By lily2
OH no! disaster has struck, Him Who Goes To Work has announced he is taking early retirement and becoming Him Who Stays At Home and Gets In My Way. Yes his employers have finally seen the light and are willing to pay him not to come to work but what about me? How am I going to hide the extent of my GOY addiction? Yes he knows I have the regular evening tipple but I’m very crafty at hiding the rest. At weekends, having to forgo my early morning dose is bad enough and I have to grab a quick fix while he’s in the bathroom (well a long fix actually as he’s ages in there but we won’t go into that!) Or I sneak off to the study while he’s watching TV or playing trains (sorry, operating his model railway) but weekdays too? My lovely relaxed weekdays drifting in and out of GOY interspersed by occasionally taking the Hoover and the washing machine for a spin are DOOMED. Maybe I could fix the laptop up behind the compost heap so he thinks I’m gardening but no, he’s even talking about a model railway round the garden (never!) so there’s no hiding place.
Does anyone know of a GOY rehab centre or does any similarly afflicted member have any suggestions of how to cope with this catastrophe?
I’m not sure yet how soon this dire event is happening but I may have to go cold turkey for a while so if I disappear you’ll know why………..
27 Aug, 2009
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Find him a hobby in the garage, workshop or shed...that's where mine is at the moment! Not sure which - but he doesn't know I am typing away in here...again...LOL.
Good luck!
27 Aug, 2009
Not being able to use the computer and see GoY is an official illness...
it is called Without Internet ~ Need GoY....
or WING for short...
There is no known cure, so I suggest you tell hubby that your daily dose of GoY is much healthier than having too much food and alcohol .....or being addicted to drugs or cigarettes... Lol.
... maybe he'll get hooked on GoY too. !
I'll look out for a new member called Mr Lily2. Lol. :o)
Very good blog... well done.
27 Aug, 2009
These are all good suggestions Lily, (by the way which Lily am I talking to?) but I fear you will just have to come out of the closet and TELL HIM! ! ! It can't be doing you any good in there any way, sitting in the dark and all.
Perhaps he may join you in your morning fix and simply ignore this terrible afliction you have! ! ! Or as you say you will probably have to go cold turkey..... Its not that bad really, honest Lily, just add a bit of mayo and put it in a sandwich. :~)))))
27 Aug, 2009
Convert the attic for his train set and install a desk, armchair, computer/internet, TV, mini fridge and kettle. Tell him its all for him and he can even have friends up there finally sign him up for the train equivilent of GOY - SORTED you will never see him again!
27 Aug, 2009
look up the nearest train club he`s sure to like that lily, but dont let the trains in your lovely garden oh noooo , im an addict to lily but baz knows that, also he spends ages looking on ebay at cars, car parts etc, i now have my own laptop, i got fed up of waiting to go on his ,lol, good luck lily,:o))))
27 Aug, 2009
Lily - why not see if he'd like to be a volunteer at The Watercress Line at Alton? It's a big train set and I'm sure he'd like to be there every day - problem solved :-)
27 Aug, 2009
Oh dear :(
Very bad news indeed :(
I like Drc and Andrews suggestions, i think they're brilliant :)))
27 Aug, 2009
Sorry, but your blog made me chuckle. I guess this is why I am single.
27 Aug, 2009
yes there is something to be said for that michaela, ive been with baz 4 years now but on my own before for about 12 years, i do sometimes miss the things i could do when on my own, like travelling when and where i wanted , but wouldnt be without him now :o)
27 Aug, 2009
~get him a dog to take for walks to keep him fit~one that needs really long will have to clear that with Daisy though!~better still volunteer him as a dog walker for the local RSPCA ~with a bit of luck that will be miles away and take forever to get to...
27 Aug, 2009
Go and live on your own like me with nobody to nag you - you can do anything you want then. It's much better :o)
Or tell him if you can't look at GoY he can't play with his trains.
WHY do people try and live someone else's life - DO YOUR OWN THING and let others do theirs :o)
27 Aug, 2009
Micheala you are so right, when we are on our own dont have to answer to anyone.
27 Aug, 2009
your right hywel i tell baz that, i do what i need to do and he likes his hobbies, everyone has to have their own time and space
27 Aug, 2009
SO true ! Independence rules !!
There is really only one solution Lily. Murder him and plant him in the garden then you could make a really nice feature of the grave stone !!! lol
27 Aug, 2009
LOL Sue! I thought he'd feed the plants nicely! But seriously Lily, just admit it & inform him that if he even ATTEMPTS to get you help or wean you off, you WILL kill him!
27 Aug, 2009
~murder seems a bit extreme Sue~a good layout on a board lots of little buildings and landscaping etc ~and a few new trains up in the loft might be an easier option!Could take him years to get it sorted..
27 Aug, 2009
Well what a helpful lot you all are, I had doubts about even posting this blog at all. First of all there are a few things you need to know about Mr Lily and when I've explained you'll see why, so far, that out of all your excellent suggestions Sue's is the only one that will do the trick.
1 To be fair, he doesn't complain about my GoY time, the guilt is all mine.
2 He is not sociable and is a man of few words.
3 He is an individualist and likes to do things his own way
4 He is not very fit so doesn't go out much
5 To sum it up, he is and always was, an awkward b****r!
So, he would never join something like Goy although a train one would be great if he was normal. He belonged to a model railway club for 2 years but left because he didn't like the way they operated. ( so that makes Andrew's excellent suggestion of the Watercress Line a no-no)
Drc we have already converted the loft at great expense for that very purpose. Years later the layout is still not completed and yet he wants ANOTHER one in MY garden!
Ian, surely you've worked out which Lily I am, I'm SAINT Lily of course and yes maybe I will sit in the closet and eat turkey sandwiches, clutching my laptop! lol
Hywel, your suggestion I REALLY like and let's say I shall be working on it maybe in conjunction with Sue's!!
27 Aug, 2009
LMAO of course Saint Lily, I should have regognised you by the mayo on your lip! tut. I must get these glasses sorted out, their not mine really but I liked the colour. Lol :~)))
I thought they made me look a bit more distinguished? ? ?
27 Aug, 2009
Killing him would be quicker than divorcing him, but would you get GoY in prison? Not worth it, you wouldnt have your garden either!!
27 Aug, 2009
Are they big wrap around shades or Dame Edna ones Ian?
No don't fancy prison Marie, even though they do have a jolly good time in there these days. Though I could do the prison garden and win a gold medal at Chelsea, probably could get GoY and best of all- no men! Maybe......... :o)
27 Aug, 2009
27 Aug, 2009
That was SUPPOSED to put you OFF killing him!!
27 Aug, 2009
Which of my suggestions do you like ? - living on your own or stopping him playing with his trains.
Anyway why do you feel guilty. I don't think he feels guilty about his trains. - Just get on with what you want to do and Bu***r anyone else. Just get on with it. It doesn't matter.
27 Aug, 2009
I agree Hywel!! Scuff the lotofem!
27 Aug, 2009
Quite right Marie :o)
27 Aug, 2009
I was just thinking that Hywel, why DO I feel guilty? It's because I know I am addicted!! Maybe also because it seems so antisocial to chat to others on the computer all evening but then he watches antisocial TV anyway. I wish he would go and play trains more. No I shall just miss my freedom to do as and when I please, answerable to no-one, just like yourself.
27 Aug, 2009
Well heres hoping he wont curtail your freedom too much!
27 Aug, 2009
He'll be THERE, that's enough! ;o(((
27 Aug, 2009
poor lily, must be something you love about him cause your still together, hope all goes ok for you :o) x
27 Aug, 2009
You COULD always let him go to the pub more, or convince him he's bored (V quickly) & needs another job!
27 Aug, 2009
Nope and nope.
Doesn't drink.
No one else would employ him!.......
27 Aug, 2009
When my friend Beryl sais "you're not looking at that thing again are you" I just say "Oh shut up" and she does :o)
27 Aug, 2009
the thing is when i was unhappy with my ex i made the choice to go it alone, rather that than be with someone who made me unhappy,,life is just to short isnt it! do what you feel happy with lily, dont be unhappy, tell him if he wants to be misserable he can do it on his own
27 Aug, 2009
Take me with a pinch of salt San! 40 years is a long time together, it's just how life is after all that time. I like my own space and I'm sure I'm very irritating too. I hope he never gets to read all this!!! I'm too old to go it alone!
27 Aug, 2009
Good one Hywel, I'll remember that! LOL
27 Aug, 2009
well i think even though he is how he is, you still have something after all that time together, god i hope he doesnt get to read it, can you delete this blog after
27 Aug, 2009
Yes she can delete the blog!
27 Aug, 2009
Might make him think San!.. This was more about being addicted really than making you all think how awful he is!!
27 Aug, 2009
We werent really thinking he was awful, more how YOUR routine would be thrown by suddenly having him around all the time!
Maybe you will both need to discuss some ground rules to make sure you can both enjoy his retirement!
27 Aug, 2009
see how something small turns out being a big thing,, strange really,i dont think hes awfull lily, my baz is a stick in the mud to lol, tv hates gardening, thinks im on here all the time lol i am heheh, but he is on ebay all the time, but still love him, we just dont like the same things
27 Aug, 2009
Lily I've PM'ed you. Hope you dont mind.
27 Aug, 2009
I agree with you Marie.
Anyway Lily as to going it alone you might HAVE to one day - or he will have to.
27 Aug, 2009
Hywel! Dont be depressing!
27 Aug, 2009
everyone is differant hywel what one person decideds to do another wont, its all about how you feel and how you cope, im one who would rather go alone but not right for everyone,it obviously worked ok for you hywel which im glad,im happy with my boring hubby lol, maybe because i know he wont mess me about like the men ive been involved with before, he`s a good man and i feel safe and loved,
27 Aug, 2009
Dear Saint Lily,
I read your blog with interest, and wonder, could it be possible, that we are married to the same bloke....? LOL
My advice would be...
Ignore the grumpy ole man, and carry on as before....
Suggest he gets a part time job...
Suggest he goes and plays with his trains...
Stop hiding the TV remote, and hand it over...likewise, the TV guide...
Spend the pension money on your garden...
And finally, make it quite clear from the start, that you both have your own space and routines...and meet up occasionally!
Trust works ;)
Kind regards,
Saint Di (aka Marje Proops) xx
27 Aug, 2009
It's true though Marie. One or other of a pair will have to be left on their own some day. It's no good dwelling on it though.
Actually I'm not quite on my own - there's Beryl but we don't live in the same house. I think that's why we've stayed 'together' for so many years.
27 Aug, 2009
I know, notthing is permanent.
That's good you've found a way that works!
I'm NOT good at sharing my space! I dont think I'd cope if I had to share my home now! Kill him probably!!
27 Aug, 2009
Oh how lovely it is to be back on GoY and reading blogs like this.
I do understand Lily. My grandson, aged 13 (so a man in the making), has just gone home. Every day he had some comment to make about my garden - mostly what I could do to change it! After a few days I asked why he had wanted to stay for a week.' I thought it would be nice to see you,' he said.' Well,' said I,' you've seen me now so perhaps you should go home.' He didn't take me seriously, and stayed!
I would say do not let your husband outside with anything that can cut. If you do, something you have been growing for years to cover an eyesore, which he has never even noticed before, will be perceived as an overgrown mess and chopped down. Trust me.
27 Aug, 2009
It's quite eaasy if you don't want his train set running through your garden Lily and here are 2 options:
1. Purchase a pond rhino like Neil or Mossy - trains won't last long!
or, my preferred option:
2. When he starts assembling a train track through your start assembling pots of flowers in his attic and even across his 'garden track' and remind him that the flowers were there first|!!!
27 Aug, 2009
LOL Dan!
28 Aug, 2009
Hywel, you make me laugh. I like your straight forwardness. Straight to the point! I love it!
28 Aug, 2009
Please excuse the indulgence I have added at the top of the blog, she has been a delight and brightened the day for both of us. Mr L aka Grandad has been home all day and been very useful so he has been granted a pardon!
Crazy Marge, he's been home too much this week to have been doing all that hard labour round yours so it must be his twin brother lol. Have tried all those suggestions and will stick with the first one!!
Yes Hywel, always to the point, please don't change lol
Welcome back Ginellie, I agree about men with cutters in gardens. Mr L is really only allowed out in the garden on a lead but I let him off under close supervision if I want a job done!
OB I couldn't stand the heartbreak of a pond rhino. Flowers in his attic would go straight out the window and ANY plants ANYWHERE in the garden would get trodden on, hence NO railway! ;o((
28 Aug, 2009
lily jasmine is beautifull and glad you hadnt left us :o)
28 Aug, 2009
She's just gorgeous Lily. How do you stop yourself from eating her all up? No wonder you've been quiet. oh yes your pardoned........ :~))
28 Aug, 2009
Thanks Sandra and Ian, we think so too but then we are biased! She was here yesterday evening, all night and just gone now. She was so good she can come again anytime :o))))))))
All addicts are very secretive about their habit but GoY is not anything to be ashamed of so I shall come right out of that closet and start manufacturing 'I LOVE GOY' badges and maybe MP could even do some fridge magnets!!
I love GoY and I'm proud of it so you know who can think what he likes!!!!! How's that for positive thinking ? (thank you Hywel) :o))
28 Aug, 2009
thats great lily, like you say nothing to be ashamed of,,:o) unless you run off with a rich gardening toyboy lol
28 Aug, 2009
In my dreams sandra. The reality would be too much to cope with!! :o)
28 Aug, 2009
Gorgeous Jasmine !!! Never seen eyes so blue !!
28 Aug, 2009
GOOD FOR YOU< LILY!!!!!!!!!!!
You just pm me your address & I'll do a magnet for you! A keyring too if you want! I'll put up a blog for sugestions for designs!
The magnets can also be made into badges, they're pretty versatile!
I think Jasmine is a PERFECT reason for you being absent, she's a sweetie!
28 Aug, 2009
Blog up now! Over to you GoYs!!
28 Aug, 2009
Okay Lily I am back. Firstly can I put some GoY'ers straight (and I am sure you will back me up Lily) A train set ceases to be 'a set' when you take it out the box and assemble it, then it becomes 'a model railway', ......hang on just getting off me soap box ..... ahh thats better now then If said Hubby wants to put in a garden railway, tell him He cannot ... no way ... have two so he will have to demolish the one in the loft so you can use the space to use for your hobby aka gardening hot house and Computer workroom, then tell him he will have to put in roof windows for ventilation, that should do the trick.
But Lily really what is wrong with a single track around the garden going in and out of the plants? That's what I am planning and Gill is in full agreement so long as I do not take over the garden, even have a water feature (pond or stream) so the train can go over it. :o)))
28 Aug, 2009
Bob that sounds WONDERFUL !! Choo choo through the garden ! You could have stations along the way at all of the different flowers where the little people could get off and have a look. You could even serve refreshments !!
28 Aug, 2009
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sue, you're as nuts as he is! & they call ME mad????????
28 Aug, 2009
Hey Marie you and Sue are only NEARLY as mad as I am :o))))
I LOVE the suggestion though Sue I could even have a rockery with little workmen on the lineside digging in amongst the plants hehehe
28 Aug, 2009
You mean to tell me that you don't believe in fairies and pixies and leprechauns Marie ???????????????????????????
28 Aug, 2009
Chaingang Pixies !!! lol !!
28 Aug, 2009
Severn Valley Railway eat your heart out !!!! Bobs Big Choo Choo wins hands down !!
28 Aug, 2009
Hehehe I just been to Ironbridge today what a coincidence you should mention the Severn.
doodedoodoo doodedoodoo!:o))))
28 Aug, 2009
Lovely place. Just up the road
28 Aug, 2009
Admit it, you were just sussing out the competition !!! lol
28 Aug, 2009
Of course it is (silly me) I did wave to you .... honest ....when I was stuck in the traffic jam :o)))
28 Aug, 2009
Ahhh! you found me out Sue :o(
28 Aug, 2009
Don't worry, I won't tell !!! tee hee
28 Aug, 2009
Of course I believe, Sue!
28 Aug, 2009
I never doubted it for a minute !! haha
28 Aug, 2009
28 Aug, 2009
Hi Bob, very interesting that you as a 'model railway' enthusiast should say he can't have two, I expected you to side with him. Will PM you with all the details of the existing one (too long and boring for the non railway people). As to the garden railway, the picture you paint sounds lovely and this was once his vision ' we can do our hobbies together'. But I know the reality of this: I have said before on GOY, his feet are not connected to his brain and in a very short space of time the plants would be all crushed to oblivion. He is over 20 stone with size 13 feet so they stand no chance!!! See my point?
29 Aug, 2009
With feet that size Lily, when you plant him make sure that he's face down with his legs bent at the knees so that his feet stick up out of the ground. That way you can put a plank across and make a bench, so you can have a little sit whilst you admire the wonderful display that I am in no doubt you will arrange around the gravestone !!!!!! LMAO !!
29 Aug, 2009
I wouldn't plant him Sue, he might grow! It does conjure up a very funny picture though. LOL He's always said when I go he'll bury me in one of my raised beds as they're just the right size. Anyway he's staying now, on good behaviour and I shall wear my GoY badge with pride!
29 Aug, 2009
Yayyyyyy Lily. Good on ya girl :~))
x x x
29 Aug, 2009
Go girl GO !!! :)
29 Aug, 2009
By the way Lily, They are the super cool wrap around shades.............. Yeah. Lol ;~))
29 Aug, 2009
Got there in the end then Ian?
29 Aug, 2009
(blush) ;~)))))))))
29 Aug, 2009
Glad you sorted THAT out Lily! Now choose a colour for your lily!
29 Aug, 2009
Ooooh pink please Marie. Did you get my pm?
29 Aug, 2009
Yes, I've answered!
29 Aug, 2009
I'm in my third year of he who has retired, I'm getting used to it, and hide in the shed when it gets too much
3 Sep, 2009
LOL. I hope you've got a chair and some gardening magazines in there!
3 Sep, 2009
Oh no Grindle, 3 years and still getting used to it! I do escape to the potting shed sometimes already as he does only work mornings. I did suggest we could share the housework but that went down like a lead balloon!
Something wrong here Barbara, isn't it traditionally the men who do that to escape from US? lol
3 Sep, 2009 is so nice that Mr. Lily enjoys your company so! LOL..I have enjoyed reading your Blog on this subject and all the is fun!
Thank you!
I do consider any time I get on line at all as breaks, such as you do. I used to be a smoker, many years ago I am checking e-mails etc instead..I think it is much healthier and Goy is so much fun because we all have a common bond..I am sure your husband will be glad for your after being home with himself for a while will see the need for stimulation such as these internet communities provide. They certainly have been invaluable to me.
Cheers to your husbands retirement and a new chapter in both of your lives!
3 Sep, 2009
Thanks Catfinch, I'm glad it made you laugh. I'm sure I shall get used to having him around, he's not so bad really! It's just that we get territorial and stuck in our own routines when we have the house to ourselves all day but i must remember it IS his house too!! I don't think he will ever be a person who likes to chat on line like this but he has plenty of hobbies. He doesn't know what he's missing does he?
3 Sep, 2009
Don't EVER encourage him to join GOY - unless you have TWO computers in your house! lol.....You'd be lost to us. :-((
3 Sep, 2009
Yes Barbara, we do have two computers and separate email addresses too so now he doesn't have to complain about all the GoY ones !(I don't want to switch them off). He does lots of genealogy on his so we got the laptop for me but I do find it a bit 'frisky' with a mind of it's own!!
3 Sep, 2009
Wheeeew! Just read that little lot from top to bottom! See the trouble you're causing Lily! All those nice people enjoying themselves, and then you want to try and prise a way out of them to devise a cunning plan of attack against your dearly beloved. Rock on to you Mr Lily - who wears the trousers..........ok............she does!
Great blog Lily - I just knew you were humerous!
17 Sep, 2009
Somebody once asked us 'who wore the trousers' and I expected him to say that I did but was very surprised when he said '50/50' which is what I thought too. So we do agree on something! I like having him around, just not all the time...LOL
17 Sep, 2009
LMSO, You'll never here the end of it Lily........... :~))
17 Sep, 2009
I might just have to delete this blog Ian, just in case he ever decides to have a nose at what keeps me so busy on the computer.....there's some things hubbies shouldn't know - ask Carol! lol
17 Sep, 2009
Errrrrr, no thanks I'm much happier not knowing. Lol
17 Sep, 2009
Ignorance is bliss eh?
17 Sep, 2009
Where IS Carol. btw? She's keeping a bit quiet??
17 Sep, 2009
She's here, lapping up all the comments from the blokes on my last blog. :~))
17 Sep, 2009
Is GoY being particulaly slow tonight or is it just me? ? ?
17 Sep, 2009
The very kind GOY people did some changes to the blog start page at my request, so it could have been that that was slowing it down!
18 Sep, 2009
Morning Lily, and please whisper when you answer....... I think I need to apologize for my PM last night. I am sooooo sorry for dumping that on you. :~((
18 Sep, 2009
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You've just got to give him things to do - go shopping etc!!!
27 Aug, 2009