Changes sometimes have to happen..
By lincslass
Been having a busy time of late, the big shed at the bottom of our garden needed new felt, I talked nicely to my nephew who is usually willing to do the jobs we cannot manage any longer, when it came to checking it out for us he said it really needed some new slats as well, in the end it worked out cheaper to buy large pieces of chipboard, it was as you can imagine a lot quicker doing it that way, he replaced the complete roof and then covered with new felt, that was two Saturdays back, later in the week I went out one nice afternoon and gave it a new coat of stain…A job I actually dislike but needs must, in the end I quite enjoyed doing it, lol……
The little stumpery had taken a battering whilst the work was going on so I had to do a bit of remodelling, I have ferns, native primroses and bluebells growing in that area, did try hostas but the slugs and snails had a field day, those I’ve since removed and popped them back into their pots…
No longer needed and had become a dumping ground for bits and bobs that we really don’t want any longer, hundreds of plantpots came out of there and even an old awning that we used for the caravan, we’d forgotten it was there..Anybody want a Kayak, as you can see its still here…
Still waiting for man with a van to collect the rubbish so cannot sort the footpath and edging yet.(Sigh)….
the first thing I ever posted on Goy was a question, it was Nov 3rd 2008 and it was about one of our apple trees, it appeared to be rotting and I needed advice, we managed to keep it going for all these years, I have always kept an eye on the place that had caused the concern but it seemed to thrive, last winter we pruned it back very hard, however it had a growth spurt in the spring and appeared to be reaching for the sky…
In one side and out the other.
That tree was never going to get through another winter and it would be too dangerous to leave it like that, so time to talk nicely to someone, however it was no problem as nephew came into his own yet again, he has a log burning stove so most of the trunk and the boughs have been taken away by him, luckily the plants are all perennials as most of the tree did fall on them, couldn’t be helped and nothing that couldn’t be put right with a few tweaks here and there, they will be in their element now as that tree did cast a lot of shade..
The lollipop conifer at the back of the fishpond has also gone, it had been getting smaller every few years as part of it had also died, looked decidedly stupid so we bit the bullet and cut that one down as well.
Yes quite pleased with the work I have been doing in the last couple of weeks, a lot more light in my garden, lot less work in the future now I won’t have to spend hours clearing away apples and fallen leaves…
Now a question; How hard do you think it would be to turn my remaining stump into a Gnome???
30 Aug, 2017
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Wow!I felt tired after reading about all the work you have been doing. End result is worth it, though.
I hope you are serious about turning the stump into a gnome, or how about a Green Man? I swear ours has had a good influence on the plants near by.
30 Aug, 2017
You have been busy ....
31 Aug, 2017
you, or should that be your nephew, has been busy.
a lot of lovely changes that will soon look so natural. we had a kayak at the bottom of the garden for 7 yrs before OH finally got rid of it.
love the revamped shed. mine is getting ready for a new coat of preservative.
have a go at the gnome it will be brilliant.
31 Aug, 2017
You ve done a good job of the staining Lincslass the shed loooks better for the repair from your nephew to such a shame about your apple tree.
31 Aug, 2017
What a good chap your nephew is!
You have already noticed all the extra light in your garden, next year the perennials will be extra good.
31 Aug, 2017
I like your big shed. One like that would hold a lot of junk for me lol
Nice that you have someone to help out.
You will be pleased with the extra space and light now the trees have gone.
I think Harriet approves :)
1 Sep, 2017
I like the fact that your cute little doggie just had to get in on the action and the photos!
5 Sep, 2017
What tons of work you got done! I like the gnome idea, but I would just leave it like it is and imagine the gnome. And you know you could turn the kayak into a feature with plants around/in it. I have seen it done with a rowing boat, it looked great :)
8 Sep, 2017
I think it's a good idea to get on top of these jobs, before they become a burden. Please send your nephew to me.
8 Sep, 2017
Thankyou all, the work is ongoing at the moment all being done the last few days between showers, its all good fun though...
8 Sep, 2017
When he's finished at Siris's I'd like to place my booking for your nephew, Lincs.
9 Sep, 2017
:D Can I book your nephew too please? hehe
9 Sep, 2017
Oh, you have been busy! I had loads of stuff done to the house last summer, so did not have time to blog; but my shed (concrete) needed new windows; my son said he would do it if I would only do a clearout, so I had to actually LOOK at what I had gathered over the years, and dispose of it! Revealing job! Stuff I did not even know I had appeared. Then, my neighbour told me that the shed really needed refelting; so that was done. Then, I took it into my head to paint the edging bit and the door. So thats now done. A new bed was arranged by engaging a lad to turn the ground over, remove any stones, fertilise so this allowed me to plant in the plants I described to you already,........ did now we are all set for 2019, though I have to say that at 87 I am just doing what is necessary..ordered some in- the- green snowdrops, for the front, and today sprinkled night scented stock in every cranny that was available....this spring is very
strange, its like summer in London, and I HAVE to get out in the garden...wonder how long it will last. But feel good today to know I have started the year so early.
26 Feb, 2019
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Would definitely have a go at the gnome!
What a huge difference you must see in your garden after all that clearing away. The perennials will be thrilled to bits - I hope they reward you really well next year! Are you going to plant another small tree of some sort?
30 Aug, 2017