Not a very constructive day! Again & again & again!
By madperth
It was a beautiful morning, so i decided to have breakfast in the garden. that done,(9am) I thought I’d better get on with my painting, so I moved all the bits & bobs off the patio & got the paint out, then remembered I was supposed to be meeting someone at 10!
So I got changed & went for a catch-up with a friend, did some shopping & home. Started painting again, phone call…..“Where are you?” OOPS! (Totally forgot I was supposed to be out! ) So I had to abandon the painting again, change again & go out again!
When I got back I started again, got one coat finished, & it turned really cold & windy & the clouds came over.
Ok, teatime! Had my tea, opened the door, & it was tanking down! Paint washed away! So I went to Asda for a jar of coffee & came back with a triple planter, coriander, parsley & basil in pots! Theyre enjoying the rain!
Musn’t forget I’m going to a bbq tomorrow!
Smudge doesn’t appear to want me to go out again tonight! I turned round to see where she was and……….
She’s even moved stuff out of the bag!
Here’s your sunshine Mac!!
31 Jul, 2009
Previous post: 5am walk by the River Tay
Next post: Comedy of idiocies!
Lol! Just had a call to remind me!
Better get the banoffi pie made!
Yep, I might even make some hummus .....yep, lemon & coriander would be good!
I don't know what's with my memory these days!
Thankfully the forecast for tomorrow here is for sunshine!
I've told my pal that if its still tanking, I'm staying home & eating the banoffi pie!
31 Jul, 2009
Yum...I love banoffi pie and hummus...just not both together, lol :)
31 Jul, 2009
im as bad madperth, my memory is getting worse or is it we just have so much to think about and do, hope you have a good time tomoz at bbq, ive had banoffi pie 2 days running, a friend at work brought us all a piece yeasterday and i said it was heaven so i got another piece today woohooo, love it
31 Jul, 2009
My problem is that I'll eat half of it before it gets put together!
Definitely too much to think about!
I'll try not to mix them Di!
31 Jul, 2009
I wouldn't know where to start making one (banoffi pie that is)...any chance of the recipe Madperth? :)
31 Jul, 2009
Yep, do you want me to put it up here, or do you want to pm me your email address & I'll send by email. Just give me time to type it up!
31 Jul, 2009
I love making, and eating banoffi!!!!!o
Do what I do - forget you're supposed to be in, and expecting calls. Go out, and leave the mobi in the house. Then, no-one can remind you of where you should've been!
Wouldn't want to miss a chance of a barbie, or food, though, so I have a wall-planner! heehee! :-)
31 Jul, 2009
Ah, but I was in when I should've been out! And forgetting about a date (even if it was just for coffee) was a bit bad! Just as well it was someone who's known me for quite a while! Lol! :~)) The evening call was more of a "how are you feeling, are you up to coming through?" from my 2 best friends, whom I introduced to each other, they've been married for nearly 4 years now & are having a bbq as a house-warming. I hope John doesn't take that too literally! :~)))))) As for the wall planner, I'm in the middle of ripping out my kitchen-cum office-cum craftroom, as theyre coming to start on a new kitchen on thursday & I have plans for the existing units! (Shed!)
31 Jul, 2009
I think my cat is fed up with me going out! I've added a couple of pics of her to the end of the blog!
1 Aug, 2009
Sunshine ? I hope you are right M and if you are can u send some down the motorway to me please.
1 Aug, 2009
Your cat looks lovely .You look as if you have a very bisy life
1 Aug, 2009
Nice Blog Mad. Love Smudge she seems to have settled in. You'll need to buy a new bag. Hope the weather is good for the BBQ.
Could you post the recipe for the pie please.
1 Aug, 2009
This is the original recipe from Ian Dowding but there are a lot!ed in: Banoffi Pie
The Original Banoffi Pie Recipe
I have come across some pretty ghastly versions of Banoffi in my career. My pet hates are biscuit crumb bases and that horrible cream in aerosols.
As you can imagine I get a bit pedantic about the correct version - so here it is:
You will need a 10 x 1½ inch (deep) loose bottomed flan tin
Oven temp: 180 C / gas mark 4
For the pastry:
250g / 9 oz plain flour
25g / 1 oz icing sugar
125g / 4½ oz butter
1 egg and 1 egg yolk
Place the flour and sugar in a bowl, cut the butter into cubes and then rub it in to the flour / sugar until it resembles fine bread crumbs. Work in the egg to form a paste.
Chill for half an hour then roll out to the thickness of a pound coin and line the flan tin.
Prick the base, line with parchment paper and weigh down with dry beans.
Cook for fifteen minutes then remove the beans and paper.
Put the pastry case back into the oven and cook until it is evenly golden.
Remove from the oven and cool.
To assemble:
1 ½ tins of banoffi toffee (see note below on boiling the tins or click here)
5-6 ripe bananas
425 ml / ¾ pint of double cream
1 teaspoon of instant coffee
1 dessertspoon of caster sugar
A pinch of ground coffee
Carefully spread the toffee over the pastry base.
Peel and split the bananas lengthways and arrange them on top of the toffee,
(see how they fit the curve of the pastry - that’s why God made bananas curved).
Whip the cream with the instant coffee (if they are granules they will dissolve as you whip the cream) and the sugar until it just holds its shape - take care not to over whip it.
Spread the cream over the bananas right up to the pastry edge then sprinkle sparingly with the ground coffee.
If you are not serving it immediately cover first with some baking parchment or greaseproof paper directly onto the cream and trim the edges then wrap in cling film.
It does not lend itself to being frozen.
Only one variation is acceptable as far as I am concerned and this is ‘Apploffi’.
Replace the bananas with a layer of cooked apple puree made using a mixture of Bramley’s and Cox’s apples cooked in a little orange juice with some Muscovado sugar, then cooled. This version cuts the richness of the toffee and cream nicely.
Over the years I have become increasingly concerned about the danger of boiling cans of condensed milk. There is no danger of them exploding unless the water in the saucepan boils dry. If this does happen the result is terrifying and can scald anyone close to it. It has happened to me once and that was enough. Because I now teach and demonstrate a lot I like to make sure my instructions are safe so I have devised this method.
Find a deep saucepan or casserole that will go in the oven.
Put into it as many tins as will fit. (THE TINS MUST BE UNOPENED). It worth doing several at a time to save on power.
Cover the tins with water and bring to the boil.
Cover with a lid and transfer to the oven set to gas mark 1 / 140 C (less for fan assisted).
Cook for 3 ½ hours.
This way there is no danger of the water boiling dry and being in a more controlled temperature you get a more consistent result.
Lift the cans from the water, cool and store.
An unusual bonus comes from storing these tins over a period. After some months sugar crystals begin to form in the toffee and you get crunchy banoffi - mmmmm.
1 Aug, 2009
well Arlene, your recipe is much better than mine, so I won't bother posting, but I will print yours off & try it out when I have a whole kitchen again (in about 3 weeks!). For today, I'm afraid it's the cheat's version! I made the caramel last night, & I bought the pastry (sorry, noworktop space to make it, or time really!) Great idea on boiling the cans, my dad's ex-wife blew one up years ago, & the can came through the glass wall between the kitchen & hall! Lickily none of us were near!
Marguerite, my "kitten" is about 12 or 13 years old! She drives me nuts, but I love her to bits. She's as mad as I am, & even likes my singing!
Mac' it's cloudy but really warm today, but hopefully it'll be clear in Blairgowrie when I get there!
1 Aug, 2009
~that recipe and all the comments are from Ian Dowding by the way!he is credited with the recipe in 1974~my daughter cheats too when she is short of time as you can get jars of the filling!
1 Aug, 2009
Never heard if him, I'm afraid! I'm so not a foodie, just a "fyke" (yes, Digs, it does start with an F!) which means a really fussy eater!
1 Aug, 2009
that's okay ~I am one of those too! i was just pointing out that I wasn't responsible for his comments about biscuit instead of pastry etc!
1 Aug, 2009
Yummie Thanks Arlene I'm drooling now just thinking about it. I read this while eating my lunch so you can imagine how much better it feels. :~))
I'm on my way to the supermarket for as many tins of condensed milk as I can carry. lol
Hi Hatter. good luck with your kitchen ! ! ! and if you have any units left over after doing your shed, I'll have them :~)))
1 Aug, 2009
I love the tins of caramel! I cheat & use that in some of the choccies I make at Xmas!
1 Aug, 2009
Ok, Digger! Will let you know!
1 Aug, 2009
Ta :~)) lol
1 Aug, 2009
put a recipe for the choccies please?~I love those almond and apricot ones from Thorntons!
1 Aug, 2009
Ooooo goodie :~))
1 Aug, 2009
Hmmmm! I'll need to look them out! I tend to just experiment with stuff like raspberry liqueur, lots of boozy stuff & truffles, but I'll see what I can do. Won't be today tho, I've got to get a bus to Blaigowrie at 3! Haven't tried the apricot & almond but I might see if I can come up with something!
On the banoffi pie thing- i forgot to say that I twist it a bit! instead of soaking the banana slices in lemon juice, I soak them in toffee liqueur then add the liqueur to the cream! it makes a yummy alternative!
Mac, the sun is out & it's really warm here! So here's a bit of sunshine just for you! But you need to share it!
Until tomorrow!
1 Aug, 2009
Oh well, the painting can wait! What a busy social calendar you have!
1 Aug, 2009
I wish, Paul! Normally my back goes out more than I do! Lol!
2 Aug, 2009
Boom Boom!!
2 Aug, 2009
Oh dear Paul, have you turned into Basil Brush?!!
2 Aug, 2009
By the way, Paul, the painting's done!!
2 Aug, 2009
Oh right! Yes, my jokes are as old as Basil Brush's
3 Aug, 2009
But are they as unfunny??
3 Aug, 2009
Not as bad as mine ! ! ! :~))
Handcuffs, uniform,,,,flat soled shoes..............
3 Aug, 2009
3 Aug, 2009
LOL :~))
3 Aug, 2009
I think some of my son's jokes are as unfunny. Judging by the reaction(or lack of it ) from some of the audience at Isle of Sheppey holiday park on Sunday. I've got to take him to another park nearby, tomorrow. Hopefully, they'll be a better audience!
4 Aug, 2009
Wish him luck for me, then, Paul!
4 Aug, 2009
Your wish of luck worked, Madperth. Much better audience even though smaller.They all wanted to buy him aa pint afterwards but I had to get up for work this morning so he had to decline!Lots more gigs in nextfew days. He's very busy and in demand(ish) at the moment!
6 Aug, 2009
Those prayer flgs I put up seem to be doing their thing!
I'm glad he got a good gig!
6 Aug, 2009
Your message was the 500th on my inbox, Horse!!
6 Aug, 2009
Eh?? or should that be Neh???
7 Aug, 2009
Your son definitely does NOT get his funny bone from you!!But sorry! I dunno where the horse came from!
7 Aug, 2009
I thought it was an inbox, not a horse box!
7 Aug, 2009
Sometimes I get a little confused, but my doctor says I'm doing well! :~)D
7 Aug, 2009
Do you beleive him though???
7 Aug, 2009
Nah! When people try to drive me mad, I tell them "It's all right, I can walk from here! :~)
7 Aug, 2009
Arlene, will defo be trying your recipe! Reminds me that there are a few here on GOY, but no "slot" to place them in, despite requests for one. Previous ones have been slotted into various pages of the encyclopedia (eg. "grow-your-own").
I will try see if I can collect them under one "roof", and ask P&A re possibilities. :-)
10 Aug, 2009
I want to try that out too, David! Looks really good!
I'm still trying to find my choc recipes too, but will have to wait til kitchen's done!
Honest, I haven't forgotten, Arlene!
10 Aug, 2009
David, you COULD make it a choccy banoffi pie! It's REALLY nice!
10 Aug, 2009
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Oh dear! Shame about the painting...still you got some nice new herbs to compensate;) Hope you have a better day tomorrow, and DON'T FORGET THE BBQ, Lol :)
31 Jul, 2009