On my way to Tesco
By lily2
My route to do the boring weekly supermarket shop takes me right past the Garden Centre…..well, to be truthful, it’s not EXACTLY on the way and I only have to make a very small detour. It’s now several weeks since I last entered the hallowed portals of this Temple of Temptation from all things green and leafy so I felt justified in pandering to my withdrawal symptoms and taking a peep.
Just a few pansies, I thought and I was very good and did stick to the pansies while ignoring the seductive beckoning of other beauties but oh dear…..which shall it be? After the clashing colours of the summer I have already decided it shall be tasteful colours but it’s still not easy…….Will it be these………
or these…..
or these
or these
In the end of course, I took the easy way out and they all came to Tesco’s with me and then on home.
Now the problem is, where all they all going to go? All 36 of them. Their planned destinations – the two raised beds – are still full of summer bedding and too colourful to empty yet ….
So there is only one thing for it, they will all have to be potted up so they can grow on and be big boys by the time their beds are ready for them!
Oh dear, what have I just remembered today? The 12 Friolina trailing pansies which I ordered from Garden Answers so long ago that I’d forgotten about (another senior moment). I can’t even remember what colours they are, 3 each of 4 colours I think, and they were destined for the raised beds too. It looks like my co-ordinated colour plan is going to go to pot…..again!. So it’s going to be pansies, pansies and even more pansies in my garden this winter – let’s just hope they don’t all sit and sulk doing nothing all winter which, come to think of it, is why I don’t usually buy any pansies!
16 Sep, 2009
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Oh Lily you just couldn't clear your Beautifull Beds yet, I bought my Pansie's a few weeks ago and waited untill my bedding looked a bit sad and needed deadheading before i pulled them out :) The Pansies are in and today i Planted my Daffs, another job ticked off my list...
16 Sep, 2009
Your display is magnificent Lily - you should invite all the grumpy people in your area, to pop by for a cuppa, and while you're persuading them with a jammy dodger or two, I am sure their psyche will emerge as a cheery smile, for them to take home to those who may not love them as much as they should.
I wish all people who had a garden that abutted a bus stop, would have a front garden like yours. I suspect those bus journeys would eventually become a joyful, happy place to be, full of laughter and good will to all, rather than the silent, doom and gloom and aggressive resentment of people who cannot see the joy that nature offers so freely.
After a hard days work, I feel positively bouyant - thankyou Lily.
16 Sep, 2009
The raised beds are still Beautiful they look as if they could go on for months yet, I have just put in Daffs/Narc&Tulips but still need some Pansies....MUST get to a GardenCentre this weekend......
16 Sep, 2009
I've already got my pansies in but after seeing this blog I thought s@d it I wan't some more! ! ! ! :~))
16 Sep, 2009
Lovely pics, Lily2 :o)
16 Sep, 2009
Beautiful garden you have, you will have to get some hanging baskets and decorate your walls or fences, I bought half baskets and cup hooks and screwed the cup hooks in the fence and just hooked them up, take a look at my pansie blog you will see, I got the baskets from Home Bargains at 1.99 each cup hooks 1.00 for 12.
16 Sep, 2009
Thanks for all your lovely comments.
Sandra, I try hard to be colour coordinated but it never works out and no YDD and Swanky I'm definitely not going to empty the beds until I have to. Those pansies can wait!
Burgundy, my front garden isn't colourful at all but it's very quiet in my road so not many people passing for me to brighten their day. It would be lovely though to look at lots of pretty gardens when out and about. there's nothing like a lovely garden to lift the spirits
Thanks TT and Ian, I'm sure you could squeeze in a few more pansies somewhere :o)
I saw your blog Morgana, your baskets are looking great.
16 Sep, 2009
I know you did thought I would remind you incase you could nt fit all your pansies in give you an idea he he
16 Sep, 2009
Lily your garden beds look absolutely amazing...such wonderful colour. It looks like your pansies might have a long wait for their turn in the bed as everything looks so 'in full flush'!
16 Sep, 2009
Can certainly see why you can't pull out the summer bedding yet, what a beautiful display.
16 Sep, 2009
lovely pansies think i would have fetched them all home aswell.
16 Sep, 2009
LMAO Lily!!
Such a god blog and well written. Your garden really does look wonderful and we could ALL do with more room couldn't we?
That Temple of temptation is naughty but ......well, no-one was looking were they!
Very proud of myself today. Went out to a lovely place - blog to follow in next day or two - and popped in to B&Q on way home.....didn't buy a jot!! Tubs and that were really expensive actually but Ali was also proud, sorry, AMAZED at my willpower!!
Great blog Lily:0)-
16 Sep, 2009
It's blogs like yours that got me buying the pansies in the first place Morgana and I think I might well need some tubs or baskets for them lol
Thanks Fluff and Wagger, long may it last - the pansies will be well looked after in the meantime. :o)
Clarice, I'm glad I bought them all, just spent a bit less on food!
OB, such praise from the blogmaster himself! I'm glad you liked it. I think I shall be going back on a more leisurely visit for a bit more temptation before long! I can't belive you bought nothing at all - not ill are you?!! lol
16 Sep, 2009
You are too gracious fair maiden....
Think I might well be coming down with something as it was Ali who 'nearly' bought something....a half-price clematis but we got nowhere to put it at mo so said I buy her one after chrimbo when the boreder is done.
This blog was so funny as it was just how I am. Go in for compost or paint and come out with a trolley full of plants. Brilliant!!
16 Sep, 2009
You have a lovely garden Lily. Your pansies should brighten it up in the winter for you.
17 Sep, 2009
Fantastic garden Lily - and that's from a non-flowery person! You may even manage to convert me at some point!
17 Sep, 2009
You can always find room for another plant OB, especially a half price one. lol
Thanks Hywel and Merfyn, glad you like the garden, as you can see, I like lots of colour!
17 Sep, 2009
What a lovely garden you have
17 Sep, 2009
Thank you Donnah, glad you like it.
17 Sep, 2009
I've just found this blog, and I'm so glad I did! I needed a 'boost' today, as it's a sad one for me....your flowers are lovely, and I enjoyed seeing the photos.
Isn't it difficult, knowing when to take the summer flowers out! It's all very well telling us we should plant Daffs etc in August, isn't it!
21 Sep, 2009
Glad it cheered you a little Barbara, who can look at pansies and not smile? I have to confess, have since been tempted by some lovely violas outside the hardware shop. They are now sitting in a low pot on the garden table 'smiling' at me!
23 Sep, 2009
Loved your blog...you colourful garden is a credit to you.
10 Nov, 2009
Thanks Judz, unfortunately some of the pansies are no longer with us. Mostly it's the yellow ones have turned up their toes and died, not sure why .! Still that's gardening.......
11 Nov, 2009
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lol lily, i havent really got any yet, like you i dont know where to plant them, but i should get some or i will miss out and then i will be upset, im sure you will fit them in once the summer plants are gone, it will look great, im not a colour cordinated person, i just pop in and hope for the best, i cant plan ive no patience for that lol
16 Sep, 2009