Win Some - Lose Some
By lily2
I’m not quite sure yet whether this summer in the garden has been a winner or a loser.
I’ve already told you in another blog about the ‘yellow’ dahlia that sometimes has lovely flowers like this……..
but also has quite a few like this………
Some of my Cosmos are wonderful like this….
But others are not so wonderful like this……..
Being impatient at not finding them in Garden Centres, I ordered 2 Pennisetum Rubrum from a newspaper offer , they arrived looking tiny and very pathetic and despite TLC grew only very slowly. Still impatient, I gave up and bought some of the lovely big ones now to be found everywhere for half the price of the weedy specimens. The weedy ones then decided to pull their socks up and although not as big as the others, they might just get there before the frost comes and sees them off. Here is a picture of ‘Little and Large’
The moral to this tale – Don’t rush into things, patience is a virtue.
However, along with the disappointing weedy grasses I got a free gift of 10 Begonia corms. These looked in a sorry state too and after skulking around looking like this for ages…….
They eventually gave me a wonderful display like this…..
So all in all, those grassses weren’t such a bad buy after all.
After a good start my dianthus spent most of the summer looking like this…
but my FREE Wyevale Clematis is now flowering……..
My Watsonias kindly sent by Bigbumblebee 2 weeks ago have just started to give me a glimpse of what I can expect next year……
and the huge Choisya Sundance which we had no choice but to transplant at exactly the wrong time of year when it was hot and sunny (remember those 4 days in June!) has survived the drastic pruning and transplant and is now recovering nicely……..
My new raised bed has been full of summer bedding and will be planted up with some more permanent plants soon but as it’s still looking very colourful I shall leave it as long as possible.
So all in all, I think I had more winners than losers even though the garden didn’t look as good as I hoped overall. Oh well, there’s all winter to do a better job of planning it for next year!
8 Sep, 2009
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I would say it's been a good summer in your garden Lily :)
8 Sep, 2009
I too would say its be a summer of winners for you, that was a lovely colourful show.
8 Sep, 2009
Your garden looks like a winner to me's beautiful :)
8 Sep, 2009
Beautiful your garden has done you proud and I adore your Clematis is a wonderful colour
8 Sep, 2009
I think your garden looks well, infact its lovely.
8 Sep, 2009
I must say Lily the same thing has happened with my morning glories...they looked like weedy little specimens for ages but now they are getting stronger & bigger day by day...if only they will flower soon!
Your garden's looking fab...full of colour & variety.
8 Sep, 2009
One word Lily ...... FABULOUS !! :-))))
8 Sep, 2009
Thanks for all your lovely comments, maybe I won't look at it so critically now. It all got off to a late start with bricklayers trampling round it in June and plants being moved all over the place. Then it all got a bit haphazard and things just got planted where they could - so not at all planned and quite a few colour clashes but hey...if Christopher Lloyd can do it......
9 Sep, 2009
Colour clashes Lily ??? Is there such a thing ?? lol ; -))
9 Sep, 2009
It's all in the eye of the beholder isn't it Sue?....but I got so fed up with waiting for those begonias to show their colours that I just plonked them in. Maybe next year I'll be more 'tasteful' ! Are you like my hubby Sue? He thinks that interior decorating is having as many different colours in one room as possible!! Pass the sunglasses lol
9 Sep, 2009
What is there to possibly call losses, when you have a garden as bright and wonderful as yours Lily?
Winning all the way, I would say....VERY NICE!!
I agree, patience is a virtue and I am discovering that more and more in my first few months of gardening. It's a case of 'good things come to those who wait' and your pics and garden are testimony to that.
Well done Lily:0)
9 Sep, 2009
Lol Lily !! No, I admit I am a LITTLE more restrained in the house !
Only one colour per room there, you know one red, one aubergine, one black !!! LMAO !! ; - )))
Mr. Oddbillie ..... It wasn't me ! I am innocent !!! lol
9 Sep, 2009
Some great shots there Lily you have been practising :o)))
9 Sep, 2009
Thank you OB for your encouraging words. Yes there is lots of colour but we all have an idea of how we want our gardens to look and when it doesn't quite happen it's a bit disappointing. But we don't REALLY have control in our gardens do we and there's always next year......
Sue, which room is black???
Thanks Bob, yes I have. Instead of being 1 in 20, the good shots are now about 1 in 10 so I'm making progress! :o)))
9 Sep, 2009
Have to agree with Bob on your pics. They are looking really good...>0)
9 Sep, 2009
LOL Lily !!! The back bedroom !!!! But I must admit that there is a fair amount of cream in there as well ! haha ; -))
And I agree Lily......the only one REALLY in control is Mama Nature ! : -)))
9 Sep, 2009
I think (for what its worth) that you have a wonderful garden and its certainly something I would be proud of. :~))
9 Sep, 2009
Hey Lily that is progress, I always try to take two shots of anything these days, except holiday snaps of course but even then I will sometimes take two, I am very critical of my own shots and my wife will say what you binning that one for?
9 Sep, 2009
Thanks OB, practice makes perfect (sometimes!)
Still having probs with the longer shots Bob. I took LOADS of pics of the begonias in the planter but couldn't seem to get the detail clear. Is that an unreasonable expectation?
How kind you are Ian and of course I value your opinion :o)) The garden is pretty but it's looked better in previous years but then so have I ! LOL
Mother Nature certainly does rule Sue !!
10 Sep, 2009
You made me laugh about looking looking better in previous years, it reminded me of a friend who when I said "must get my roots done the grey is showing " said "I dont know why you bother ----You can change your hair but you cant change your face"!!!!!
10 Sep, 2009
LOL !! Are they still a friend Valadel ?? haha
10 Sep, 2009
ILOL Is she still your friend Valadel? I know what she's getting at though, I'm starting to wonder if the roots are worth it but I'd hate being grey AS WELL as wrinkly !!
10 Sep, 2009
They're not wrinkles Lily, they're laughter lines !!!! ; - )))
10 Sep, 2009
Its not how you look that matters but how you look AT LIFE thats important. :~))
10 Sep, 2009
That's very phill.. philsof..philosophical of you Ian. It also helps to leave the specs off, makes EVERYBODY look better! lol
10 Sep, 2009
HEAR HEAR !! :-))
10 Sep, 2009
On that thought, it's time for some beauty sleep. nite, nite
10 Sep, 2009
Night Lily x
10 Sep, 2009
Nite sweety.........
10 Sep, 2009
Wow- your garden is fab! and your cats! I am looking for chocolate cosmos to grow for a friend next year- no idea what it needs or anything but gonna give it a go! When does him who goes to work become him who stays at home and gets in your way? luv Allotgirl x
11 Sep, 2009
Thanks Allotgirl, glad you like the garden, Daisy the cat likes it too! I've never grown chocolate Cosmos so I don't know if it's needs are the same.
We don't know yet when the impending invasion of my space is going to happen as his office is relocating and it all seems a bit disorganised. He'll probably come home later and tell me it's next week!! :o((( Oh well, it's only 18 months before official retirement anyway, so just a bit early. Who's the boss with you and Ernie and are you enjoying his 2 weeks absence?
11 Sep, 2009
I like to think that Ernie is the boss, because he agrees to whatever I say but always retains an enigmatic twinkle in his eye that says "she'll learn." Over the coming months I think we will learn as much about each other as gardening!
12 Sep, 2009
Sounds like you've got a good thing going there Allotgirl :o)
13 Sep, 2009
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well overall lily i think your garden looks fantastic with lots of lovely plants and colour, i just love them grasses, are they the ones that dont get through winter, its a shame but they are so pretty with those lovely tales swaying around, begonias are great this year, im just starting to take some out to dry off, but have had loads of flowers like you, so dont be dissapointed it looks fab x
8 Sep, 2009