Warm Wednesday weather.
By kate123
Journeying between villages across the Lincolnshire countryside, I noticed the car was reading 29.5 degrees this lunchtime. The air conditioning was on full blast. It’s pretty hot when your wearing a nurses uniform in very warm, sunny weather.
I managed to stop off now and then for a minute or two to take a few pics..
I’m off now until Monday, blissful…I do hope the weather stays à la Mediterranean!!!
South Kelsey
South Kelsey
Garden in Lincolnshire
Garden in Lincolnshire
Brandy Wharf
Garden in Lincolnshire
Garden in Lincolnshire
Another view of Brandy Wharf.
9 Jun, 2021
Previous post: White flowering wisteria
Next post: Freshening up the little log store/shed.
How beautiful it looks. Enjoy your time off.
9 Jun, 2021
Lovely photos. Swap you for a cold rainy day, which is what we have here?
9 Jun, 2021
Love your pictures Kate. You have a great job that gets you out to some quaint places. Enjoy the weather. It's been about the same here.
10 Jun, 2021
Enjoy the sunshine without you work uniform on.
10 Jun, 2021
You take some beautiful photographs Kate .Must do you good to stop and take a breather and enjoy the surroundings.I love looking at gardens .Everyone’s different but equally as lovely.
11 Jun, 2021
Thanks Marjorie, I do enjoy seeing the pretty villages and countryside of your county…x
11 Jun, 2021
Thanks Paulinthemix! Yes, it’s a hot job when the temp is up! Lots of fluid and air conditioning make it much more comfortable!
11 Jun, 2021
Thank you Linda! Much appreciated x
11 Jun, 2021
Thanks Julia, Brandy Wharf is a hamlet right on the river Ancholme. The brick warehouse dates back to the 19th century. Apologies, I was on the wrong side of the river to get a snap. The cider centre closed in 2014. The building is now a private residence. Lots of history around it.
11 Jun, 2021
Thank you, Sue. I hope your weather has now improved and you’re enjoying lots of lovely sunshine!
11 Jun, 2021
Thanks Paul, I really am lucky that I can drive through some very pretty places…quaint and picturesque. Hope you’re enjoying your weather too, in the garden!
11 Jun, 2021
Thanks Sue! It is way too hot in tunic and trousers..funny thing is, hot in summer, cold in winter!!! Can’t win..
11 Jun, 2021
You’re so right, thanks Gerardine! It’s a little bit of therapy time and as you say..a quick breather between visits, thank you for your kind comment. 😊
11 Jun, 2021
That pink Lupin is a beauty! I unfortunately can’t grow them myself but it doesn’t stop me admiring them. Enjoy your weekend off, 26C predicted for Sunday!
11 Jun, 2021
Thanks, Amsterdam! It was growing very nicely in a patient’s garden. Thanks for your best wishes! I shall be soaking up the sunshine…hope you have a great weekend too 😊
11 Jun, 2021
You're lucky to have nice views as you drive around, I hope you enjoy your week end now :)
11 Jun, 2021
I shall be having a quiet gardening weekend as am rather exhausted from running around last week getting plant sale sorted. We’re up to £1,200.....
11 Jun, 2021
Thanks Hywel and Amsterdam! I do enjoy the drive - even in winter! Plus I’ve a smashing bunch of patients too.
Amsterdam - you’ve done a marvellous job! I did love looking at your pics - well done! You have earned a relaxing weekend. 😊
12 Jun, 2021
That looks like a very nice area you cover. I was a nurse in community for 30 odd years and I don’t think there is a better job anywhere. I know what you mean about the heat in the car though. Not enough time for the car to cool down between patients. One year it was such a scorcher of a summer, the ampoules of adrenaline in my car boot distorted in the heat !!
28 Jun, 2021
I would love to find a nurse that did house calls. What a blessing that would be! When I was a little tyke, a nurse would always come visit me at home when I was sick or to administer medication, vaccines or just a welfare check. It didn't matter the time of day or night, or if we were having a blizzard. She came and we all loved her. I can't find anyone like that now.
28 Jun, 2021
Thank you both! It’s a lovely job, I’m sure you have memories of wonderful experiences too - hard to believe isn’t it, that our summers can sometimes get ‘that’ hot! I wouldn’t change my worklife at all, it’s so rewarding and you’re always learning day to day.
Paul - bless, it’s such a pity isn’t it, you must be having a real tough time with your Mom and her care/support (for you both). Sadly times have changed and often some services have become very impersonal and it’s down to funding too. I hope you are coping? Are you having some time to destress and take time out? I do hope your Mom is improving!
28 Jun, 2021
Thanks Kate. Mom is doing better but still needs assistance. Doctor visits are a huge ordeal for me. I have a neighbor that will come and stay with her if I need get away for a day. She'll come with her little dog and prepare a meal for mom and stay with her all day - God bless her.
28 Jun, 2021
Your neighbour sounds like a real blessing Paul. (It must be so hard if you are responsible for finding your own nursing visitors. We grumble about our National Health Service but perhaps we should be counting our blessings instead.)
2 Jul, 2021
Have to agree with Sue, your neighbour sounds like a ‘one in a million’. How kind some people are..it’s definitely a blessing. I think you need to make sure you are getting some ‘me time’ too, for your own health and mind..
2 Jul, 2021
Thank you Kate and Sue and of course you are absolutely right. This website is one of my outlets and bantering with you and the other members is a huge blessing and really brightens the day.
2 Jul, 2021
3 Jul, 2021
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You get around our lovely county of Lincolnshire. You photos are always excellent. Enjoy your break from work.
9 Jun, 2021