My Little Patch of Wildflowers, Part 2.
By lindalooloo
Thankyou everyone for your lovely comments on last blog. Thought I would update you on Granddaughters ‘Wild’ garden and baking.
We had a lovely day on Sunday. The sun was shining and it looked like we were going to have a glorius day, and we did. Both the Granddaughter and myself.
My Sister-in-Law had invited us to go and pick her Redcurrants. She only has 2 small bushes, but didn’t want them to go waste, as she was going on holidays. So after breakfast, that was our first job.
We picked a little over 2lbs, which was good as there didn’t look to be that many. (didn’t really like to pick the bush bare) lol.
This was the result……
I then decided to go out and finish staining the garden furniture…..
……. while Granddaughter did a spot of gardening. Not sure what she was lookikg for. lol….
….. but think something may have spooked her. lol…
….decided to take a few more pics….
New Blueberry bush looks nice and healthy….
…..old bush ripening well, until Granddaughter decided to have a little feast. lol……
…Then there was ‘Grannie, have you seen how beautiful my Sunflower is?’….
…..and LOOK how tall it is………
As it had started to get very hot outside, we decided to come indoors for a while.
Then a little voice said…..‘lets cook Grannie’.
So this is my 1st attempt at making carrot cake….
…..and these little beauties, are my Granddaughters Disney Princess cakes, which not only looked good,they tasted really good. lol…
Took a few more pics of our Cherry Tomatoes, which we both have growing in hanging baskets.
These are mine, and……
…these are Granddaughters.
Do YOU think she may be just a ‘little’ greenfingered. Lol.
Day now coming to an end, thought I would take 5mins to have a cuppa.
Little voice again ‘Graaaan’ what you doing with the Redcurrants? can we make jam now?….
So here is ‘Our’ jam, and the final ‘job’ done, before she was escorted away by her Mum to have her bath.
Even poor Mali was flagging. lol…..
……and Granddaughter said Mali had really enjoyed her day too, because she was smiling as she was sleeping and dreaming of the lovely day she had…….
All in all, we had a wonderful day gardening and baking, but my goodness, was I wrecked by the end of it. lol.
Hope you’ve enjoyed spending the day with myself and my Granddaughter.
This afternoon, our time is being spent with my elder Granddaughter, as she has her ‘Prom’ this evening, so I’ll have a relaxing day today. lol. We are going to see her in all her glamorous refinery, and I can’t wait to see how gorgeous she is going to look.
12 Jul, 2011
Previous post: My little patch of Wild Flowers planted by my Granddaughter.
Next post: Honeysuckle Update
Aren't grandchildren fab. Can't wait until mine are old enough to bake. I have two grandaughters and a 3rd due in two weeks. A netball team coming I think.
Your cake looks really good. Love carrot cake. And those Disney cakes to die for.
Must admit when we have our eldest, we are both shattered at the end of the day, but blissfully so.
12 Jul, 2011
That carrot cake looks fantastic!
12 Jul, 2011
Gosh you certainly packed a lot into that day Linda , I love it when the grandchildren are here and like to do their share to help ,( even if you do have to clean up after them :o) ) Carrot cake is my absolute fav. that looks delicious ,Yummy !
Grannyb ~ How exciting for you ,not long to wait now :o))
12 Jul, 2011
Oh I do miss those days Linda, my grandaughter is nearly 14yrs now so no longer wants to bake and going outside is a no go, always on laptop or got some other gadget on the go, I do get a go on the wii sometimes but only so they can laugh at my attempts, she does however write her own stories and Nannie always gets to read them, she is also brilliant at drawing, so not all time wasted ,maybe an authoress in the making..
Your grandaughters toms are way ahead of yours and she is a proper little gardner in her gloves, looks so intent on what she is looking at and so proud of her sunflower, bless her.
Carrot cake and jam look very tasty, we used to have to pick lots of berries for jam making when we were kids, trouble is we also ate as many as went into the bowls, unless Dad was around, lol......
12 Jul, 2011
What a lovely day you had Linda. I love my grandson dearly, but at l5 and very teenagerish, there is no hope whatever of him spending time with me in the garden. Unless, of course, he had some kind of electronic game in front of his eyes! Oh for a little grandaughter.
12 Jul, 2011
Thankyou Whistonlass; Yes I have two beautiful Granddaughters who I am very proud of.
Young Granddaughter has definately got the touch. lol.
Cake was delicious, and so was jam, but jam could have set a little more, I think.
I've had a wonderful afternoon seeing my elder Granddaughter in her posh gown, and she was so excited about tonights Prom, where I'm sure she will have a fab time.
As for the younger one, don't know about the 'young and energised' bit, I do know, she keeps me on my toes. Lol.
12 Jul, 2011
Thankyou Grannyb; Yes the Grandchildren are wonderful.
Congratulations to you, on your forthcoming Grandchild.
They make life wonderful and worthwhile.
Younger one is very hands on, but older one is a good cook too, and she's very good around the house helping my Daughter. :o)
12 Jul, 2011
Thankyou Sticki; Carrot cake looked good, and by gum, it tasted good. lol. :o)
Thankyou Amy; Yes, I did pack a lot in, and if it had been left to Granddaughter, I'd have been going through the night also. lol.
Carrot cake turned out well by chance really. My Mum had given me recipe years ago, along with recipes for green tomato chutney and picallilli. I mislaid them, and only came across them recently, only to find, that Mum must have been dictating the recipe to my Dad, but my Dad hadn't written it all down. So basically, I had to guess the ending, as he hadn't written the baking part. lol. Lol.
12 Jul, 2011
Thankyou Linclass; I love having the Grandchildren around me, but it can get very tiring, especially with the little one. The elder one now is a young woman, so the conversations tend to be more 'adult' lol.
Both my Granddaughters draw too. We laugh at the little ones drawings, as whatever is in her mind, she tries to draw, and sometimes you can't work out what she's drawn, until she explains, and then the drawing makes sense. lol.
Young one is definately way ahead of me in almost everything she has planted. :o)
12 Jul, 2011
Aaaahhhhh Ginellie. You can share my Granddaughters.
I'm sure they wouldn't mind. lol.
The elder one does 'grown up' things now, like painting her nails etc, and the little one watches, and takes everything in while she chats nonstop, and of course, she haves her nails painted too. When you ask the younger one, what she's been doing, her answer is 'girlie things with Sisco'.
The elder one is obviously her cousin, but little one wants her as a Sister, so between them, they came up with the name Sisco. lol.
As for Grandson. I know what you mean with the games. My 13yr old Grandson is no different than yours. :o)
12 Jul, 2011
omg that really made me smile lol .............. love the cake !! yummy ........... and the jam wow , but ur dog really looks worn out haha , soooo funny lol .... x
12 Jul, 2011
Thankyou Cristina;
Hope bottoms a bit more better today. lol.
You poor thing, you must have been in agony, with elbows and bottom.
Yes! Mali was worn out. She did more bouncing round than us too, cos she was taking turns following either me or the Granddaughter, so she did more mileage on her little legs and paws. lol.
Went to see other Granddaughter this afternoon before she left for her Prom. She looked gorgeous. Just uploaded pic of her. :o)
12 Jul, 2011
I enjoyed sharing your day is nt your grand daughter cute gardening gloves and all she looked as though she was inspecting some thing deep in thought a brilliant little gardener and that sunflower and her tomatoes they are great well done her. Those red currents look lovely and what great cakes from both of you. I had to have a giggle at your dog smiling
12 Jul, 2011
Thankyou Dawn;
Granddaughter wears me out. These light nights have a lot to answer for.
Have had a relaxing day today. Went down elder Daughters this afternoon to see my elder Granddaughter before she went to her Prom this evening (with younger granddaughter in tow) lol.
Just uploaded a few pics of her in her Prom dress.
12 Jul, 2011
I shall take a look get use to light nights they are thinking of keeping them so we are more healthier as lack of light is bad for the immune system. Its lovely for your grand daughter to have her prom bet she was exiced
12 Jul, 2011
Oh no, she doesn't sleep much now. lol.
She usually says, 'too early for bed, looks like it's still morning'. lol.
Granddaughter was very excited. :o)
13 Jul, 2011
What a lovely day you spent together with your Grandadaughter, she will remember those happy time sshe spent with you in later life when she is hopefully tending her own garden. bought back memories of the happy times I spent with my grandchildren when they were young, they are 21 and 19 now and very busy now doing their own thing!
13 Jul, 2011
Thankyou Carole.
I told Sixpence, the little one asked me if I was learning to be a proper gardener.
She sees me using Daughters laptop, and coming here on GoY, and I show her most of the pics, and because my Daughter is on laptop doing Uni work (homework), I think little one thinks I'm doing my homework, when I come on GoY, lol. ;o)
13 Jul, 2011
Recent posts by lindalooloo
- Just a little blog to say 'Hi'.
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- Bargains in the Stain and Plant departments.
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- Little Red Acer.
28 Jul, 2011
- My little patch of Wild Flowers Part 3.
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- Honeysuckle Update
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- My little patch of Wild Flowers planted by my Granddaughter.
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Two lovely with green fingers, one anticipating her Prom celebrations. You are one busy grandma :) I hope your afternoon is going well for you all.
Those tomato plants show quite a different stage of growth so I reckon you are right that your grandaughter definitely has the touch.
Your carrot cake and jam look very tasty...what a full day you had...your grandaughter must keep you young and
12 Jul, 2011