Birthday Blues!
By lulu33
Thank you Paul for instigating birthday wishes on Goy! Much enjoyed.
I took a few photos last night of some of the blue flowers, of course a few other colours crept in and then a dog or two, or three!
Here goes with 3 blues!! The wildflower….
An early Cerestogstigma, not sure about the spelling there. This is a newly planted one, I have 3 others, all quite big now which will put on quite some show in a month or so.
Salvia Mystic Spires
Another wee Salvia
This Eryngium was planted begining of Spring, it’s just coming good! I think the plant cards I can find means the name was written on the pot!!
3 little blue blueberries!!
I am keeping a beedy eye on the birds that like to eat these so I have used the old puppy run to cage it in! I do hope there are no ultra slim blackbirds around…..
Fluffy Liartris
And a new mosaic on the go!!
Close up of potential dragonfly. Mosaicing is hurting my shoulders so not sure how long this one will take to finish!
Fluffy flower of Cotinus
And these are real diamonds!
Me Teazels, I love the shape and texture.
The artistic shot!!
Found a new place for my CD mosaic, it catches the light well here, no direct sunlight so it doesn’t blast the retina!
A few animals jus to finish off! A lovely little foal here
And naughty Pru, Jazz and Sluggypup chasing something around the lavender beds, these are stud flowerbeds. They are either chasing bees or shrews.
And this morning Sluggy chased poor Milliepuss as she took an early morning stroll with us. See those white blobs by the tree? One of them is Sluggy UP the tree!!
Cat up a tree. At least she came down by herself this time!
And how could we have named a dog so beautiful Sluggy? The nickname just stuck, we didn’t mean to keep her!
The only thing I forgot to photograph was the birday gift from a friend….a very useful and bright pink mini garden pair of scissors!
Thank’s all for your birthday wishes on 21st.
23 Jul, 2011
More blog posts by lulu33
Previous post: Beech tree splinter phase 2 or is it 3!
Next post: Happy Dogs!
Lovely Lulu - we also have the Eryngium, they're superb . Also the cotinus are lovely shrubs, we have some Liartris couldn't remember name til now :)))) Lovely selection of other plants and flowers you have too. The dragonfly is looking very nice , love dragonflies :))))))))))
23 Jul, 2011
Happy birthday from me as well Lulu:-)
Eryngium looks like mine at work - it could be E. variifolium. Have a nice weekend - me off to work:( and lovely blog of course:)
23 Jul, 2011
Hi Lu, many happies to you, sorry i missed that!! Where have you been hiding? I love the Cotinus flower, so lacy, all your pics are great, think that dragonfly will be fab.
23 Jul, 2011
Belated Happy Birthday Lulu! Loved the blog.
23 Jul, 2011
Happy Birthday LuLu!
(my apologies for being a bit late with it)
another lovely blog, looks like you had a nice relaxing time.
i'm loving the shades of blue, i always think of flowers being pink, orange, red etc, these must look stunning agains the other colours in the garden!
love the idea of protecting the blueberrys with the old doggy pen, smart thinking!
23 Jul, 2011
I like your mosiacs - great photos, poor puss if Sluggy is not careful she'll end up with a sliced nose and maybe she'll not chase puss again. The foal is a beaut - of all animals and I love all I find foals unpredictable so I am wary of them. TheY are just full of fun - i've been bitten twice and kicked in the back all on seperate occassions . Glad you had a great birthday and it wasn't blue.
23 Jul, 2011
Happy birthday as well Lulu, my party invite must have got lost in the post ; )
That blueberry is giving out a good crop, you might get some small birds try thier luck : )
23 Jul, 2011
happy birthday lulu! sorry its late. its worth having a birthday on GoY isnt it!
lovely photos, your sluggy is such a lovely dog!
that dragonfly is just fantastic ~ is it really difficult to make? it looks a skilful job to me.
23 Jul, 2011
Oooh what beautiful blues, Lulu. Lovely blog, and your dragonfly is going to look great!
Our Ceratostigma(?) has just started to flower too, and it's getting SO big, but even when we cut it back to the ground in spring, it makes no difference. :(
23 Jul, 2011
i thought the blueberry cage was a very clever idea!
23 Jul, 2011
Thanks for comments everyone!
Sluggy is a naughty puppy having just ripped up her 2nd dog bed in two weeks!
If any small birds eat my blueberries I will be very upset!!!
Sorry peeps got to dash, friends just arriving. xxx will add more when I can. And EEEKS, I thought tax was meant to be in end of aug not july! I have no idea where to start!
23 Jul, 2011
lovely pictures lulu and the new dragonfly will be lovely when finished;o)
23 Jul, 2011
Very pretty blue flowers, Lulu ... you'd think Milliepuss would have learnt her lesson after the tree trauma! Love the pic of the foal ... : o ))
23 Jul, 2011
What's the birthday wishes thing?
23 Jul, 2011
Great pics Lulu! Were you drunk when you took some of them? lol Bit blurry hah. Love the new mosaic and the disc one! Great idea! you have some lovely plants..oh btw the chamomile is still alive lol looking good! I'm sure it's grown at least an inch!
Glad you had a good birthday henny xx
23 Jul, 2011
Lulu....belated good wishes on your birthday....only just getting a little caught up with blogs!
Sluggy looks quite comical in the photo of him up the tree! I've not known dogs to climb like that...he must be very unique and determined to catch the cat! lol
Good luck with the dragonfly mosaic...sorry your shoulders are giving you trouble....hope that soon passes.
24 Jul, 2011
I love blue. It's my favourite colour.
Glad you had a lovely birthday :o)
Great animal photos aswell :o)
24 Jul, 2011
sluggy up a Tree !!!-- and i thought my english setter was potty!!
she chewed everything until we used the ponies shreaded paper bedding and she could dig it to her hearts content....
24 Jul, 2011
i think sluggy can climb higher than my cat!!
24 Jul, 2011
Thanks everyone for your comments.
Guests gone, they were from Denmark and we all had a really good time. They played guitar and sang, David on drums. They loved trying to pet Millie and thought she was very funny, hissing at them! Sluggy behaved, well sort of!
I took them on a fantastic, sunny walk through the village of sherston. I will have to take the walk again and photograph it for you....river scenes, gardens and valleys.
25 Jul, 2011
yes please, that sounds very nice and i think we may have been quite near it yesterday? we were in snowshill. have you been to the lavender fields?
does paul sort out birthdays on GoY?
25 Jul, 2011
Happy birthday Lulu....hope it was a good one. x
25 Jul, 2011
Haven't been yet Sticki, although Snowshill is very close to us. I have lots of Lavender, it's self seeding in the gravel!
Thx Linda x
26 Jul, 2011
Lovely flowers there, Lulu! :-)) As I'm trying to catch up with some blogs - after our guests have gone as well - & I'd like to wish you a belated birthday wish - or is it an early one for next year! LOL!
26 Jul, 2011
great blog Lulu, love the dragonfly mosaic what a clever girl you are! Oh! and hope you had a happy birthday:-)
26 Jul, 2011
Recent posts by lulu33
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- The danger of dead trees
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Lovely pics Lulu..I love blue flowers too..ah,poor Milliepuss....glad she got down ok..the foal and horses are are your dogs.and I love your idea with the puppy cage..hope you had a nice birthday..:o)
23 Jul, 2011