Happy Dogs!
By lulu33
All of us who have pets will probably have seen this!
We decided that the dogs were getting a wee bit ‘niffy’ and as the sun was shining we took them off to the stables for a wash.
Sluggpuppy says it all with this pleading face….
….But it all over quickly and as the other two have their wash Sluggy waits for the bouncing around the stud flowerbeds time!
All three go nuts, pointing at each other and running round and around the flowerbed!
Jazzypup dries on the grass. Actually she is a bit of a lucky pup. I noticed she had a very sore eye last week, I thought mybe Sluggy had caught it whilst playing. I washed it daily and put in cream and then….thank goodness….I saw a huge grass seed in her tear duct and managed to pull it out. Eye all better now. I have decided at this time of year not to walk them through grasses. A grass seed anywhere inside them is an awful thing, one wich killed her brother when he was only 3.
And now, who is going to make the first move!
Whoops, just noticed I got the comments the wrong way round for these last to pics, never mind!
Now we have 3 happy and clean dogs!
I have another couple of blogs to write. One with pics of all the self seeded plants around the garden (alot!) And I was wondering if anyone would be interested in seeing photos of two local churches. One is 12thC and the other a tiny church in our local village. I know it’s not flowers or pets but maybe interesting to some?
Have a great w/end all (I bet Grandmage is having just the best one, with her delightful new Grandaughter!) x
6 Aug, 2011
More blog posts by lulu33
Previous post: Birthday Blues!
Next post: Two Gloucestershire Churches
obviously not a very traumatic experience for them, they look happy, great pics
yes Lulu i wld love to see photos of your churches, put them on...
6 Aug, 2011
Even happier today with big chewy bones!
Ok Resi, will do the church blog!
6 Aug, 2011
Love churches Lulu..... go for it !
6 Aug, 2011
6 Aug, 2011
Three very happy dogs there.
6 Aug, 2011
I am Lulu, I am!!!! Going back for more cuddles on Monday and to stay and look after Helen. Lovely bouncy pups there Lu, they must keep you fit. I would love to see old churches, I am always leaping around them when away or on hol. :~)
6 Aug, 2011
me too GM!
have a lovely time next week!
6 Aug, 2011
I will Lu. thanks. x
6 Aug, 2011
the've such a lovely home Lulu xxx
6 Aug, 2011
lovely pics of the doggies lulu all sweet smelling now and clean, glad you got the seed out and cant believe something so small can kill, very sad, lovely lavender bed to :o))
6 Aug, 2011
hahha ........ how fab , love o see them happy and playing like that ........... ;0)))
6 Aug, 2011
The first pic made me smile ... has a kind of "Get me out of here" look ... they all look very happy to be living somewhere so beautiful ... well done for removing the grass seed in time ..... :o)
6 Aug, 2011
Three squeaky clean happy dogs, lovely photo`s Lulu...
6 Aug, 2011
Those three have boundless energy! Must be a hoot keeping them still when they are getting bathed. Your lavender circle looks great :)
7 Aug, 2011
squeaky clean, happy and woofy! The three of them are going to Gatcomb horse trials today, two little girls will take pru and jazz and I will take sluggypup!
7 Aug, 2011
great blog! your dogs are nuts! lol but all lovely and funny :)
7 Aug, 2011
Just got back from the horse trials, very tired pups, all sleeping instead of bouncing!
7 Aug, 2011
Aw bless :)
7 Aug, 2011
Recent posts by lulu33
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- The danger of dead trees
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- A little sunny walk
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Nice blog - looks like you've three happy dogs there!
6 Aug, 2011