Autumn River Walk (didnt get far!!)
By madperth
After reading about Bscott’s flood problem, & Alzheimer being up the hill without a paddle (oh no, she has got one, her son has a canoe!!) I had been telling people it was all fine here!
Today the sun came out, & I went for a walk by the river. I thought I’d take the same route that I showed you before, to ring the changes in the seasons.
First, I got some lovely autumn colour shots….
Then I noticed THIS on the other side of the path (about 50 feet from my home!)
NOT too good! thats usually just woods!
On I went to the river…
This lot was washed up yesterday
And these logs!
I can usually stand by this tree!
This is me on the footpath we’ve walked before!
Palace looking good, high & dry!
This is my meditation rock……Not today!!
So on we go on my wee path through the woods…….
Remember the kissing bough? No stopping today, you’ll end up in the mud!!
OH!!! Ok, the ducks are swimming ON the path! About turn, everyone!
We’ll head back the way we came, I think!
Ah! A rainbow!
Everything’s flattened!
Can you see the water mark on the tree?
Well the ducks are happy enough!
I was so fascinated watching this heron, I nearly didnt get a pic at all!
I was chatting to some of the local dog-owners on my walk, & I’m told that the deer got out & are now upriver. They also said that last night the woods were ‘like the everglades’ & the water covered everything from here
To here!
So I can only hope it stays down, its dropped about 10 feet today, & I know Dundee riverside was flooded (theyre downstream) , but on the upside, I’ll ask my dad to lend me one of his boats if it gets any worse! Then at least I’ll be able to get to uni!! ;~)D
3 Nov, 2009
Previous post: Hallowe'en, Uni Style!
Next post: Happy New Year From Sunny(????) Perth! (My Garden is in hiding!)
OMG Marie.....that is scary! The mighty Tay...or the Silvery Tay as dear old McGonnagal famously described it ...has a fearsome power...we used to have a boat on it and I remember the currents were awesome and that was in calm weather!! Super graphic pics though ...hope YOU had your wellies on !!! Having seen your blog - I phoned my friends who live just over on the Newburgh side of the reply...eeeek!
Glad to hear the water level dropped 10ft....fingers crossed it stay that way. Keep dry and cosy!!
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Joan! Yes it is lovely when its dry! I did blogs on the river earlier this year, the same walk! Have a look if you get time!
My Ex-H is from Broughty Ferry!
Alz, I was fine til I wanted to go for a walk last night & was told it wasnt safe!! Yes, the currents are something else! Where did you have the boat?
I hope your friends are ok, Newburgh's pretty low-lying.
What about you? Are you ok on your hill?
3 Nov, 2009
It was great joining you on that walk, my has nt it changed with the water to the last journey you went on there. I can't beleive you did nt come back with a souvenir lol loved the rainbow gorgeous.
3 Nov, 2009
OOH you are brave...I wouldn't have risked it....especially when you were told it was wasn't safe.
Yes - my friends are at Flisk and it is not far from the river - so I hope they moved away...they are both invalids.
The boat was kept at Newburgh for many years then berthed one winter at Perth where some vagrants apparently lived on it and managed to set fire to it. Luckily it was steel hulled - and somebody took it on afterwards and rebuilt idea where it is now!!
3 Nov, 2009
Those pics are scary MP! I do hope the waters recede soon, and you can sit on your "meditation rock" once again...
Take care....please x
3 Nov, 2009
PS ...meant to say I am fine up the hill here....just sorry for my chum who was one of the ones you maybe saw being carried out by her husband through the water...she is only 4'9" in her high heels...LOL so could have been washed away. They have lost about 50,000 quids worth - not including her antiquarian book collection....she is heartbroken.
3 Nov, 2009
That's scary It must be lovely living near a river , but not so good when the heavy rains come. Take care.
3 Nov, 2009
we stayed in a hotel in broughty ferry a few years ago when visiting in laws,lovely part of the country and people so nice and freindly
3 Nov, 2009
lovely pics mari, lots of flooding going on , hope its not a bad winter for floods this year, i really feel for the ones who have their homes flooded, dont think people are as eager to live near rivers now,
3 Nov, 2009
Alz, it was much lower & safer today, I didnt take any risks, I cant swim & came close to drowning once, so I'm pretty careful around water, maybe too careful!
Sorry your friend's had such a bad time, but glad you're ok!
Di, dont worry, that was them going down. I couldnt walk round there yesterday!
Its worrying, but hopefully it'll all settle down soon!
I PROMISE I'll take care!
Yes, Broughty Ferry is nice, I have a lot of good memories of there, Joan!
3 Nov, 2009
Oops! You sneaked in there, San!
I hope it's not a bad one too, lol!! I'm in a one-floor cottage!
3 Nov, 2009
Quite scary the speed at which the waters can rise ! Some lovely dramatic scenery here Mp...hope you get safely to Uni !!
3 Nov, 2009
has it ever reached you before mari,, didnt realise you were on one floor, thought yours was a house , hope you dont have bad weather then this year
3 Nov, 2009
Thanks BB!
It has covered this cottage, San, in 1990 I think! I've been here 2 years.
3 Nov, 2009
oh no, have they done anything to help the river banks since last time, hope your insured mari just incase :o(
3 Nov, 2009
It seems you've had much rain Marie. - well not funny really is it. I hope it goes down quickly.
Lovely pics and the rainbow made me smile. It was nice to see it.
3 Nov, 2009
Lovely blog Hatter. ;~))
3 Nov, 2009
Just caught up with this Marie ...... ! Thank God you've got a sense of humour ! Take care our kid ! x
3 Nov, 2009
Great blog Marie are you sure Sue hadn't been up there overnight LoL :~))
3 Nov, 2009
PIP !!!!! LOL !!! xx
3 Nov, 2009
3 Nov, 2009
I've got THE biggest smile on my face !! xx
3 Nov, 2009
It all sounds really scary! I hope everyone is OK - just be careful!
Lovely photos - even if it is a bit on the wet side, Marie. :-))
3 Nov, 2009
LMAO, Pip! I think she must've!
Hi Hywel! Welcome to GoY!! Yes, I was pleased to see the rainbow!
Hiya Digger!
San, just checked, & I'm NOT insured! Bloody bank again! I get my insurance from them too! I'm going in in the morning!!
Then I'll ring my dad & ask for a boat!! LOL!
3 Nov, 2009
Wow Marie what a lot of water out there, I hope you dont get anymore rain! Even with all the flooding it still looks a beautiful walk and your pictures are great add to the humour and drama of your of your comments. Must take a peep at your earlier walks now, heres hoping it will quickly subside! xx
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Spritz! I'm fine! I'm watching out for it! I'm more worried about the neighbours than me, most of them are really old & infirm! God knows how I'd get them out!
3 Nov, 2009
Lol, Carole! You posted at the same time as me!
Its gone down a lot, & its been dry since 2 today!
3 Nov, 2009
Blimey! Marie you will have to get some flippers scuba gear to get to college if it rains again and the river rises much further, just be careful and keep a watch out, we don't want to see you on the evening news being wynched off of your roof.
3 Nov, 2009
You really should learn to swim: it's great fun and you might need to know some time! Living in Florida next to the bayou and overflow ponds, we had to evacuate several times when the hurricanes & subsequent storm surges came. Kayaks & canoes, flat bottom bass boats all drifted down the street, along with rafts of ants clutching together to save the Queen! I hope you keep tins of food & hand can openers & candles & bottled water on hand. And it's no joke to put your wellies & pails around the feet of your furniture in you have minor flooding, but my cousin lost all our grandmother's antique furniture washing out the windows in Katrina. Beware any downed power lines in water: you never know if they're live! Great to take a walk about in the throes of Nature's power, and we needs must respect her!
3 Nov, 2009
I used to love swimming, OG, but now have a phobia & just cant do it! I suppose I would if my life depended on it, but otherwise, no ta!!
3 Nov, 2009
~ be ready to go at a moments notice if you have to Marie~ ~they were saying last year in Morpeth when the river came down in a flash surge from the hills and over the flood walls without warning that one minute it was round your ankles and the next round your waist.
Can you take out insurance on line and cancel your other one with the bank?
Put all your valuables somewhere safe and make sure you have a good torch!
~ and I hope that all my advice is not needed and that the river has dropped more by the morning!
love Arlenex
3 Nov, 2009
Back stroke Marie ? I'm with ya kid !! Sometimes ! xxx
3 Nov, 2009
Glad you don't have to put that to the test! & you're safe.
3 Nov, 2009
I'll try to sort it out, Arlene! Thanks GoYs!
4 Nov, 2009
'Morning, Marie! Aren't we just having a wet old time of it in Bonnie Scotland, eh? Though it's pretty wet down south too from what I'm hearing.
Guess what? We've got FROST this morning! I was only saying, yesterday, on my 'Wisnae fer yer wellies' blog that the straw from the hay bale I dragged from the river would come in handy if we got a THAT'S what I call wish-fulfilment! Our river's taking its time to drop, still at that oo-er level but a fine forecast for today and brilliant sunshine.
Will you be able to get insurance? Companies are getting increasingly cautious about insuring anyone who's house is subject to flooding....hope you can, though if its been flooded before you might have problems....fingers crossed that you find a company willing to take the risk.
Great blog, though we probably both wish we hadn't been put in the position, re the weather, that we needed to write them in the first place, eh?
Lots of love and dry thoughts
4 Nov, 2009
| you okay Marie?did you get insurance?
hope you are not having to wade to uni this morning!
4 Nov, 2009
I hope it's better this morning Marie, is it like this every year at this time or is this a freak ?
4 Nov, 2009
Phew, scary stuff - definitely a need for wellies or waders in your part of the world! Lovely pics though
4 Nov, 2009
Well, that "shortcut", full of mud at best of times, would deinitely have been a no-goer this time, eh?
4 Nov, 2009
Nice blog but what a lot of water.
4 Nov, 2009
Hi GoYs, re the insurance, they're considering it!!!
I dont wear wellies!!
But on the upside, the rivers down a bit more today & its been dry & cold all day!
David, the "shortcut" I took YOU on is full of water! It would've been about 8 feet deep on monday! (I've pm'd you, answer please!)
I'll keep you all posted!
4 Nov, 2009
Thought it would be, Marie - replied to Pm, btw! :-)
4 Nov, 2009
Fingers crossed re the insurance Marie ! Glad it's better weather wise today :-))
4 Nov, 2009
Yes it was much better - if chilly/frosty first thing....but guess what ...just been out with the dogs and it is raining!! Hopefully it will not last.
My Fife friends on the south of the river Tay..apparently were watching the river rise the other day but they are on top of a wee hill and were quite safe and agreed with you Marie that the river had gone down remarkably quickly this time.
As I was saying on Bscott's blog....we are still re-housing people here tonight - two more into rented accommodation and one into a they will be out of their homes for up to 6 months it is estimated. Water and fire....the two most powerful elements right enough.
4 Nov, 2009
Yes, Mother Nature must have PMT again!!
4 Nov, 2009
I have a partially furnished house I'd rent out in St. Petersburg, FL if any Scot refugees need a tropical garden to play in over the winter whilst their homes dry out...! Our hurricane season doesn't start again until next June!
4 Nov, 2009
Sounds wonderful, OG!! :~))
4 Nov, 2009
Been meaning to ask, as you all seem to get on live around now, what time is it there? It's 3:40 in the afternoon here.
4 Nov, 2009
11.40 pm!!
4 Nov, 2009
I live about 200 yrds from a river and the only company that would insure me is Bradford and Bingley if that helps!!
5 Nov, 2009
That IS worth knowing friends may well be refused further insurance after this recent flood - even if it can be proved that the council were negligent in warning and helping as they used to do. Thanks for the info....much appreciated.
5 Nov, 2009
Bradford and Bingley is now, of course, part of Santander, so whether a massive bank will be willing to insure I really don't know....anything's worth a try when everyone else says 'no'...
6 Nov, 2009
Fair point B....but I will hand on the info...just in case thanks.
6 Nov, 2009
Mari its so damned maddening when you hear of all the people being refused insurance now, we all know we are experiencing a lot more rain in some places and a lot of people are suffering because of it,so many have paid for many years without a problem and insurance companies never refused to accept their payments then, did they ?.Biddy lined the coffers.....Okay said my Loved seeing your photo`s ,even when she`s being mean Mother Nature entices us out there... Hope it doesn`t get any worse for you.........
6 Nov, 2009
Beautiful pics do you normally have flooding in your area due to rainfall
6 Nov, 2009
How are things today Marie ?
Is Smudge high and dry ?
6 Nov, 2009
Hi GoYs!
I think the insurance will be fine, they say they'll sort it on monday!
Yes Lincs, Mother Nature may be "red in tooth and claw" sometimes, but she's always beguiling!
Hi Rk, No, we dont USUALLY get floods, only once that I know of!
Hey Terra! Its been very frosty, then drizzly today (SO cold!!) But the river looks to have gone down more! Fingers crossed! Smudge is indeed high & dry! She's sitting on my 'homework' adding her own brand of pawprint artwork to my notes!!
6 Nov, 2009
Hi Marie . Glad to hear the river as gone down and that you may be sucessful in getting the insurance that you need. weather for tomorrow looks pretty good so hope you dry out soon. xxx ps You may get extra marks for Smudges contribution!
6 Nov, 2009
Lol, Carole! I think (fingers crossed) we're ok here now!
The contribution from Smudge wont make any odds! My notes are in my own shorthand! I type them in like that, & my pc is set to change it to the 'buzzwords'!!
6 Nov, 2009
That sounds so technical Marie !! I wouldn't have a clue !!
6 Nov, 2009
Its easier than it sounds! Use autocorrect in word, & you can set it so that if you type in certain letters, it'll put the word in you really want! Great for all the convoluted language we have to use!! :~))
6 Nov, 2009
Thank God I'm not at Uni !!! lol
6 Nov, 2009
I'm enjoying it, but loads of the work has to be done online!!
6 Nov, 2009
That's the way of the world these days Marie. As I'm sure I've said before, I really admire your guts for taking it on !
6 Nov, 2009
Thank you! I dunno about guts, it may have been a moment of madness! I was told today that there were 400 applicants for the 40 places!! Dunno how I got in, but it really gave me a boost! :~D
6 Nov, 2009
Clever cow !!! ;-))) I jest ........ excellent !!! Bet you grew about 3 inches ! lol
6 Nov, 2009
Yep!! I told the girl who gave me a lift home, & she had the same reaction as me! "How the **** did I get in then?"
So we were happy bunnies today!
6 Nov, 2009
Brilliant !!! And it's Friday too !! What an excellent end to the week ! :-)))))
6 Nov, 2009
Too right!! I've even got a day off tomorrow!! :~))
7 Nov, 2009
Bliss !!! :-))
7 Nov, 2009
That's why they call it "Special Education", Marie: only very special people are included :-) ! Off topic, you might enjoy the mystery writer Kate Wilhelm, who describes Oregon as a backdrop to her puzzlers. And I found a little book at a jumble sale of Scotland's Best-Loved Driving Tours so I have a tiny glimpse of some of the beauty and history of your area.
8 Nov, 2009
LOL< OG!! Here, special education is for people with 'special needs'! Well yes, ok, maybe you're right!! LOL!
I'll keep an eye out for her books, thanks!
Yes, Scotland's pretty, (mostly) & has a pretty hairy past!!
8 Nov, 2009
Great photos but it does look very wet indeed, it must be very worrying when the water levels rise like that.
Sandra x
7 Dec, 2009
It is a bit, since its very close to my home, Sandra!
7 Dec, 2009
Recent posts by madperth
- Happy New Year From Sunny(????) Perth! (My Garden is in hiding!)
1 Jan, 2010
- Hallowe'en, Uni Style!
30 Oct, 2009
- Barge-ing around! An Autumn Outing!
28 Sep, 2009
- Oops! I went for cheese again!!
24 Sep, 2009
- Romneya's Garden!
22 Sep, 2009
- What A Time 2!!!
11 Sep, 2009
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beautiful scenery marie what a shame,still at least when it dries up you have a lovely place to walk by the way my other half is from dundee his mum lives in fintry
3 Nov, 2009