Cheese Shopping, It's Dangerous, You Know!!!
By madperth
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away..
Nah, thats no’ right! Start again!
Yesterday I paid my doc a visit, & came away quite happy! According to him, I am no longer nuts (I’m a good actress)!
Anyway, I was doing my usual, not looking where I was going, when I spotted these little beauties!
They were growing on wasteland beside the railway!
so I took myself to the shops to buy some goats cheese, & bought …..
a Red Camellia
2 Heuchera (Melting Fire)
An Alchemilla Mollis, I call it Lady’s Mantle!
Some Thyme, we all need gardening Thyme!!
and a Pieris (Forest Flame)
As if that wasn’t profligate enough, someone saw me with the plants & told me about a great bargain in another shop! HMMMM! I needed fruit & veg anyway, so……
Yep! More plants!
this time I came out with ………
a Clematis Warsaw Nike
a Clematis Multi-Blue
and a cranberry bush!
AND my food shopping, let’s not forget that!!
So now my arms ache (I don’t drive!)
BUT, I don’t stop there! I go into another shop, & come out with the biscuits I went in for AND ……..
an unnamed lily
Some growing lettuce (!!!)
And a funny looking garlic called Allium (that’s garlic to me) Ampeloprasum!
So today (I put them in the shade & gave them a drink when I got home, it was WAY too hot to plant them out) I decided to sort them out!
Right you lot! line up! No straggling, mind!
You! Blue! Get over by the shed!
And the rest of you, just gio to bed!
So that was that, & I had a quick look round.
Of course I was properly attired for gardening (??!!)
These two look very friendly! Ive separated them several times but you turn around, & they’re at it again!
But poor Bella Begonia has sunburn!
I’ve taken her back into the house to recuperate.
so that’s the tale of my impulse buys. I hope they were good ones!
8 Aug, 2009
Previous post: Ladybird plague? where are mine?
Thanks Morgana!
The shoes were a joke!
I was so chuffed with the clematis! £5 each!! I think by next year the garden will be pretty good! All my plants have a lot of growing to do! :~))
9 Aug, 2009
Lots of nice plants. More interesting than food lol
9 Aug, 2009
Nice blog and lots of plants to boot! Can't fault it.
Think you need 2nd opinion from another doctor tho! :0)~
9 Aug, 2009
That's the trouble with supermarkets these days - they've all started to sell tempting plants! How on earth did you carry all that lot home...with your shopping?
9 Aug, 2009
I gave up when I added the lily, coudn't carry anymore so I got a taxi Spritz!
I did get a 2nd opinion, OB! Ther were 2 of them there!!
Yes, the plants are more interesting than food Hywel! But I dId remember to get my Somerset goats cheese!
9 Aug, 2009
Well if youve got to be a compulsive shopper its got to be better than a close full of
nice plants M love the clems.
9 Aug, 2009
That's the thing Indy! Up til a few weeks ago, I would've been buying shoes! Last week I went out for shoes & came back with lights for the garden!!!!!
I love the clems too. Fantastic colours! The blue is just about to give me more flowers AND some seeds!
9 Aug, 2009
you got some great plants there mari, well done, anyway who needs food lol, happy planting :o)
9 Aug, 2009
I did buy SOME food! :~))
9 Aug, 2009
lol good, dont want you withering like my buddleia
9 Aug, 2009
Hee hee! I could do with a little more "withering", or maybe I should ATTEMPT to have a go on the bike I was just given! Haven't been on one for years, but they say it's just like riding a bike!!!!!!!!!!! :~)D
9 Aug, 2009
he he he its a strange feeling when you havent ridden in a while plus the sadle sore ooowww, and the traffic puts me off, alright if you have a nice quiet place to cycle, we have one here, takes us through the mere and to stanley park which is our central park and lovely, after telling you all that i still dont ride a bike lol
9 Aug, 2009
Hee hee! the walk I take (if you don't cut off to the river) starts on a tarmac-ed path that goes for miles, so I'm told! There are always cyclists out there! And it shoulb be simple enough & maybe I won't get lost!!!!
9 Aug, 2009
should give it a go mari while the weather is nice, be quick though
9 Aug, 2009
Nah, too busy in the garden right now! Maybe later today, it's hot at the moment!
9 Aug, 2009
it is lovely, im not to good today with my tum, so not be doing to much :o((
9 Aug, 2009
You take care!
9 Aug, 2009
thanx mari, got app on 18th grr scan, so wish me luck :o)
9 Aug, 2009
I do indeed wish you luck! More prayers going out today! :~))
9 Aug, 2009
:o)) cheers mari x
9 Aug, 2009
I love the fact you can pick up a clematis with your cheese & a lily with your loaf...I bought a white gardenia & a red pot mum in Morrissons yesterday so you're not alone! Go girl! ;0)
9 Aug, 2009
Yep! the pieris, red gardenia, heucheras alchemilla & thyme all came from Morrisons! I was going to get a parasol, but they'd sold out!
9 Aug, 2009
people are going mad for them mari to shelter from the rain lol
9 Aug, 2009
Hee hee! Maybe I should just get a golf brolly!
9 Aug, 2009
great idea and would be differant to lol
9 Aug, 2009
Wish I had one! Its tanking down, bouncing off the ground! I just had to put my lights on!!! :~((
Yes!!! A thunderstorm! :~))))))
9 Aug, 2009
Time to switch the lights off and meditate maybe...
9 Aug, 2009
Good idea Indy! Cya later!
9 Aug, 2009
looks like it may rain here later, but nothing yet mari, poor you
9 Aug, 2009
I've got 2 pieris, both differant to look at but are really nice, well done with the shopping.
9 Aug, 2009
Thanks Clarice, I thought I'd better get some evergreens in & some winter colour!
9 Aug, 2009
OMG, you're giving me a migraine, lol! All those "impulse buys"! :-)
10 Aug, 2009
Chill! The garden needed them!! I got my Bhodi Tree seeds too! Yay!!
Mind you, I'm TOTALLY skint now!!
10 Aug, 2009
By the way, it's the cheese that gives you nightmares!! Lol! :~)D
10 Aug, 2009
Crikey!! I turn my back for 5 minutes (err, ok maybe 5 days, lol) and you go mad Madperth....spending all that dosh on plants!! Well done!! A woman after my own heart, lol :)
It's looking good...keep up the good work!
Di x
11 Aug, 2009
Thanks Di! Wish the bank manager felt that way!The shoes were for you!
Where you been?
11 Aug, 2009
Lovely blog the 'warsaw Nike'....havent heard of it before...:>)
15 Aug, 2009
Neither had I, it was an Aldi buy, along with the Multi-blue!
15 Aug, 2009
Bet he/she (the BM) has a migraine now, too, you canny shopper!
15 Aug, 2009
He went nuts at me! Asked what the payments were for! I told him I was speculating to accumulate & trying to grow my own food! Well, food for my soul! I WASN'T lying, I DID but some herb plants & lettuce!
15 Aug, 2009
Recent posts by madperth
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- Autumn River Walk (didnt get far!!)
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- Hallowe'en, Uni Style!
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- Barge-ing around! An Autumn Outing!
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- Oops! I went for cheese again!!
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- Romneya's Garden!
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Lovely blog I see you are just like what I use to be like with high heels gardening and snow lol you have some lovely plants there especially I love that clematis against the shed and the war saw one is just fantastic to me its lovely hope they all do well for you.
9 Aug, 2009