Saying hello to Autumn (and not only...)
By kasy
Last Sunday the weather was perfect for a walk. The weather forecast was right – it was foggy and frosty. But if you think the blog will contain that kind of pictures – I am very sorry to disappoint you… I spend most of the morning in bed, as Sunday is my only day off during the week.
Did I go for a walk lunchtimish? Nah – went to have a chat with a customer – note to myself – never do that again!!! lol
So bit late (around 3 p.m.) grabbed my camera and off I went.
Many times I go on my walks on my own – so you shouldn’t be surprised I talk to myself a lot…
Want to hear some of my conversations? Here they are.
- Hmm – I think this is the other side of the house I see from my garden.
- oh, this is nice cloud above my village:)
– that tree looks like it’s wearing a skirt.
- a bench… it would be nice to sit down for a moment…
no – you can’t – there is no time!
let’s go! the sun is on the other side of the woods.
- I’ll just turn around and see if what it looks like, ok?
ok, ok – but hurry up!
- now be careful – bit muddy and slippery path – so hold your precious camera and try to fly if you can…
ahhhh – here we are – my favourite canal…
isn’t it just fantastic? (looking to the right)
- the left side is not bad either;-)
- but where is the sun???? still hiding behind the cloud…
- maybe if I drop my camera on the ground I’d be able to see it better? just joking – gently put it on the path, lol
- ok, lets just wait a second… or two…. or three….
hooorrrray – there it is!!!
- good things are coming for those who are waiting… if I got the translation right, lol.
- ok which way now? left or right? quick decision – right. Towards the Wharf.
-Hmm – wonder what happened to those two…
-oh, noooooo!!!! not you again!!!! get lost and give me the sun back!!!!
- hello there:):):) hope you had a nice day…
- Nice house there – when I’ll win some money I am definitely going to buy a house near the canal…. uhm, you better stop talking and buy that lucky ticket…
- hello there! err – how to say that -you got your heads bit muddy, you know?
- hey ho chickens! very nice umbrella:)
- it’s getting darker so I’d better change the lense.
That’s much better:)
- finally the destination – the Wharf….
Hello little boat – you are always smiling, aren’t you?
- nice trees – but why do I think about the Christmas Trees???
- ok my dear – you like it or not time to turn back and walk home. Look, it’s getting darker…
- ehhh, it would be fantastic picture with a bit of sun on it….
- what’s that? which are the leaves, which are the clouds reflecting in water?
- hey, don’t you feel lonely?
- someone been busy today;-)
- ouch – it is really getting darker… I’d better hurry up…
-oh, just one more photo… Wonder what it might be? Maybe Acer ‘Osakazuki?’ Maybe something different?
- one more picture? why not, lol
that’s what I see from my back garden – well just a hill…
Pictures are getting bit blurry so here is the last one: Goodbye you two;-)
Thank you for joining me.
13 Nov, 2012
More blog posts by kasy
Previous post: The Blue Lagoon
Next post: Let me go!!!
those photos are beautiful kasy! and i loved your chat on the way, such a lovely place to walk, that reflection of the tree is my favourite ~ superb
lovely blog, thank you
13 Nov, 2012
Great blog. Enjoyed the walk & the conversation. Lovely pics too.
13 Nov, 2012
Love it! Glad I'm not the only one talking to herself when walking!! ;o)
14 Nov, 2012
Such a lovely blog Kasy all the photos are brilliant but my favourites are the ones of the canal boats especially no.17 which I would love to hang on a wall. Added to my favs :o))
14 Nov, 2012
LOL, I enjoyed the walk and the natter Kasy, lovely photo`s...
14 Nov, 2012
Thank you all:) I am glad you enjoyed the walk with me. It is so beautiful where I live - it's a pity I don't have time to go for a walks. Hopefuly soon it will change:) Most of my thoughts were translated for you;-) It is funny how one's brain works - sometimes I think in English, sometimes in my native language. It's sort of like switching channels, lol
14 Nov, 2012
lovely blog Kasy, glad you are getting some exercise ; ) I see that umbrella is still there
16 Nov, 2012
your english is amazing Kasy. look forward to more of your walks and thoughts..:-)
16 Nov, 2012
Thank you Stevie. I am getting plenty of exercises at work(s). Going for walks is just simply charging my batteries;)
Thank you Sandra. Have to admit when I've learned I had a job interview at garden centre I was terrified. But it helped to improve my English a lot.
Short days ahead of us -so should have more time to do blogs:)
20 Nov, 2012
very very beautiful.
21 Jun, 2013
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love it Kasy. pictures and commentary made me smile...:-)
13 Nov, 2012