5am walk by the River Tay
By madperth
since I couldn’t sleep last night, I went for a walk just before sun-up.
I took my camera in case the deer were about (no joy today) & took a few pics of my walk. Sadly the batteries didn’t last long, but here goes….
Two minutes from the house
Down By the riverside
Watching the trout rising, might just start fishing again….
Looking upriver
Scone palace is in between those trees, but it’s not light enough yet to see it clearly
Wher I go to meditate (or just contemplate my navel, as my dad calls it!) Soooooooo peaceful.
Looking downriver, signs of “civilisation”
A little bit futher downstream.
I love this walk, it really calms me.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the walk, let’s do it again soon!!
Marie xx
30 Jul, 2009
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That was sooo... relaxing madperth,best time of the day i think,i`v done it myself couple of times.....:~)))
30 Jul, 2009
Was a lovely walk and I,m not a bit tired,thanks...........
30 Jul, 2009
You are sooooo lucky to have this on your doorstep!
What a great way to start a day...or end one for that matter! :0))
30 Jul, 2009
Lovely blog Hatter, I'll go fishing with ya. Lol
30 Jul, 2009
What a lovely place to go for a walk, and that's the best time of day too.
30 Jul, 2009
How absolutely lovely, and wonderful to be able to walk somewhere at that time of day and feel safe.
30 Jul, 2009
Lovely peaceful walk...............
30 Jul, 2009
Thank you all for joining me! Yes, it's not so peaceful in the evenings, but lovely at sunset too. I much prefer to go there early, tho I'm not really a morning person. I've been in Perth for 6 years, in this spot for just under 2, & before I moved along here I hated the place, now I love it!
My walks help to keep me insane, digger!
I'll ask my dad to get me a permit! Havent fished for years.
30 Jul, 2009
Lol, I used to be religious about fishing, I must have thousands of pounds worth of tackle sitting in the shed 'rotting'. Things come, things go, I now enjoy my garden and don't have to get wet all the time :~))
30 Jul, 2009
I went on holiday with my dad, stepmum, brother & his family 2 yrs ago, & my dad woke me at 6 every morning wanting me to go fishing!! My answer usually ended with off, though I love being on the boat! I don't mind if I'm still up then, just dont wake me! You'd think he'd know that!
And I didn't even see Nessie!
30 Jul, 2009
lol. I would stay awake for up to 3 days fishing day and night.
I guess as we get older (well me anyway!) I tend to like my comfort to much LOl :-))
31 Jul, 2009
I'm definitely a fair-weather fisher, preferably on a boat on a loch, with a book & a bottle of wine!!! I tend to put the fish back too if I'm not going to eat them!
31 Jul, 2009
Absoluley Hatter, no reason to take them if your not hungry! :~))
31 Jul, 2009
I agree, & I don't eat trout if it's more than a few hours out of the water!
31 Jul, 2009
Sorry Ginelli, I forgot to say hi!
Yes it feels safe at that time of the morning, but the evenings.....I wouldn't go on my own after 9! I went down about 8 one night last week & took a circular route with a few detours into the woods. I passed the same two guys walking their dogs (together) four times! The fourth time they stopped & asked me if I was lost!
31 Jul, 2009
Lol. You be careful out there on your own! ! !
31 Jul, 2009
I am, & I even carry a personal alarm & a pair of scissors (for cutting flowers, but I'd use them if I needed to!) but I usually go with a neighbour when she takes her dogs out!
31 Jul, 2009
I should have known really. ! ! ! Its a good idea to carry a pair of scissors (for snipping flowers) when you go out late/early. Lol
31 Jul, 2009
what a lovely place madperth, and a lovely time of day to walk alone with the peace and quiet, lovely pics to, thanx for the walk :o))
31 Jul, 2009
No problem, San, when the weather's good enough again, I'll get some more pics, maybe of the whole walk!
Yep, Ian, improvisation is the key!
31 Jul, 2009
I love the pics, especially of the treeline around Scone! :-)
31 Jul, 2009
Thanks david, I'll keep trying til I get some better ones! Check your inbox!
31 Jul, 2009
so relaxing looking at your photos...;-))
3 Aug, 2009
Thanks Sandra, I'll try to find the time to get more (weather permitting!) & put them up when I get the chance.
3 Aug, 2009
i dont get to watch the sunrise very often but this weekend i watched it rise in the top of the preseli hills here in pembrokeshire. it was so lovely..
3 Aug, 2009
;~)) Sounds great!
3 Aug, 2009
~now if you had a dog you would be safer although Hywel takes Blodyn for walks...
4 Aug, 2009
I wouldn't have enough time to look after a dog, I work 24hr sleepover shifts! That's why I don't have one! Smudge sometimes comes with me, though! Mind you, one cat I had used to think he was a dog, & would bite strangers if they got too close to me!
4 Aug, 2009
Goodness that sounds exhausting! what do you do? ~maybe one of these days you can have one~ cats are cool but dogs are the best!
6 Aug, 2009
I'm a support worker. I don't do the sleepovers all the time, but they last from 3pm to 3.30pm the next day. We're supposed to be off duty & in bed from 11-7, but I never can sleep there!
6 Aug, 2009
fabulous walk i love scotland and those pictures remind me just what im missing. and i love the early morning to my mind the best time of the day. I used to work permanent nightshift and the best bit was watching the sun come up.
13 Aug, 2009
I liked early mornings when I did nightshift, I used to go for walks (if my feet allowed!) before I went to bed!!
13 Aug, 2009
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Lovely ....thank you for sharing the peace and solitude with us x
30 Jul, 2009