate donkey ~ let me scroll back up this blog ..........................................................
er no it definitely wasnt me!!!
good idea katarina! donkey takes slate to the boat then boat takes it the rest of the way???
24 Sep, 2012
There was sometimes a problem getting a boat over rocks just below the surface, near the shore.
Also Donkeys would have been cheaper than a boat with crew to pay.
25 Sep, 2012
that's lovely Kasy, great blog :-)
25 Sep, 2012
Diane - that's sort of the kind od holidays I like - discovering hidden gems.
Katarina - but what about transporting goods inland?
Sticki - it definitely wasn't you, lol.
Stevie - I thought I rarther was an Arabic horse as my country is known for breeding them, lol.
Thank you SL:)
26 Sep, 2012
26 Sep, 2012
Great pictures. I should do the same. We don't have the ocean but the reflection from the sky is amazing. We are not allowed very close to our slate areas. At one time, this area supplied almost all of the slate roofs in and out of USA. Thanks for getting them together.
18 Oct, 2012
Thank you Wells. It was my pleasure to do the blog:) an open spaces, you can wonder wherever you want - that's what I like about Pembrokeshire. But just as a holiday place - couldn't live there - not enough trees, shrubs for me, lol
18 Oct, 2012
Beautiful place Kasy, loved the blue lagoon, I `ve never been to that part of the country, so loved seeing it in your photographs, I love to explore places like that, I would also have filled all my bags and pockets with some slate and any piece of rock or shell that caught my eyes.
Catching up on Goy, I enjoyed the blog ,thanks for sharing Kasy...
10 Nov, 2012
Thank you Lincslass - it's beautiful here. Every season is different. Just not enough time to go for the walks and enjoy it fully.
10 Nov, 2012
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thats a lovely blog thanks kasy, i have the music on now, lovely clear voice and i like the guitar
the photos are beautiful, its a really lovely place! love the slate, the lagoon, the little purple wild flower and the promise of a beach in the distance
23 Sep, 2012