Hotel Des Coupages!
By madperth
Well, another truly mad day in the life of Madperth!
A gorgeous sunny day today. I went out at 8 & watered the plants, then had a GoY fix. Then I got a phone call which turned into an interview! A bit nervewracking, but I got my place at university, so next month I start a 4 year degree course in Community Education. YES!!!!
Am I bovvered? H*** YES!!! I’m totally chuffed!
So I spread the word, & my dad says he’s bringing me some rose bushes for my garden to celebrate! Another Yay!
After reading Crazydi’s advice on cuttings, I had a brainstorm. I’ll make myself a mini greenhouse!
So out I trot, & of course I got distracted right away!
A flutterby fluttered right in front of my nose when I was checking my poppy seedlings! Quick, grab the camera!
The little poseur stayed for her photo shoot!
Oops missed you! Sit still, won’t you?!
Ah, there you are, say cheese!
Ok, now it’s time to get on with some work! The raw ingredients:- 1 manky old shelf unit, 1 tin of paint & a roll of bubble wrap!
Needs a coat of paint!
Now, how do I work the bubble wrap thing! Hmmmm! Staples are at the back of the shed, ok! drawing pins’ll have to do til I can get to them.
Ta Da! Ladies & Gentlemen (or GoYs!) L’hotel des Coupages is open for business!
Right! Back to Crazydi’s blog!
5 Aug, 2009
Previous post: Gardening Songs???
Next post: A walk on the mild side part 1 or River Tay Walk at 6pm
Thanks Lincs, I can't believe I got in! I thought the greenhouse would do until I can buy one, spent money on solar lights (more!) & bits & bobs for the garden this afternoon, & I wasn't going shopping!!
5 Aug, 2009
Lovely blog and congratulation and well done I am thrilled for you hope you pass all exams. Shopping what that is that the thing that get s you to spend money on gardens lol not cloths like me he he Lovely set of photos love your green house proberbly better than the real thing as wood is warm and the plastic green houses are not frost proff unless you get the real macoy. Eden project is done with a bubble wrap not glass as people think, I m sure the Carl said it was tripple lot of bubble wrap type when he done the eden project.
5 Aug, 2009
Well done Hatter, I like the new photo! !
That looks a great idea for a mini greenhouse, you know who will be copying it don't you?
Where did you get the roll of bubble wrap from?
5 Aug, 2009
What good news! I'm very pleased to hear that you've got a Uni place - which one?
5 Aug, 2009
You have picked a very good web name for yourself Perth :-) and you obviously have a very quick mind to come up with this idea so soon after Di posted her blog.
Congratulations on your course although I have never heard of telephone interviews before.
5 Aug, 2009
Well done Mad. Hope everything goes well for you. Great idea for the greenhouse, like Ian, I could soon be copying your good example.
5 Aug, 2009
Wow!! I'm so impressed Madperth!!!! Well done...on making the mini greenhouse...oh, and an even bigger WELL DONE for getting into Uni! Good on you :))
5 Aug, 2009
I've just noticed the ad, over there on the right..... Don't stare, but its all about mini greenhouse parts, from Ebay!!!!!
Do you think someone might be trying to tell us something? ? ?
5 Aug, 2009
Who needs those? Not Madperth lol. Good old drawing pins!
Well done on the uni place too MP :)
5 Aug, 2009
Thanks GoYs!
I am totally delighted!
I'm just a chuffed about the rose bushes (well nearly as)!
I'll be upgrading the greenhouse thingy when I can get into the shed for the right stuff!!!
Might go for another layer, Morgana!
Digger, I got the bubble wrap from a friend.
Spritzhenry, it's Dundee Uni, so a wee bit of commuting!
Bulbaholic, I'd never heard of telephone interviews either! She said it was to save me trekking thru! As I keep saying, the name is serendipitous! It's my initials & perth! :~))
Toto, go for it!
Di, it was you who made me want a greenhouse!!
Thanks Aster!
M xx
5 Aug, 2009
Congratulations on getting your Uni place and well done with the mini greenhouse - I'm impressed!
5 Aug, 2009
Thanks Keithsmum! It was really simple, (the greenhouse, not getting into uni!) but I hope it will do the trick!
5 Aug, 2009
Congratulations - first for being accepted and also for making that mini greenhouse :o)
5 Aug, 2009
You'll have to post pics of it again when it's full!
5 Aug, 2009
Thanks Hywell!
I will indeed post pics of it when it's full! If I had the pots & the perlite, I'd be starting to fill it right now!!
5 Aug, 2009
Ha ha! Yes, I'm lacking pots and perlite too. Mind you I did come across a little propogator when I had a shed clear out. Hmmmmmm!
5 Aug, 2009
So did I, it's otherwise known as a cake box!
5 Aug, 2009
Well done to the Celtic Crusader! You must be pleased s punch and rightly so!
Ali completed a 3 year textile degree last summer and that was a great achievement for her.
Sure you'll do well...oh, and good improv on the GH!! 80)
5 Aug, 2009
Thanks OB! Celtic Crusader, I'm a Jam Tarts girl, I'm from Edinburgh! (No, I DO know what you mean!)
I am absotively over the moon!
I'd swithered whether to go back to Art, but this course could end up with me doing Art Therapy. Best of both worlds for me!!
I'm quite pleased with L'Hotel des Coupages too!
BIG GRINS!!! 8~)))))))))))))))))
5 Aug, 2009
See, I wouldn't have got that far with the hotel as I would have been popping all the bubbles - so annoying but must be done!!
5 Aug, 2009
I just kept a big bit at the side to pop!!
6 Aug, 2009
Brilliant news on Uni well done you :)))))))))))))))))))))))
I love your new Hotel, what a great idea, thanks for the inspiration :))
6 Aug, 2009
Thanks Grindle!
6 Aug, 2009
Congrats Madperth on your achievement,gonna take shed apart tomorrow,have 1 of those "Greenhouses" somewhere thats if "Shed "hasn`t eaten it Lol.great idea,Well done!!!!:~)))))
6 Aug, 2009
Ta muchly Mobee!
Don't you need the shed too??!!
Don't take it apart!! Lol! :~))
6 Aug, 2009
LOL, i put stuff away in shed Madperth,seems to disappear,went in other day looking pots i "know" i put in there "Gone" if it doesn`t start behaving (shed that is ) will be getting a good slap in the jaws!!!!! Lol:~))))
6 Aug, 2009
I cant get into mine! the half of the kitchen that's not in the living room is in there! My garden looks like a jumble sale, I had to put a load of furniture there!! 8~{
6 Aug, 2009
My garden always looks like a jumble sale Madperth....don't you worry! Lol :))
6 Aug, 2009
Yeah, right! I wish mine looked like yours, I've got my armchair, coffee table, dining table, 2 bar stools, a kitchen unit & all the other stuff I was trying to put away! Oh, and a bike!
6 Aug, 2009
Recent posts by madperth
- Happy New Year From Sunny(????) Perth! (My Garden is in hiding!)
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- Autumn River Walk (didnt get far!!)
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- Hallowe'en, Uni Style!
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- Barge-ing around! An Autumn Outing!
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- Oops! I went for cheese again!!
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- Romneya's Garden!
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Congratulations on getting accepted I`m really pleased for you,also well done with greenhouse,nice bit of recycling ,good pics well worth getting sidetracked for a
5 Aug, 2009