By madperth
Well GoYs, rain has stopped play today with some of the heaviest rain I’ve ever seen. we did get a lovely thunderstorm in Perth tho! I love them!
So if you’re stuck inside, for whatever reason, here’s a little challenge for you:
Weather Songs!
To start with I have :
4 seasons in one day by Crowded House-. didn’t know they’d been to Scotland!
It’s Raining Men- by The Weather Girls, not toxic spice!
I Feel Thunder In My Heart – Leo sayer
Raining In My Heart- Buddy Holly
I Wish It Would Rain- Phil Collins
Rythm of the Rain- cant remember!
Rainy Days & Mondays-The Carpenters
Here Comes The Sun- Beatles
I’ll Follow The Sun- Beatles
I’m going to sneak in Mr. Moonlight too-Beatles.
So what can you GoYs come up with??
9 Aug, 2009
Previous post: Cheese Shopping, It's Dangerous, You Know!!!
Next post: Get Well Soon Digger!
Nice choices Hywel! Especially the THunderclap, lateral thinking, I like it!!
Crying in the rain- Everly Bros
9 Aug, 2009
It was nice here to til my neighbour put her washing out! Its all her fault! Too muddy to dig my herb bed!
9 Aug, 2009
i can see clearly now the rain as gone, cant remember who by,lol dont let the sun go down on me,, elton john,
9 Aug, 2009
Ooh yes, I think that one was Labi Siffre (dunno about the spelling!)
9 Aug, 2009
mr blue sky, E.L.O. and i was thinking it was johnny nash that sang i can see clearly, thats the one i remember anyway lol
9 Aug, 2009
Oh now it's no good doing things like puting the washing out - you're asking for trouble lol
Summer rain -don't know
Here comes the sun- The Beatles
9 Aug, 2009
kiss me in the rain,, barbara striesand, i love that one
9 Aug, 2009
Summertime- Ella Fitzgerald?
Sunshine Of Your Love- Cream
Stormy Monday- ?
Bring Me Sunshine- Morecambe & Wise!!!
9 Aug, 2009
lol mari, can just see them doing that little dance
9 Aug, 2009
Haven't heard that one San, not a Streisand fan!
Somewhere over the rainbow-Judy Garland
9 Aug, 2009
you should hear it mari its lovely, like judy garland song and film :o)
9 Aug, 2009
AH! Sunshine Superman-Donovan (been bugging me all day trying to remember the title, I had the song stuck in my head!)
9 Aug, 2009
not heard that one, rainy night in georgia,cant remember her name though
9 Aug, 2009
Gladys Knight San, actually there was another woman too .... Randy Crawford.
9 Aug, 2009
You are the sunshine of my life - Strevie Wonder
9 Aug, 2009
Hm was it Gladys Knight or not? Not sure!
You probably have heard it, it starts " Sunshine came softly through my window today" I always thought it was called Every Trick In The Book!
9 Aug, 2009
thanx louise, hey what about john ketley is a weather man lol
9 Aug, 2009
i cant hear you mari sing up lol
9 Aug, 2009
You're right Louise, It was the Randy Crawford one that threw me!
San, :~)D~~
9 Aug, 2009
thats her, i remember now mari :o)) couldnt stop thinking, and that hurts he he
9 Aug, 2009
'Lovely Day' by Bill Withers .... wonderful song and his strong smooth voice .... :))
That record fits today to a Tee .... it's been fabulous here ... it was 40 degrees in the front garden this morning and 30 in the shade at 3ish still ... and 21 out there now !
I even got a tan !
9 Aug, 2009
Dismal Day, Bread
I cant stand the rain- Aretha Franklin
9 Aug, 2009
i love that song to louise, its been lovely here as well but cloudy now
9 Aug, 2009
Mercury Rising _ Darius Danesh
9 Aug, 2009
summer breeze by islay brothers
9 Aug, 2009
How could I forget.. Blowin In The Wind- Bob Dylan
9 Aug, 2009
San .... i love that record :))
That goes to the top of my list with Bill Withers !
9 Aug, 2009
Yes, both lovely!
9 Aug, 2009
me to louise :o) like bob dylon to mari
9 Aug, 2009
Thanks all, its just given rain for nearly all week. Alot of them songs fetch back memories.
9 Aug, 2009
i know carol, sucks doesnt it :o((
9 Aug, 2009
Rainy Days and Mondays - Carpenters
Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head - Sacha Distel
Summer of '42 - Biddu Orchestra
I Can't Stand the Rain - Eruption
Summer Nights (from the film 'Grease')
House of the Rising Sun - Animals
It's Raining Again - Supertramp
The Sun Always Shines on TV - Aha
and anything by Heatwave!
9 Aug, 2009
andrew, house of the rising sun is one of my favourites, i do that one for karioki lol after a drink though.
i cant stand the rain by tina turner
9 Aug, 2009
How COULD I have forgotten the house of the rising damp?????????
Terrible! I LOVE that song! even if it IS about a house of ill repute! :~))
Summer of 69, Bryan Adams
9 Aug, 2009
It was my party piece as a kid, San. Still do it occasionally!
I had your one in as the Aretha version!
9 Aug, 2009
Raindrops Keep Falling On my Head!!!!
That's a statement as well as a song!!
9 Aug, 2009
i do love to sing when on hols mari, and had some nice comments to,:o))
9 Aug, 2009
Just a walking in the Rain - Johnny Ray, and I'm sure there was one called Any Umbrellas any umbrellas. Oh, and for a change of weather - The sun has got his hat on.
9 Aug, 2009
Good choices, Ginellie!
9 Aug, 2009
hip hip hip hurray lol
9 Aug, 2009
Andrew, how did you find time to think of those songs - was it before or after your garden opening?
9 Aug, 2009
Here Comes The Rain Again- Eurythmics
Singing In The Rain - Gene Kelly
9 Aug, 2009
After - was just sitting here finishing a bottle and now off to get a good rest before another group visit tomorrow morning!
9 Aug, 2009
well Goodnight, Andrew & thank you for playing! :~))
9 Aug, 2009
Every time I think of a song title, I scroll down and someone else has beat me to it...... SAN ! ! !
9 Aug, 2009
Awwwwwwwwwww! Theyre doing it to me & its MY patio!
9 Aug, 2009
That is because they are all psychotic or something...ooops psychic or something Ian LOL
10 Aug, 2009
10 Aug, 2009
Gimme shelter - Rolling Stones
Dont let the sun catch you crying - Gerry and the Pacemakers
The sun aint gonna shine any more - Walker bros.
Hard rain - Bob Dylan
Blowin in the wind - Bob Dylan
Telstar - Tornados
Forever autumn - Justin Hayward
Perfect day - Lou Reed
Summer , the first time - Bobby Goldsboro
Storm in a teacup - The Fortunes
10 Aug, 2009
Wow! Good choices!
10 Aug, 2009
I want to see the Sunshine after the Rain, I wanna see Bluebirds flying over the Mountain again ( Elke Brooks). - best crack open another bottle, then, eh? :-)
10 Aug, 2009
I like that one!! Why, are you singing it?
10 Aug, 2009
Thought that it'd be good to dance round the garden in my mac camera in hand,, flashing away, with background music - any objections?
10 Aug, 2009
10 Aug, 2009
I'm starting to get REALLY worried now! Unfortunately I have a good imagination! Lol! :~}
10 Aug, 2009
You'd need one, LOL!
Many Thanks, Bb!
Goodnight, and Many Thanks for another cheery evening!
"CU" all, tomorrow nite! :-)
10 Aug, 2009
Sweet dreams! Have a good day tomorrow!
10 Aug, 2009
Had something to do with tornadoes, lol!
Thank You, have now gone to bed. CU! Lights out!
10 Aug, 2009
I know you've gone to bed, but I have to ask.... WHAT????
10 Aug, 2009
Singing in the Rain - Gene Kelly
Misty - Jonny Mathis
10 Aug, 2009
Wow! You been thinking about these all night, Hywel?
10 Aug, 2009
oops sorry ian lol
10 Aug, 2009
San, it's not your fault he's too slow on the draw! (I'll give him fair warning next time-geddit??)
10 Aug, 2009
lol, mari,,, im not on the ball either today, so if i dissapear you know why mari,, pain
10 Aug, 2009
Not so good honey!
This damp is going for my spine today, & it's a bit chilly!
I've got to go to the dentist today, so I WILL be disappearing!
Take it easy & try to rest up, sweetie!
10 Aug, 2009
not been good last two days, be glad when i get this sorted mari, it is damp and poor you with your spine, keep back warm as poss, and the dentist to,, hope all is well, take care mari x
10 Aug, 2009
You too! Hopefully they'll get it sorted soon for you.
10 Aug, 2009
Hope you're both feeling better San and Marie. Good job it wasn't last week San with your visitors there. I'm hopeless at this, just off for a peek at the CD's or is that cheating?
10 Aug, 2009
im glad to lily, it just flares up with no warning, but hope to get to the bottom of it soon, i know its not just IBS as first thought, getting worse with pain each time, anyway no point in keep moaning is there, worse things going on :o))
10 Aug, 2009
Ah, go for it, Lily!
Thank you. I'll be ok once the meds kick in! Was wakened at 8( after 3 hrs sleep!) by the plasterer letting himself in (!) & nearly jumped out of my skin! Cant even have a shower, there're workmen wandering in & out all the time! Grrrrr! That's my rant over with. :~))
10 Aug, 2009
Just found Sunny afternoon by the Kinks (I always thought it was Sunday afternoon!)
Don't let the Sun catch you crying - Gerry and the Pacemakers.
Spent too long on GoY already so will think about it while doing the housework (yawn) :o((
10 Aug, 2009
Ooops! must've been answering together San! And theres me whingeing about my house!
I'm sure they'll work it out soon. Have they scanned?
10 Aug, 2009
no worries mari, i know what its like having work done, a pain in the rear but worth it in the end, scan on 18th but not sure it will show anything, as doctor saturday night said i may be better having a camera through tummy button, shows more, hope this isnt making you feel faint lol, thin k its build up of scar tissue, after 4 opps on my tummy over the years,lets hope its just that,had the big C 9 yeras ago now
10 Aug, 2009
Yes, I've had that op, it's called a laparoscopy. Let's just think positive & hope for the best, sweetie! You know my prayers are with you!
They're now doing something to the floor!! And got ME to move stuff out of their way! Unreal. But it's stopped raining!! Yay! :~))
10 Aug, 2009
thanx mari,,, glad its stopped raining, bet you feel in the way in your own house grr lol
10 Aug, 2009
Yep & I can't even smoke! Not my house, it's their workplace! I can't move in here!
10 Aug, 2009
what! so if men at work we cant smoke,, didnt know that mari,, mind you baz is my workman lol and we smoke outside if fine or near open door if raining,so its outside to have a fag then mari, poor you, not a good day in all
10 Aug, 2009
:~)) Ah, well, as someone said to me recently "Keep on never-minding"!!
10 Aug, 2009
sorry dissapeared then mari,, thats so true, and better to be chearfull than misserable all the time, i never let it show im in pain unless im that bad i cant stand,, anyway going for a sleep, want to see my son tomoz if i can, so plenty of rest today :o)) catch you later x
10 Aug, 2009
Have a good rest, sweetie!
10 Aug, 2009
Sundarise ,come in de mornin, Holf Rarris
Raining in my heart,Huddy Bolly
Clouds, Moni Jitchell
Storms Mleetwood Fac
10 Aug, 2009
Red sky at night Focus
Fog on the tyne , Lindisfarne
Purle haze ,Hendrix
The wind cries mary, Hendrix
purple rain ,prince
white lightning and wine, Heart
cool summer rain ,Deke Leonard
Orange skies, Love
coldest night of the year, Iain Mac Donald
salt in the wind, Iain Mac Donald
let the wind carry me Joni Mitchell
Louisiana rain, Tom Petty
Misty blue, Pretenders
Fresh air, Quicksilver
Look into the sun Jethro Tull
weathercock, Jethro Tull
cloud song , The united states of america
sunny earth Vangelis
my face in the rain ,Vangelis
Hurricane Bob Dylan
10 Aug, 2009
Where did you dig up that lot, Indy??????
She's Like The Wind- Patrick Swayze
10 Aug, 2009
And of course, 'I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas' :-)
10 Aug, 2009
hi andrew how did the visit go, was there rain like here:o(
10 Aug, 2009
I've just published a blog about it Sanbaz
10 Aug, 2009
yes i just found it andrew thanx and well done you :o)
10 Aug, 2009
Definitely thunderstorms David, flashing!!
10 Aug, 2009
wow there is a lot here I just searched thro the posts and couldn't find this one:- what about 'one fine day' the Chiffons -if you remember this one as I do then you must be of a 'certain age' when the music was 'second to none'!!lol
10 Aug, 2009
OOH! Living dangerously, boy!
Got another lippy one to sort out, girls!
Actually my MUM used to sing it! LOL! :~))
Great song tho!
10 Aug, 2009
yes like that one richard,
10 Aug, 2009
Yes great song Sandra.
My grandfather used to sing it to me Madperth when he was taking me to nursery school in the pram lol!
10 Aug, 2009
I shall treat that LIE with the contempt it deserves!!
lol :~)D ( in case you dont know, that's me sticking my tongue out at you!)
10 Aug, 2009
hear hear mari, has your tongue gone black richard lol thats what happens when you lie
10 Aug, 2009
Hee hee!
10 Aug, 2009
Yes my tongue has gone black I always think I am younger than I am ah well nothing wrong with wishful thinking.tee hee. I am very diplomatic you know. What's the definition of a diplomat?- Its a man who remembers a lady's birthday but doesn't remember how old she is. ( I read that somewhere the other day its not one of mine!!) lol
10 Aug, 2009
yes ive heard that one to richard,, my baz isnt good on remembering much, i leave little hints,
10 Aug, 2009
It's pretty good!
But I have a friend who IS a diplomat, & when I asked him what he actually does, he said "I'm a professional liar"!!!
10 Aug, 2009
Okay okay I know its been posted before but only once
Rainydays and Mondays by the carpenters she had a stupendous voice so sad that her life ended the way it did.
And ...... wait for it ....... Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell
I know it hasn't got anything weatherwise in the title but it is about Waikiki in Hawaii and it is ALWAYS sunny there :o)))))
Bonkersbon???? Telstar????? where did that come from or is it the fact that it was a weather satellite? hmmmm
10 Aug, 2009
10 Aug, 2009
Thanks Bobg you mention Big yellow taxi then ask me what have The Tornados got to do with weather ? Hmm indeed.
11 Aug, 2009
He's confused,BB, it's the culture shock!
11 Aug, 2009
Riders on the storm Doors
Here comes the rain again , eurythmics
storms in africa, EnyaLittle umberellas, Zappa
only happy when it rains, Garbage
let those blue skies, Gorky's zycotic monkey
These winds are in my head,Gorky's
box of rain, Grateful dead
Call me the breezeJJCale
Any way the wind blows JJ Cale
Rainbow blues Jethro Tull
Midnight lightning Hendrix
The sky is crying John Martyn
Solid air John Martyn
I talk to the wind King Krimson
Misty mountain hop Led Zepplin
The rain song Led Zep
storm 3000,Leftfield
Light as a breeze len Cohen
famous blue raincoat Len cohen
Winter song, Lindisfarne
sun is still shining ,moody blues
a pillow of winds, Pink Floyd
the zephyr song, Red hot chillie peppers
cloudy simon and garfunkel
hazy shade of winter, simon and garf
bright side of the road van morrison
Full force gale , van morrison
whispering wind , moby
11 Aug, 2009
Woooh! You don't have time on your hands today, do you?
Feeling any better?
What a list!
11 Aug, 2009
NAAH jus bored an stuffed up! snorkin an snarkin around can't settle an its a lovely day out thereAAAAAACHOOOOO scuse me gotta wipe the gubbins off me 'puter now!
11 Aug, 2009
It's been cold, wet & windy here!
Cleared up a bit now tho!
11 Aug, 2009
Let It Rain - Eric Clapton
It's Raining Men - ? (I wonder what sort of comment I'm gonna get from this one) LOL !!!
11 Aug, 2009
very good, but it was Cream, tho he was in it!
Hmmmmm! I had that one in too, so i can't say anything!
11 Aug, 2009
Walking On Sunshine - Katrina & The Waves
Summer Holiday - Cliff Richard
Summer Nights - John Travolta & Olivia newton John
Summertime Blues - Eddie Cochran
Summer Of 69 - Bryan Adams
I Melt - Rascals Flatts
When The Swallows Fly - The bee Gees
Miracles Happens - The Bee Gees
11 Aug, 2009
Thank God I never got a comment hahahhaa!!!!!!!!
11 Aug, 2009
I'm Still Waiting - Diana Ross
11 Aug, 2009
'Cream'? Marie- my grandfather used to like their songs he was always whistling them to me when he was fetching me from playschool lol !
11 Aug, 2009
How did I miss Summer Holiday? I ran away from home when I was 4 cos my mum said I couldn't marry Cliff Richard! My taste in men is appalling!
I take it your mother & grandmother were early starters? LOL!!!
11 Aug, 2009
Hahahahaha....Poor girl, you've had a hard life when you were little LOL !!!
11 Aug, 2009
heehee! I took some money & went to see summer holiday when I "ran away"! Got the bus on my own! When I got back she had everybody AND the police looking for me! I didn't sit for a week!
11 Aug, 2009
Nite nite...It's been fun :-)
11 Aug, 2009
Coulda sworn I just said goodnight to you!! Lol
11 Aug, 2009
Summer, The first time - Bobby Goldsborough
Sunny - Bill Withers
12 Aug, 2009
In the summer time Mungo jerry
This aint the summer of love Blue oyster cult
12 Aug, 2009
ooh! Been raiding your collection again. Indy?
12 Aug, 2009
12 Aug, 2009
Have You Ever Seen The Rain ~ Creedence Clearwater Revival.......
Seasons in the Sun......??? Can remember tune but no idea who sings it!!
12 Aug, 2009
That's the one I'd forgotten by the time I got to the kleyboard, Seasons In The Sun! It was Terry Jacks!
And I like CCR!
Great choices!
12 Aug, 2009
Woooo.....funny, where that sprang to my mind from I don't's another.....
Cold as Ice ~ Foreigner......Brrrrrrrrrr!
12 Aug, 2009
Hmmmmmmmm, good PG!
12 Aug, 2009
Somewhere in the dark recesses of my brain (not been in there for a l-o-n-g time), wasn't there something called "Play Misty For Me"?
12 Aug, 2009
seasons in the sun was Terry jacks ,i think
12 Aug, 2009
Andrew, it was a film title. It starred Clint Eastwood as a dj who had a crazy fan, who always wanted him to play "Misty" ! Great film!
Now THERE's an idea............! Ta!
Yes Indy, it was Terry Jacks!
12 Aug, 2009
12 Aug, 2009
It's one of those ones that trick you!
12 Aug, 2009
Some more for you!
"Stormy Weather" - various artistes, from Ethel Waters (what an apt name!) in 1933 to jeff Lynne (ELO - one of my fave bands) 1990. Got pics of the Peace Pole today, and saw some fab plants, but got thoroughly drenched in the process, lol. Drove home with the heater blasting to try to dry out, but only resulted in "Steamy Windows" (Tina Turner). But, coming up-to-date, on the way home, the radio played 2 apt tracks - "Can't Stop the Rain" (Cascada), and James Morrison's "Please don't stop the Rain".
AaaachOOOOOOOO! Am dried out, now. :-)
12 Aug, 2009
I LOVE Stormy Weather! I've heard so many versions of it too!
Great, thanks for getting the pics, :~))))))))
& sorry you got drenched! :~((
12 Aug, 2009
Okay Bb I concede the point that the weather angle on Telstar was the groups name Tornado's ... duh! sorry :o)))) But big yellow taxi is a very sunny title hmmmm?
Now here is one I remeber from Radio Caroline days, you youngsters will not know what Radio Caroline was 'Farewell in the rain' by the shoes a dutch group that never made it over here but it was played a lot on Caroline.
12 Aug, 2009
Bobg - my "Saviour"! Mention of "tornado" (I hope????).
Forget the drookin', Mp, was in "my element", lol! :-)
13 Aug, 2009
Ok, ok, I'll let you off with the waffling about tornadoes!
Glad you had fun yesterday!
13 Aug, 2009
But I STILL think you were thinking of lightning, what with all the flashing!
13 Aug, 2009
Bob...did you know Radio Caroline is still going....although not from a boat! We found it on our 'sky TV' the other day!
13 Aug, 2009
Just to go all up-market and posh, there's the depiction of a thunderstorm in the fourth movement of Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony
13 Aug, 2009
Isn't there one in Debussy's La Mer too?
13 Aug, 2009
Ok I'm on to nursery rhymes now!
It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring.........
Doctor Foster went to Gloucester in a shower of rain.............
13 Aug, 2009
Andrew how about Vivaldi's four seasons?
Yes Pottyg I had heard that there is a station called Caroline I did find it once online on the streaming radio stations but it was never the same as the original.
Okay okay Marie get this one ....Incey wincey spider went up the water spout and down came the rain and washed poor wincey out.......
13 Aug, 2009
I did think of fourseasons, but we were stuck on pop tunes at the time!
13 Aug, 2009
Just thought of another one for your collection .......... Sunshine Day - Osibisa
14 Aug, 2009
Love that record Louis, it's such a happy song !
14 Aug, 2009
Hmm never heard of that one, Louis!
Walkin' on sunshine - Katrina & the waves
14 Aug, 2009
I remember it now! Is that the one with "smile will bring a sunshiny day"...?
14 Aug, 2009
God save our gracious Queen;
God save our noble Queen
God save our Queen
Send her victorious
Happy and glorious
Long tooooo rain over us
God save our Queen)
14 Aug, 2009
You're getting worse, WH!
14 Aug, 2009
It'snow joke, I've fog gotten all the others!
14 Aug, 2009
Hey...I've just remembered one (phew, not altzheimers after all!)....howzabout...'clouds in my coffee' from you're so
14 Aug, 2009
14 Aug, 2009
Perhaps you ought to start a new blog on mis-heard song lyrics?
14 Aug, 2009
Yeah! My favourite is Adam Ant's Prince Charming! My brother always sang "Rita Coolidge,nothing to be scared of"!!!
14 Aug, 2009
Recent posts by madperth
- Happy New Year From Sunny(????) Perth! (My Garden is in hiding!)
1 Jan, 2010
- Autumn River Walk (didnt get far!!)
3 Nov, 2009
- Hallowe'en, Uni Style!
30 Oct, 2009
- Barge-ing around! An Autumn Outing!
28 Sep, 2009
- Oops! I went for cheese again!!
24 Sep, 2009
- Romneya's Garden!
22 Sep, 2009
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It might as well rain until September - Carole King
Storm in a teacup - the Fortunes
Something in the air - Thunderclap Newman
It's been a lovely day here ( not a song - just stating a fact )
9 Aug, 2009