It's my patio.............
By madperth
Crazydi has smitten me with the song bug!!!
I was trying to remember the name of a shrub/bush I want for the garden & all that kept coming into my head was the song “Billy Dont Be A Hero”!!! After a while I figured out why……..Black Lace!!!
And it gets worse! I didn’t get back down to the river today because I got a call saying that my fuschia cuttings were ready for me, so I went to get them, only to become embroiled in a game of guess the intro (all Beatles songs, so I was ok!).the fuschias are lovely, or will be.
I was also given a mystery plant, it has pleated silvery green leaves that look jaggy,but feel like velvet, & I’m told has red flowers on long stalks.
When I came home, I finally got my back bed/poss veg patch dug over & weeded. That meant I had to hose off the mess I’d made of the slabs. I then brushed it all & took a dry mop over it, as you do!
I was interrupted by a neighbour asking what I was doing (wasn’t it obvious?) & why. My reply? “It’s my patio and I’ll dry if I want to”!!! I’m not a well person, you know!
So why was I drying off the slabs?
Obvious (again!)
Yep, I wanted to paint them! This was interrupted by another neighbour’s voice saying “She’s totally lost it now!!” Huh! Ok, granted it did look from where he was as tho I was painting the grass yellow, but I was painting my stepping stones!
i don’t know why they think I’m mad!!
On a saner note (I CAN find those notes occasionally, but only when I’m tuned in………) My roses are rusty! What’s wrong with them? They were very crowded, which is why I moved them. Have a look please?
I was going to put in pics taken on my early morning walk (5am) today, but I’ll do that separately.
Hope you’ve all had as nice a day as I have!
All together now……..“You are the sunshine of my life………..” Oops! Dunno where that came from!!
Marie xxx
30 Jul, 2009
Previous post: A lovely day!
Next post: 5am walk by the River Tay
I can't understand why your nieghbours think your mad.... I've known you for less than a week and I KNOW your as mad as a hatter. Lol.
Its my patio.... Tut :~))
30 Jul, 2009
Hi Hywel! How do you treat blackspot? I haven't listened to Stevie wonder for years!
Ian, what was wrong with that? It made her laugh at least, not something that's seen very often!
My dad says I'm sane, & he has the certificate to prove it!
Lol! :~))))
30 Jul, 2009
30 Jul, 2009
Blackspot on roses is caused by a fungus.
Controll it by collecting the fallen leaves so no spores get into the soil. Also mulch the soil well and spray with a fungiside. There are different ones so maybe look for one that is good for blackspot. Some roses are resistant to blackspot aswell so it may be worth considering that if you buy another rose.
30 Jul, 2009
Thanks Hywel! These were gifts when I moved here The one least affected is "Gloire de Dijon" I think, but I'll get onto it asap! I'll try tea tree to start with, I've already sprayed them with an organic garlic spray that is supposed to protect and feed them, but I just got it a few days ago. Hadn't realised how bad they were til I moved them!
30 Jul, 2009
Try a sulfur based fungicide MP. That seems to work best for my roses when the black spot appears.
31 Jul, 2009
Thanks Gilli! If I have to, i will, but I'd rather keep it as eco friendly as I can. Mind you, it is quite bad so I'll maybe get some today.
31 Jul, 2009
Gilli, do you have a brand name please? Just so I know what to ask for!
31 Jul, 2009
Not much help with the rusty roses, I'm afraid, but was attracted by the mention of the pop group "Black Lace" (who, unfortunatley?) I well remember.
Dark brown leaved varieties of the common Elderberry is commoinly available now, and a readily-available one is called "Black Lace". I know - I have it, lol!
31 Jul, 2009
Yep, they were dire, & I remember the song because I hated it! It evokes some horrible memories!
Yes, that was the plant I was thinking about, I kept thinking elderberries & it eventually clicked!
31 Jul, 2009
Sorry Gilli, I forgot you were in Canada!
31 Jul, 2009
So much for "I'll dry if I want to" ! Its still raining! Luckily not too much of the paint has washed off!
31 Jul, 2009
I once 'worked' with Black Lace, Hmmmmm is all I can say about that experience :~((
1 Aug, 2009
Tell me more! Were you an underwear salesman, or just a drag act? Lol! ;~))))
1 Aug, 2009
LOL...Mad......If it's any help it's Safer's Fungicide.
1 Aug, 2009
Ta Gilli!
1 Aug, 2009
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Now I was listening to a cd of Stevie Wonder this morning and he was singing that :o)
I think your roses have blackspot.
30 Jul, 2009